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Everything posted by cookiemonster

  1. Looks great mate, done an awesome job. Still very keen just let me know when you want payment Did you feel like it gave any performance gains initially?
  2. Like the second one, good price too. The first seems over priced to me, and that finance option beside the advert seems crazy high
  3. Good thinking 1. Tarmac - GEZZA_DERBY 2. cookiemonster - cookiemonster86 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
  4. PS3 gamertags: 1) cookiemonster86 2) Ticky66 3) clarkQPR 4) GEZZA_DERBY 5) 6)
  5. 'cough' 'cough' starting to feel a bit ill
  6. Sounds like the best route for you mate! This will look awesome.
  7. Friends have said they would be very very suprised if this cracks, especially with the thickness you have made it. They did say something about using a resin on the inside to prevent the crack from shattering the fibre glass if people were really that worried, but didnt understand what they were saying Will get a better explaination tomorrow. hope this helps.
  8. My thoughts were pretty simple. Kinetix has one made of plastic but some crack, Scott is making one of CF which is ALOT stronger therefore it wouldnt crack. I dont believe its a case of this product being a failure, far from it, Its going to look and with the plenum spacer built in there should be some performance gains with a re map. We just need to set some testing guidelines out for Scott so that the product is safe for everyone, especially the people who have been pushing for this to get sorted, myself included. I will look into as much information i can get hold of to help you out Scott, especially with the liklihood of cracks etc as this seems to be the only issue people have. I have quite a few friends who also deal with CF so see what they say and will let you know. I think as a forum, with the knowledge individuals have on here, we should be able to get this product sorted
  9. cookiemonster86, as long as your good
  10. Got to say that does look In relation to the fact about splinters of carbon fibre getting caught up in the engine if it cracks, is there no product you could use on the inside of the plenum that will keep everything held together if this did happen. Like a glue but obviously one that wont melt under the heat?
  11. Out of interest what is everyones score on modern warfare, where are people ranked on the leaderboard?
  12. What happens when the plenum splits? Would you notice straight away? Im guessing engine management lights and a lack of power?
  13. My thoughts would be to do the tests in stages so if any faults occur you can trace them and it makes fault finding simple. You should ideally have an inspection sheet in my mind that you fill in every time you run a test. each test should have numerical test requirments (eg revs, range, temperature, etc) and the tests must be repeatable. the inspection should be looking for things that can be proved not guess work (eg the plenum cracked not the plenum might have cracked). The test suites should be designed around the areas or situations that require investigation (temperature, revs, longevity, torsional stiffness in corners). Also realistically more than one plenum should be tested to ensure there are no manufacturing variances. The supplier should have the correct quality standards in place also. I dont want to ramble too much but you get the idea. figure out what you want to investigate first, then design the test round this. Wells thats far more scientific compared to my 1) Heat it 2) put rocks on 3) Crack it
  14. Although this would actually involve you breaking it. The best test would surely be to get it as warm, if not more so, than a plenum gets under extreme use. Then place on a solid surface and add weight to the top of it in increments of say 5kg until it cracks? At least this way you would have an idea of the pressure of the vaccum it would take to break the carbon plenum. Im sure somebody will know the actual pressure of the vaccum inside a OEM plenum, compare the two and then you will know if its safe?
  15. Does it really need the centre supports? Not that i know much about this, shouldnt the carbon be strong enough as it is? Its not like the volume inside wil be big enough to create that strong a vaccum.
  16. your definately doing this on purpose now!
  17. cookiemonster

    Rota GTR

    oh ok that makes sense. Im getting tyres put on mine in a few weeks so have to look into that a little more. Although they look ok without the centre caps any how. Thanks
  18. cookiemonster

    Rota GTR

    What do you mean by the centre caps fitting Chris? Bit confused
  19. cookiemonster

    Rota GTR

    Just purchased a set of these myself. They look great. The wheels you outlined are the same as what i have been recommended so the offset should be fne. You can put them straight on but it might be worth getting your wheel allignment done if your changing wheel size.
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