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Everything posted by Adrian@TORQEN

  1. Spotted: 4th of May 8.21pm on M1 J5 to J4
  2. Resistance is futile, get it, PM ZMANALEX
  3. Lots of microSD 32gb available on ebay: http://shop.ebay.co.uk/i.html?_nkw=32gb ... 86.c0.m359
  4. Coming over to the Wales meeting? I'll treat you with a bottle of special wine
  5. Yeah, true, but my bank account won't look great empty
  6. I don't mind sponsoring with some traditional Romanian sausages to stick on the grill, you can chose from here: http://www.albinuta.co.uk/meat-and-saus ... cat_9.html Let me know in advance, there is a choice of smoked, fresh, etc. Adrian
  7. Thanks! Can't wait to have the body kit sprayed and fitted early next week, booked for Monday & Tuesday @ RT-Performance, got a feeling that a new topic will be created soon on this subject by RT-Performance I'm thinking of getting the calipers painted by ZMANALEX in red
  8. Got the 18" black Rays and Eibach Pro 20/25mm spacers from ZMANALEX about 2 hours ago and got them fitted. Thanks Alex for another nice job with quick delivery! Love the look of the black Rays and the stance of the car with the spacers fitted! Some crappy iPhone photos bellow:
  9. You're never grumpy are you Mike Hello Octet Hi Sarah, how are you?
  10. I liked your first post Mike which you have quickly deleted where you wrote: "Another thing you have to learn is take a break." You should have left as it was Anyway, if I'm trying to "sell" at what price am I selling it? I did not ask for anything, did I? Have we lost trust in people forever? I feel that some bad experience is floating around here that I might not be aware of... Seriously, no need to be grumpy (if you are), Mike.
  11. Why am I being wrongly understood? I'm not trying to do myself any favours in here, just trying to help if needed, is not that complicated, is it?
  12. The online communication by writing only is not perfect yet You can not see eachother's face, gesture, emotions, it's hard to gather information about feelings (upset, happy, shouting, screaming, etc)
  13. Who said I'm upset? Will I still try to help here if I was upset? It take a lot more than that to be said or done to upset me.
  14. Here are some stats from one of the forums I run (joomla + kunena + jomsocial + jcalendar + others) in the attached screenshot. Also the server where it runs, together with many other websites: [root@zeus ~]# w 14:44:21 up 47 days, 22:23, 2 users, load average: 0.31, 0.63, 0.92 [root@zeus ~]# 47 days ago I've installed the latest kernel patches therefore a reboot was necessary [root@zeus vhosts]# ll -lsa | wc -l 56 [root@zeus vhosts]# 56 websites running on here...
  15. Mike, bellow is the screenshot with the reply you've sent me back in February on my first contact, to me it's quite blunt, sorry
  16. Kunena is the perfect alternative if you want to have a complete working system using Joomla as Content Management System - news, articles, calendar (list of all events happening with the feature that people can RSVP and it will show up in their profile), social networking (Facebook like, wall, apps, etc), live chat( not separated, members will be able the write a reply on the forum and private chat with different members that are online), photo album with dedicated albums from each event / meeting in one place where members will be able to comment on each photo or tag members like on Facebook, ads section where members can sell their cars, parts, etc, a members map and so on. If you just want a simple forum in terms of functionality then stick to phpBB 3 and forget about the paid crappy versions like vbulletin or IPB...
  17. By the way, just booked with Colin for the Wales event, I'll come and meet you guys, building on the trust element as I said See you all there!
  18. In the event of upgrading we will be keeping the exact forum structure, posts, user list, etc. It's just faster, more features in terms of interacting and so on. We can vote for the features that we would like to keep and that we would like to eliminate.
