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Everything posted by ShortPaul

  1. ShortPaul

    lake Z photos

    Wicked time, thanks Martin some great photos of some great looking cars
  2. Hi, would really like to do both the drive out and the boat trip. Not shure what timings have been arranged. Does the drive out get back time?
  3. Hi Martin, please can you add my name Short Paul + one to the list for the buffet please Cheers Paul
  4. Hi Husky, were the Police displaying a temporary sign for this safty camera? because I did not spot the temporary sign Cheers Paul
  5. Hi Martin, Short Paul + 1, for buffet please Cheers Paul
  6. Hi Martin, Please would you add my name to the list, Short Paul for + 1, will be camping, look forward to meeting up Cheers Paul
  7. Hi mate mate they look good,were they fitted to pasenger seat only
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