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Everything posted by taffyjason

  1. done some net hunting, figure of 42lbs comes up a lot, or 19kg to us brits, that includes the rails apparently....any aftermarket seats for day-to-day use seem to be about the same, so no real savings it seems
  2. be good to get a definitive figure though
  3. so an easy weight save there then!
  4. Its 'cos he has his own youtube channel, he is an egomaniac, sod the little ...i wont swear...!
  5. the east asian women all look massively underage, but scary how good they are
  6. its gross isnt it, its such a peadophile-fest!
  7. the guy with the broken shoulder who still dived deserved the gold, daley deserves a kicking for being an egomaniac!
  8. it has much more flavour, if you look at a bottle in the shops, you'll see the spices it has added, makes a Gin a party
  9. good lad...now set him on Tom Daley, i realllly hate that guy!
  10. its good in winter!
  11. in winter Red Wine by the Pint, in Summer, Stella by the 24pack
  12. ah ok you can come if you like
  13. mo is a slower version of Bolt...only a much harder race!
  14. well you're not invited then!
  15. are you upsetting people again??
  16. Yeah those ones, just looking up aftermarket seats to see what possible weight reductions can be made, Sparco do a nice 'Milano' model, but that's 17kg, so not much of a saving overall
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