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Everything posted by Jed

  1. Jed

    350Z-uk stickers

    Stickers arrived and on car..thankyou!
  2. My sincere condolences to Ians family and that of his passenger. though i havenever met Ian i have read and spoke on here his thoughts and contributions.
  3. well i've had the Z 2 months now n thought ide post my views! absolutely love it!!!! I have a MGZT-T cdti too, n said to myself i'll drive that as my every day. But that aint happened yet! Cost me about £300 a month in fuel to get to work n back and worth every penny. the burbble of the exhaust, the looks, the feeling of look at me (poser i know) is worth every penny. have read the threads about fuel economy, etc. dint buy my Z for that, if i had ide av bought a micra (or whatever). Basically. love it n well worth every penny. only problem ive got is its costing me a fortune in wants? mods.etc. (A divorce if i dont stop spending) On a final note. THIS Forum has been a god send! Advice, Information and just need to know. heres to many years to come and i hope (Fingers crossed) my 370 next year! So advice to any newbies...go for it. forget fuel economy, forget expence, smile factor is worth a million dollars especialy when ya sat at the lights n the guy in the vectra is looking but trying not to show ya he's looking is ..great! If your bothered about economy, tyres, servicing,etc then buy a ford if you wanna drive a proper car with balls under the bonnet then enjoy your z! (No disrespect to our female members)
  4. taking care!!! Your old man can drift i'll say that!!
  5. Jed

    350Z-uk stickers

    Have just donated/ordered 2 x these stickers1 are they here yet?
  6. We'll have to have a roundabout meet just so we can wave at each other!! starting to feel paranoid now!
  7. Followed a silver blade at the Roundabout this morning, right behind you at approx 5.30am.
  8. wonder if it was the same guy? I spotted a black 370 coming out of Tesco, seacroft n he looked n looked away? very nice looking motor tho..sexy as feck (The car that is)
  9. what leeds body shop are you using unabashed? need one myself soon!
  10. got to agree! Theres a Black z ive seen coming onto the ring rd just down from horsforth a few times. give a short blast on horn n a wave n he looked at me stupid? well if i see ya mate i'll give ya a wave n hi ya (Azure/reg; J3DS)
  11. Seen a Blade a few times now around LS15. Followed rght up my rear other day to Colton vllage before turning off. say Hi if your about!
  12. funny you should say that! I asked my Mrs what she had been doing today and she said Gary from Autowindscreens had been round to squirt some of his special fluid into her crack! It didnt dawn on me till later, she hasn't got a car!!!!
  13. Really uncomfy,slow compared to your z750's,etc. But looks to die for! Seriously though. Loads of torque in bottom end and taking corners is amazing at high speed. Only produces about 90bhp at the rear wheel but its instant power. Sound noisy with its dry clutch but it aint a problem, just noisy. make sure its been properly serviced and especialy the cam chains and Rocker arms. other than that mate..A good buy unless you can get the 916 which is better. I had one of the last models made back in 03 and its basically a race bike for the road, so hope this helps you?
  14. thats all i needed to know cheers! Thinking of pulling it out n replacing the head unit anyway.
  15. Will a UK sat Nav update disc be any good for the Import and update it?
  16. Nice plate..!! I look at them as an investment, I paid an arm and a leg for mine, but it's perfect for me and the Zed. I'm hoping to keep it for a lot of years to come, and see what it's worth when I eventually do come to sell it... although I've restricted myself to only ever buying V6 cars until I do..!! same as. ive got HOG for the harley n just bought a triumph. Gunna retain the plate tho for future use. Have J3DS on the Z n several cars before so prefer name related for my cars and no restriction! Though i have been fined £60 now on two occassions by our delightfull Police for the spacing!
  17. Theres "350 TOY" on ebay at mo for 3k !
  18. Would a brit satnav disc, set up n re prog the jap one for uk by any chance?
  19. what kit are you going for? prob the Neo Design Merowing Bodykit. Might changed the rear tho to the vader??? Expression's want me to drop Bumpers n skirts off first so they can be wrapped before rest of car.
  20. Split my paintwork! My fault though as i did read the pro's n con's in this thread! Anyway booked in for a full carbon wrap in October. just got to have my body kit sorted 1st
  21. Jed

    Fuming !!!!

    let tyres down on her Kwaka ZZR...now that would **** her off!
  22. have done and thanx lads! booked and sorted ! Next thing if any one knows a good body shop in and around Leeds?
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