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Posts posted by Stretch

  1. My old mum used to work in the local Nissan dealership for a number of years so I become well aware of the capabilities of the various technicians. Some were very good and others you wouldn't trust to maintain a wheelbarrow, they even had one chap whose ability to service your car was determined by how much ale he'd consumed the night previous. A full Nissan service history looks very nice on paper but in reality I would have far more confidence in a documented regular service by a trusted independent or knowledgeable owner

  2. My mum worked at the local Nissan dealership from the mid seventies until the mid nineties and if a 300ZX came in the mechs would be queuing up to test drive it, bet it's the same now with the 350/370Z.


    When my mate was an apprentice mech many years ago one of the desirable cars of the time was a dolomite sprint. One of his colleagues eagerly sped out of the yard taking one for a test drive and crashed into a stationary lorry which had just arrived for inspection. He said all you heard was an almighty crash accompanied by a wheel trim rolling round the corner closely followed by an ashen faced mech asking 'who left that lorry there?' :lol:


    Unfortunately mechanics love driving customers fast cars, an age old pastime I'm afraid. Another pal who used to man a signal box next to a level crossing rang me to say my old 200SX had just raced past his box and thought it'd been nicked. Funnily enough it was at a garage up the road have the remote locking fixed, didn't realise that particular fault required a test drive :lol:

  3. 18/05/1991 :lol:

    Over twenty years ago Dave and I can remember it like it was yesterday. Was resigned to not going but a pal unexpectedly got me a ticket on the Monday before the game, albeit for the Forest end. Had a very expensive, messy weekend in London :lol:

  4. Wanton vandalism to several vehicles with the culprits caught bang to rights and the police don't seem to be very enthusiastic in pursuing the matter to its fullest yet going 34 in a 30 and they're all over it. Something dramatically wrong here :rant::angry::bang: Would be tempted to take the matter into my own hands :angry:

  5. Travelling from the West Midlands to Penzance, passed a 57 plate gunmetal on the M5 between Gloucester and Bristol and found a private plate (B8 ---) chilli red parked next to us after stopping at the services just before Exeter. Also spotted a blade coupe travelling east just as we entered Cornwall on the A30

  6. Had to pop out this morning and, if the horrendous weather wasn't enough, the clowns contracted by the council had been at it with their tar and chippings :rant::angry: (no disrespect meant to any road maintenance people on here :lol: ) Correct me if I'm mistaken but the whole sorry procedure hasn't progressed in the fourty years since I was regularly chastised as a child for treading tar into the house and ripping the knees out of my trousers when skidding off my bike on the patches of excess gravel. Surely with the advances in technology there must be a cost effective less mess orientated method available. Rant over :rant:

  7. What's your first recollection of a zed. Mine is queing in traffic approaching the M40 junction off the M42. Both the motorway carriageways are at a standstill and I was sat in traffic in my old S13 200SX admiring the view. Suddenly I hear an awesome roar as an azure blue zed zooms past up the empty inside exit lane, the sun was on it and it looked and sounded :yahoo: That was the first zed I'd ever seen and I was massively impressed, never thought I'd end up owning one though :lol: A few weeks later I was in the Nissan dealership picking up an oil filter for the S13 and had just aquired over twenty grand as a deposit for a house, to say I wasn't tempted would be a big lie :lol: don't think my woman at the time would have been over pleased though regardless of the beauty of the zed

  8. I think a lot of phobias are inherent. Sure my fear of spiders was engineered at an early age by seeing my mothers reaction when faced by one. Six foot four and seventeen stone and terrified of a little spider, pathetic :lol:

  9. well thats what i think anyway this is my prediction of top 6

    1st man u

    2nd man city

    3rd tottenham

    4th newcastle

    5th arsenal

    6th chelse

    what do you think will be top 6

    Plus Chelsea losing in the Champions League final


    If Carlsberg did end of seasons.........................

  10. Welcome :)


    Im sure the coupe isnt to everyones taste and might hate me when i say that in a straight line from a rolling 2nd gear start....the coupe leaves the Z quite easy.


    Not really too surprising as no doubt the Rover is running good power. Anyone who buys a Z purely for straight line speed is a fool :snack:


    I havent had the rover dyno'd since i rebuilt it and upgraded a few things, but yes your right. For a 20 year old car, she shifts.


    I bought the z purely because its a nice machine and its very comfortable on a long drive. I spend 2 hours a day commuting, so i thought i'd get something i would like to commute in


    Two hour commute!! You must have set aside a large budget for fuel then :lol:



    I dont think that anybody who buys a Z is too bothered about petrol prices and fuel costs :scare:

    Well if you have enough disposable cash for unlimited fuel at whatever price they wish to charge fair play to you :thumbs:


    Unfortunately I, and many others on here I suspect, dont :thumbdown:

  11. Welcome :)


    Im sure the coupe isnt to everyones taste and might hate me when i say that in a straight line from a rolling 2nd gear start....the coupe leaves the Z quite easy.


    Not really too surprising as no doubt the Rover is running good power. Anyone who buys a Z purely for straight line speed is a fool :snack:


    I havent had the rover dyno'd since i rebuilt it and upgraded a few things, but yes your right. For a 20 year old car, she shifts.


    I bought the z purely because its a nice machine and its very comfortable on a long drive. I spend 2 hours a day commuting, so i thought i'd get something i would like to commute in


    Two hour commute!! You must have set aside a large budget for fuel then :lol:

  12. There seems to be a little confusion here between a hospital and a hotel. A hospitals primary function is to provide appropriate healthcare to make you better. Unfortunately luxury is not part of the package, If you're expecting anything other than basic you'll be massively disappointed. Lack of TV channels and snoring ward mates are sadly to be expected but if the level of care you receive is substandard then you have a legitimate right to complain

  13. There was no super in Shrewsbury either mate but as I only use mine at weekends I got away with putting just a tenners worth of 95 ron in to get me out of trouble, thankfully shes now got a full tank of proper fuel onboard. I can't put into words my contempt towards the imbeciles who flocked to the pumps like sheep and took all the fuel :rant::angry::bang:

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