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Everything posted by Gball1973

  1. Graham, can get buckets up there. IIRC this is the place that Colin got his http://www.fortaugustus.org/fort-augustus/enhanced/caledoniancanal.php Everyone gave the cars a quick wash before the drive out in '09 even though it was P'ing down
  2. Not as cheap as the snow button but why not get a throttle controller? Quite a few floating around on here
  3. Just go with the cloth first Wire wool for last resort
  4. Exactly what i meant earlier due to less output at the wheels, if, say some numpty's coming straight at you sideways, there wouldn't be the response with snow mode off if i'm right in thinking
  5. +1 .... Its great stuff +2 It's Towser's wedding tackle
  6. Go for it Jamie Just remember the standing order for tyres
  7. Snow mode JDM only. Would also think it'll slow down the reaction time of the throttle should you need it
  8. Hmm, pretty much all of the above, plus people during rush hour "parking" on roundabouts/yellow box grids blocking everyones exit even when it's obvious they can't get off said area, people who park right opposite a tee junction - we have one of these in the village,and, when you're coming out of the bottom has 8 ft stone walls resticting your view left (with wheelie bins) and right and some Numpty parks RIGHT OPPOSITE. And the one which really makes me pull my hair out is people who park on the exit of the blind bend of our high street - so they are closer to the chipshop door even when all legal parking spaces are empty
  9. From the Hoon '08. Loving the bit with Alex's "cockpit" From the Hoon '09
  10. For the guys in London. Why pay the congestion charge or the overpriced forecourt costs? And it beats having to wait for recharging the batteries on an electric
  11. I thought I was the only person EVER to see that film well that makes three of us that have seen that film Four of us Had a half decent soundtrack as well, a fair bit of Ozzy on it
  12. Good call. just watched been watching a vid on youtube of them testing
  13. Not the original, and maybe a bit predictable but ...................
  14. Which just lead to this http://www.picturesofwalls.com/Index.asp?Album=8&Offset=1253
  15. A mate just sent me the link to this. http://www.happyplace.com/4286/brilliantly-sarcastic-responses-to-completely-well-meaning-signs Loving the "Jazz Hands"
  16. Noticed your other thread earlier. It'll be like looking for if you think £400 is too expensive for a Bi-Xenon Good luck though
  17. As above, on the Kingsway in Dundee about 6pm. Gave a but was in the shed just leaving work, probably thought i was
  18. Just been on FB. Mate posted this link to all our friends. Not usually one to laugh at something as serious, but.............. http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Rioters-Vs-Photoshop/232804136756297
  19. Forgot to add in my last post - No point in taking away any benefits they may receive, they'll just keep nicking stuff and no chance they'll be employed by anyone local to them after the dust settles.
  20. About 10.45am in the Car Park on South Tay Street
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