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Everything posted by kazman

  1. Thanks are there any connections I specifically want to avoid disconnecting? I could see a couple fo White connectors near the motor fitted near the front of the sear frame. I assume I want to try these? I think it's the actual rocker switch tbh, it does not feel as clicky as the passenger side one and when I really leant on it earlier the seat went forward again a bit.
  2. Thanks chaps, your right of course. If they say no I'm guessing I should go the trading standards route? Anyway it's my problem. Glad the car drives great again, hugely annoyed the drivers seat motor has broken now. This is shaping up to be a money pit (not entirely down to the cars fault mind)
  3. Well the other garage checked the alignment today, it was a mile out. Basically everything the previous garage had adjusted had been set wrong. Now the car drives great and the steering wheel is centred again. At the moment I'm too angry to know what to do, I should demand a refund from the previous garage but I know they will try and squirm out of it, claiming I should have taken it back to them (for a third time). The fact is though, that the geometry settings they showed me (and then reconfirmed on the second visit) were just not right! They were even telling me it was worn components etc on my car...
  4. Thanks for the replys. Unfortunately the seat does not adjust forwards or backwards now (possibly all the way back already) so I can't even experiment... The forward backwards recline is working fine so nothing to be gained by twidiling with that... Electric seats with no manual override must be the most stupid invention in the world in the future I would advise peole to buy a non GT model, that way you get a cd player that works and seats that won't potentialy leave you stranded.
  5. The forward/backward electrical adjustment on my drivers seat has just stopped working. Luckily it failed in a position that is ok for me to drive in, but is there no manual override of any sort? I am hoping I can get this repaired on my 3rd party warranty (I phoned them and they said it is covered). I think it's the rocker switch itself, it seemed happier going back than forward when I adjusted it earlier, now it goes neither way but I think that because it is all the way back. I'm guessing it's not a fuse as the passengers side is ok as is the angle adjustment on the drivers side.
  6. Ok, so here are my current readings (all in degree minute, which is where i am trouble comparing my toe settings) Front - Camber left = -1.13 right = -0.03 (not ideal but nothing they can do about this) Caster left = 8.04 right = 8.13 toe left = 0.03 right = 0.03 (remember this is in degree minutes) Rear Camber left = -1.49 right = -1.42 toe left = 0.05 right = 0.06 The only settings changed other than front toe was the rear left camber, which previously measured -2.30 Cheers
  7. Looking over the after settings they gave me it would all appear fine (more difference between the front left and front right camber than desireable but this is non adjustable). My concern is that the readings they have given me are not representative of the work they have performed... or all this talk of the Zed having meaty steering has been a lie and they are supposed to be very light?
  8. Thanks, i will keep everyone updated. Yes, i am going to get a copy of the before and after from this garage and compare it to the "after" from the previous garage.
  9. Only had my Zed about 3 weeks, but after being a good boy and getting a 4 wheel alignment done on it the steering has gone really, really light. Some more detail for you - Took car in for alignment. Car felt ok afterwards but steering wheel not centred. Took back a few days later, they said they rechecked everything, all looks ok but problem could be down to uneven tyre wear. Whe i drove off steering was off centre and very light. Had new tyres fitted on all 4 corners, still no better (not helped that they overinflated the fronts to about 40psi). Went to another garage who did not have 4 wheel alignment equipment, but put it on the laser tracking machine (4 lasers, 1 at each corner), and showed me that it was all screwed up. They recommended another garage locally that do 4 wheel alignment. I have now booked in with them, but i am wondering what part of an incorrect alignment set up could be causing the very light steering feel i now have? I have zero confidence in the front of the car, no feedback etc. I wish i had never had the work done now tbh. FYI the garage who performed the alignment "corrected" the rear left camber and the front toe (too much on there before). When i went in to complain they simply told me that it was probably down to worn suspension components and the effect of tolerance stacking ( i think rubbish for the latter). Anyway, bit of a rant here... if anyone knows what part of an alignment is likely to make the front end feel like you are driving on glass i would love to know! Hopefully the garage i am taking it to tomorrow will sort it out