  19. Peak time doesn't necessarily means when most users are online, but when the users and the hundreds of bing, google, yahoo and other spiders are crawling the forum. While you're investigating have a look at the traffic stats, it may well be a case where DoS is happening. About the phpBB not being old, let us remember the following about the engine behind it: In February 2001, phpBB 2.0.x began development entirely from scratch; the developer's ambitions for phpBB had outgrown the original codebase. Doug Kelly joined the team shortly afterwards. After a year of development and extensive testing, phpBB 2.0.0, dubbed the "Super Furry" version, was released on April 4, 2002, three days later than intended. phpBB forums are used frequently with multiplayer online game sites. Work on phpBB 3.0.x began in late 2002. It was originally intended to be released as phpBB 2.2, and the first planned feature list was announced on May 25, 2003. However, as development progressed, the developers realised that phpBB 2.1.x (the development release cycle for 2.2) had eliminated virtually all compatibility with the 2.0.x line, so the version number for release was changed to 3.0.0, in keeping with the Linux kernel versioning scheme, which phpBB followed at the time. In September 2005, Paul Owen resigned as the Development Team Leader and Meik Sievertsen was promoted to the role. ...blah blah blah... The first beta of phpBB3 was released in June 2006, and the first release candidate was released in May 2007. The phpBB3 codebase received an external security audit in September, which was done by SektionEins. Finally, phpBB 3.0.0 "Olympus" (also dubbed the Gold release) was published on December 13, 2007.
  20. Simple answer is NO, because the systems is very old, outdated and uses extremely complicated long SQL queries that slow down the website at peak times as it happened yesterday in the evening again. Most likely the hosting is a big issue as well...
  21. There's nothing else I could add but just to say that my offer remains available for a while.
  22. Hi Mike, There is one more thing I learnt over the years is that as much as you like or dislike one thing, people are different, they think different. When we build communities, voluntarily or in the business interest we have to listen in a democratic way to what members wish or suggest otherwise we risk of loosing them... That can easily be resolved by a trial period and poll over here. Things can be adjusted / amended to fit what the majority would like. The demo I have created took me only few hours that evening I wrote you, imagine what could be achieved in using all our skills combined, the resources we have, the user experience in here and listening to what the crowd wishes! P.S. Take in consideration that English is not my native language and things I may say in here may be interpreted different to what I meant. I can assure you of my true and honest interest in the good will of this community as a support and giving something back to the help I have received here and will receive in the future Later edit: I can provided the admin user and password to the members of the team here, admins and moderators if you want to play with the setup and configuration. The forum looks as a draw back because is empty but have a look in here for instance: http://www.kunena.org/forum/index
  23. Hi, I completely understand what you mean and this is the first positive step (approach) taken, before I've been told: thanks, but no, thanks. In terms of changing the layout you are partially right. What I meant by improving the site is not making it more complex, but give it more modern features and also keep it simple! I have upgraded my community websites many times in the past years, as we've started with PHPBB as well and later migrate to other systems. Never changed the website layout completely in one go, but gradually, when necessary. In my experience I found out that this was the major point of difference comparing to our "competitors", keep the website fancy, with many new / modern features, fast loading, well organised (specially the forum part and the tutorials) and so on. Never liked IPB or Vbulletin, I like open source forums We could migrate to PHPBB 3 or to Kunena(best option by far). Regarding the trust element, I agree with you, I'm fairly new in here, but I gave you all details (or if not yet I can PM) including the other companies I own, address, contact numbers, etc. Maybe we can also meet sometimes in the future, first meeting I will be attending is the Port Solent one on June, hope to get the car ready by then with all the mods I planned, most of the work being carried out this and the next week. ZMANALEX and Tarmac can also testify the amount of money I've spent with them and that I always kept my promises in the business relationship I had with them regarding payments, etc. The passwords in the database are MD5 (encrypted) but I don't need root access to it yet. As a side joke, if I really wanted it I could have just gain root access in here, trust me with few SQL injections / XSS We can start by building onto the new demo site I created here: http://www.350zed.co.uk and get few users from here to try every feature of the website and suggest what else we need to change / adapt. Once we have finished all the features we can then look into migrating the existing content into the new website and server under your domain. Once we've migrated to the new system, we can test it for another month let's say and then we can make it widely available. Details for SQL, FTP, email, control panel will be made available to whoever the team wants to, eg: all admins. Hope that clarifies it! Adrian
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