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Posts posted by jumping350

  1. Thanks guys, actually looking at the front end alone brings a smile to my face :) driving it ....cannot wait :yahoo:

    Still got a few little bits to sort but that's the major things done now, I also forgot about the oil temp gauge :headhurt: so wiring all that in and running it to drivers area is now also added to the list!

    May have to wait till after Christmas for dyno but will see how much progress I make and how bad the weather is

  2. But...I wasnt finished there!!

    Having done my build for nearly two years :wacko::lol: Ive read about a bit! Some suggest its not the greatest place for the filter to go as its right behind the bumper and the Veilside is even worse because its kind of housed in there with no direct air flow.

    So what to do? yes, make a CAI for my CAI :lol:

    I got this stuff which is really strong and looks cool




    It magically bends most ways and retains its shape all the time




    So I begun to route it through any gap I could find that went near the filter




    Pretty much spot on if you ask me :teeth:




    Started to put everything back together again!! and finished routing piping




    I made sure the diameter of the piping was big enough to fit over the right hand side hole of the Veilside bumper when it goes back on and routed the piping so it sits right in front and can secure over holes neatly. Just cable tied for now until I can get some more clips

    The finished article!! Quite a busy front end now but at least all the holes in my bumper serve a purpose now :lol:




    I also have bought some of this fine modeling mesh (im spraying it black) which is really easy to shape/glue snuggly around all 4 holes to stop debris etc coming through which il do over the weekend




    After the bumper bits, sorting out bracket for number plate and filling with oil and turning over to make sure shes ok,, she will be off to Jez :yahoo:

    • Like 3
  3. Today I feel I hit a milestone :)

    Finished off oil cooler, all nuts thread locked and everything tight and in place..its rock solid




    Braided lines tightened...now just need to fill her with oil




    Next task the CAI for the Vortech, started out with these and sized them up and got enough jubilee clips for the cause




    The dremeling was long, a process of grind, check, grind, check, charge dremel come back and same all over again until I got the stupid pipe in!




    Turbinetastic :)




    But alas this was not enough, it need wiggle room in various places so the silicone hose could fit around it which the trusty dremel came out again






    Eventually got it to this point and everything would... I hope fit




    After much wrestling and swearing and dremeling I finally got the 90 degree elbow in place






    I had to remove the crash bar to get the gigantic filter behind it which was fun seeing as I had just permanently mounted the oil cooler :rant:

    Then much more dremeling to get the last pipe in place and the air filter to fit properly but a snug fit




    Finally in place and ready to be tightened in position





  4. Only just seen this! Thanks for the Birthday Love guys, spent most of it at work and went out and suffered heavily today :lol:

    Got a few cool pressies this year



    Most importantly being the cordless Dremel my misses and neighbour chipped in to get after witnessing me on Sunday trying to figure out how to get a 50 metre extension lead across the road and a bit to my garage to Dremel that stupid hole for the supercharger :lol: I believe they came to the cordless conclusion after I waited for the neighbours across the road to go out and attempted to chuck the plug over there fence across the garden and over the fence on the other side :wacko: it was never going to make it :lol:


    I just need to find out what Dremel bit Dunks used to do his out of the 250 piece kit I got

    • Like 1
  5. Awesome Dunks, I was there not long ago and brings back awesome memories, good to have another charged zed joining the clan, I bet you get it tuned before me im a nightmare :lol:

    Also the rest of your zed looks great some well put together mods there

    • Like 1
  6. No worries will PM you Bennett, it was much easier with the bracket especially with the holes already drilled, I took a punt praying the holes matched the oil cooler mounts and they did, other wise that would be another part in the pile of 'send it back as it doesnt fit or wont work ' :lol:

    Im nearly there just got to dremel that stupid hole out for CAI which is doing my nut in, can you send me those pics?

  7. Thanks Stu, there is not a lot of room at all!

    Well at the moment there is a couple of mm to spare but may shave off a bit more just to be on the safe side but the crash bar stops the bumper going back any further anyway. Will also shave off the area around where the lines connect, am going to fabricate some sort of blank off plates for the holes in case its a very cold day and I need to drive the zed.

    Still haven't sorted the number plate out either or where its going :wacko:

  8. Headed out today while I had some time to measure up and fit oil cooler


    rough mock up with some holes drilled already,




    Took a while to get the Mocal mount in the right place and the holes marked out properly on the crash bar




    Then routed and connected oil lines




    All bolted up, i still need to cut one more threaded bar and am short about 9 washers and nuts but at least thats the easy bit :lol:




    Bumper back on and lines fit nicely inside bumper and round




    Setup back to sandwich plate




    After all the faffing around....oil cooler bang in front of Veilside holes B)



  9. I was tempted by this but the zed has a very long front and pretty sure I would just ground out before my front wheel was even near the ramp because of my front bumper, didnt want to wast the money trying to find out, you maybe ok with standard bumper but not sure

  10. likewise with Andybp if you can do a lot yourself its cuts the costs down dramatically, I know my final figure is a lot healthier from doing a lot myself or with help of others, do plenty of reading if you are going to go down this route, you really have to fully understand everything before hand to make an informed decision on which way you are going to go

    This is so true and just when you think you know it all something else will come up. :lol:


    Tell me about it, im nearly there though now then im touching nothing :lol:

    Thats a decent price nissanman312 though being a 370 im not surprised by cost of kit

  11. likewise with Andybp if you can do a lot yourself its cuts the costs down dramatically, I know my final figure is a lot healthier from doing a lot myself or with help of others, do plenty of reading if you are going to go down this route, you really have to fully understand everything before hand to make an informed decision on which way you are going to go

    • Like 1
  12. I think its the cheap chinese knock offs that are the problem a few people have said dont buy any that dont have a UK 3 pin plug on it as standard.

    Not sure about balance but would imagine its similar to snowboarding...


    Though you could end up like below :lol:


    • Like 4
  13. like a glove!!




    ive made enough room so I can mount the oil cooler lower down and directly in front of the holes as at the moment it is sitting a bit higher




    To help with the **** angled mountings I bought these mounts to help the situation




    nearly ready for permanent mounting :teeth:

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