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Everything posted by wackosr

  1. Hi Toby, dropped you an email, thanks.
  2. Hi, can someone clarify what this part is please? I though it my be a suspension brace. Reaso I ask is becasue it's on the rusty side. Just wondering wheher to whip it off and retore it or get a replacement or poss upgrade. Thoughts please. Cheers Jacko
  3. Where is this?? I think I have been here before about 10 years ago, or somewhere very similar!! Admitedly on foot.
  4. I did a ride from Eda;e years ago on my old Rotec 6" travel DH bike!! Bloody hard work and quite a bit of pushing, but well worth it for a full chat run down. I think it was Jacob's Ladder or very close too it!
  5. They'll give you a small increase in power but the best gains from a remap is the improved drive-ability. The smoothness and where the torque curve is. Optimising the fueling makes any vehicle drive so much better. Okay, thank's for that. Smoothness is always good! Does it give more torque at lower revs improving pick up/accelertion? Cheers Jacko
  6. Without the risk of sounds dumb, what the difference between the revup adn the pre rev up? Guessing something Nissan changed witht the engine at some point, with the face lift model? I have ann 53/04 plate, would a plenum spacer and re map give me good gains? Cheers Jacko
  7. I saw this and thought it was cheap. Problem is it's collection only from Ireland!
  8. Use black marker pen as a tempory touch up. Better than a silver line! That does suck after all your hard work. Looking good.
  9. That looks rather stealth! Also really wanted one until I got the Zed.
  10. Probably need to check with your insurance company too.
  11. wackosr

    IM BACK !!

    I hear K1's are okay with a rag top as you don't get so much drone through the boot. I have a K1 with bungs on my tin top and is a little noisey when accererating hard, okay when cruising.
  12. Sounds good to me, no more pussy footing around and worrying about being PC etc. Police should be able to use whatever force is necessary to bring these scumbags to justice. Laws need to be re-thought and re-written to make sure the scum have less rights and the punishment fits the crime, regardless of age. No more slaps on the wrist, suspended scentances and a couple of hours community service! And we most certainly shouldn't be paying for these scum bags to live!! Cut all benifits and make them work for minimum wage picking up litter on the central reservation of the M1. Also, for those who doen't get locked up, nice big GPS trackers strapped to them with a cerfew in place. If they go where they shouldn't or break cerfew, then they get banged up!
  13. Seems we could end up with Vigilanty groups taking the law in to their own hands!!
  14. Great idea Husky. Time to dust off the old point and shoot.
  15. Just heard on Sky News. 16000 Police in London tonight and prepared to use Rubber Bullets!! God know what's going to happen now, but let's hope those responsible are taught a lesson. The Full Force of the Law!!
  16. Awsome pics, really nice. Great car in a great colour!!
  17. Never did me any harm as a child! Still, I think parents would probably get done for assult these days!! The bubble wrap brigade would definitely have something to say.
  18. Thanks for that. Yes, I'm guessing just the area and a spot of blending in should do the trick! Cheaper is alway good! Definitely don't want it getting worse or comming back!!
  19. That is sickening. Let kindly help him up and pretend we care, just so we can get to his back pack and rob him blind!!
  20. Yes, living next to a set of sweeping bends ment the curtains didn't get closed so we could watch people pirouette outside our window! Okay, cool, thanks for that. I'll have to get it sored out soon and coated before the weather gets worse!! Cheers Jacko
  21. viewtopic.php?f=53&t=45914 May be worth a look. You can get a cleaner adn a conditioner. If your seats have faded worm marks, a spot of scuff master to restor the colour. I've got some sat at home, something for me to do at thw weekend!!
  22. Fantastic idea. That would save the goverment a few pennies to put towards paying for this mess, man power and damage. I'd also get those caught to clean up the mess etc.
  23. Hi Coppz, I think I've just been unlucky, I wouldn't worry too much. I've not had her too long and there was quite a build up of dirt in the lip behind the arch, which probably contributed towards this bubble! I must admit, I do a lot of shedding too, so the Zed will spend most of the winter in the garage, especially if the gritters have been out. To be honest if the weather was bad I probably wouldn't get out of the street, had a good laugh at a TT last year that couldn't get up the slope! By undersealed, do you mean wax oil? Definitely worth getting the bubble fixed and then the car treated, don't want it to slowy rot away on the drive! Cheers Jacko
  24. I must admit, I agree with nearly everything thing that has been said. We need to be seen to be tough, rough justice. Unfortunately the Police aren't allowed to be heavy handed otherwise they end up being the criminals! In times of crisis there should be no moral high ground, only justice being served by those in authoriety. Be it water cannons, rubber bullets, high velocity bean bags, tazers etc... Ypu don't see police forces inother countries having to be so refrained as they crack yob's round the legs with their night sticks. Once a few of these moronic thugs have been hit or taken a knock, they are going to think twice about what they do next. (Especially if one of two rubber bullets go astray!!) At the moment they think they can get away with it or worst case a few hours community service or a suspended sentance!
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