  10. If this solves the problem you will become a legend! Maybe that's what the warranty work comprises of?!
  11. Good advice. To be honest i have given up with them, this is the second car i have had where i have had problems after alignment. They are claiming worn suspension components / everything under the sun etc which i cant disprove. I'm hoping to get the new tyres fitted and then (assuming its no better), go somewhere else for just a front alignment (the next nearest 4wheel place is 40 miles away). Assuming they have not buggered the back settings i assume i can have a different garage just adjust the front until everything feels nice and centred?
  12. I expected someone to have been able to help by now - the rattle from the compresison rod is quite a common complaint it seems, surley someone who has had it can confirm if this is what it sounds like?
  13. I thought so too and said as much. Their point is that the only way that could be achieved with my existing front tyres would be to dial in incorrect toe settings. Don't get me wrong, the wheel is central when you park up with the fronts straight, but at any speed it is off centre. Mine had way over the limit on toe in. The car deffinately drives better and changes direction more spritely, but the 11 o clock steering position drives me up the wall!
  14. I'm in the same situation and going for falkens. When I got the geo done the steering wheel ended up off centre. I went back today to have a whinge. They looked again and have said that nothing is wrong with the settings and it's prob down to the inside wear due to the toe which has now been changed. Hopefully when I fit the new tyres all will be well again...
  15. I would be interested to know if this is the compression rod sound, as my sound is quite different, much duller and less repetitive. Good luck with the problem
  16. Have you measured the rear tread yet mate? Anything less than about 3mm can be heavily compromised in wet weather.
  17. Yep, agree totally. I did question if they had locked the wheel off whcich they said they ha. They are not a bad bunch there but I had this exact problem when I took my last car. They sorted that on the 2 nd attempt. If they can't get it right though, can I take it to somewhere without 4 wheel alignment equipment (as I just need the front sorted/centred with the wheel), or will it still need a specialist for this if I do not want to lose my new toe settings? And why the claim that I will never get the wheel centred properly again?!? If that's the case I would suggest never having a geometry alignment...
  18. Why is that sorry? It did before the alignment and the toe was out by the same amound between the two front wheels?
  19. Hi I had a 4 wheel alignment done on my car the other day and although it has improved the feel of the car (front toe was wrong), and sorted out the rear camber on one of my wheels, the steering wheel is no longer centred when driving in a straight line. I am going to go back to them to see if they can sort it, but if they claim that it's not their fault etc can I take it to a garage without 4 wheel alignment equipment to sort it out? I ask as the next nearest place with the full kit is about 40 miles away. Thanks
  20. Good data there, really shows the flexibility of the engine. I'm amazed how impressive the sti is there as well, assuming that's without ppp that's only about 260 bhp right? And the increased transmission losses. Would love to see that data for a wider range of cars, it's far more representative of real world conditions.
  21. Heh, will try and take a pic that captures what i am saying. I am getting the geometry done today, so might ask them to have a look at the hangers etc whilst its there...
  22. Nothing wrong with it at all. I don't fall in to any of the 4 catagories listed btw, and have therefore chosen to buy an older example to suit my budget... That could be seen as a false economy. I am only giving my feelings on the matter, ie if I was having to take loans on top of other loans it would always be at the back of my mind that I have no contingency if some expensive repair work is required... I am certainly not saying that people should never have fun without taking a risk, it's just that I would be out of my comfort zone. Good luck with whatever you choose to do
  23. I'm afraid I tend to agree. If you are having to get loans etc to cover paying off the car then any issues that may arise and are not accounted for may lead to you resenting it. But if you really really love it then go for it!
  24. Still don't think mine looks quite right after studying pictures on here of others... As you look from behind, the right pipe is much closer to the outside of the bumper than the left one. It's not a height issue, more that it looks twisted. Any thoughts? I was thinking maybe I need to play with the hangers etc?
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