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Everything posted by Demolition49

  1. Hmm thing is the air intake is hot when i felt it after driving, that cant be good, isnt that meant to be cold air?! Maybe worth wrapping it? Meh i dont care too much fun
  2. I picked her up yesterday and Its loooooovelllyyyyyy sooo much fun Best car ever! And didnt expect stock to sound as loud as it does! Pics to follow this w/end! Im finally a true Z member!
  3. ZMANALEX will have what you need and hes got competetive prices drop him a PM forget ebay mate! And Happing ZEDing!
  4. No idea mate hopefully somebody will be along to help you out! good luck though!
  5. The problem is you cannot blanket cover or generalise everybody under a certain age group, or whatever it may be, each individual case is different, this goes for benefits as-well, i was having a political discussion with a friend and we both agree its hard to say who does and doesn't deserve benefits! Anyway that's a bit off-topic... i passed my test 3-4 years ago and the test was thorough.... much harder than it used to be, older people now wouldn't have much chance... to be honest i see drivers 50+ being cocks and then 17,18 being cocks too... its not about the age its about maturity and even if we all pass the test and its super hard doesn't mean the minute we get in the car on our own we will drive the way we did in our test... we all know the "proper" way to drive, how many of us actually do it, this is the issue... enforcing it... that is why the speed limit is what it is.
  6. +100 +1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
  7. +1 Congrats, bet you feel like a kid in a sweet shop!! Azure all the way! Not yet, i pick her up tomorrow!
  8. RT you are the man! really happy with the stickers! when i collect my Z tomorrow photos will follow!
  9. I agree for the most part but unfortunately there are still cars that are from the 90's and much older on the road with crappy/ non-existent brakes. So for a general rule it would be better to err on the safe side! The law is the law! But what i do think is the plod should have some sense and use thier discretion! i mean if its 3am the motorways are empty and you are going over the limit and there are no side roads/joins on the road it pretty much limits the danger and in this kind of instance the police should use thier discretion. But unfortunately it isnt like that! Best thing to do i guess is save it for the track, its nice to go fast and i do speed but i see the logic behind the speed limits.
  10. No rush here mate! Take as long as you need! I think i speak for most when i say were all here at this hard time! I hope everything is well!
  11. Getting a bit worried dealer wont have time to tax my car as the insurance company cant send over cover note till tuesday when the relevant deparment re-opens! i cant wait past wednesday! its only monday im already diying!
  12. Probs closed because of the bank holiday
  13. Maybe you should offer him to pay out, that way you can get the work done by a trusted bodyshop + get a new bumper
  14. I will be posting before and after pics.... hmm when my car arrives on weds! lol
  15. Good Job! Let us know if she drives any better and just out of curiousity how many miles did it take to get like that?
  16. Anybody got theirs yet? I wish there was post on a bank hol monday!
  17. ipad is a glorified itouch with less capabilities than the iphone! Dont get it! get the new iphone
  18. Sucks i know.... copper done me for doing 40 on a 30 when id just come off a dual carriageway and he informed me its 3 years untill the points expire but actually 4 untill the dvla allow you to take them off!
  19. You can have them removed from your license after 3 years, but insurance companies ask you to declare for the last 5 years. 4 years mate
  20. haha so im guessing you all dont like it? Well i dont feel like paying a 400 + for my doors to be resprayed all the time? Any other methods of protecting your door apart from taking 2 spaces up and getting a ticket or parking a mile away?
  21. are you sure? That looks s***e!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah its obv some kind of temp thing you put on for when you park up it must clip in the door or be magnetic or somthing along those lines! i cant even remember how many times my previous car got doors opened on it!
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