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Everything posted by Neilp

  1. Did u put the bungs in the k1?
  2. Mines sticks too. I've only got 20thou on clock and an 06. Think it's the slave cylinder leaking. Clutch is noisy in most zeds I've been in though.
  3. Kl so bk on subject. What price are we talking and what date?
  4. Sorry I made a backside of my last post. I'm on iPhone and can't edit it correctly now. What I meant to say was. Would be good to see the differences on the rolling road for an idea. It's mental that nismo state power gains when you don't. The rest of what I said is mixed in the above quote, sorry but blame it on the iPhone.
  5. Plenum, induction kit, hi flow cats or decats, exhaust. But even on a standard car some power will be found, it will be better on fuel and will have better drivabilty. TBH its about what you want and the Uprev reflash will make the best of what you have. I think anyway. I wouldn't bother with an induction kit personally. Stick with the standard induction and get a free flowing panel filter for it. Most, if not all induction kits will lose you a few bhp. sorry I may be misunderstanding you, but why would nismo design an intake if it's going to lose you power? Not meaning to be rude but just wondering what's the point of them then? Cool mate, it would be interesting to run both on dyno with each setup and see the differences. So if I box my nismo in a pipe it from front, I should get better gains? Seems mental that nismo state power gains with it and then most tuned cars run it when really you could just use standard. Very good question! I have no idea why they would do that to be honest, but a cone filter which is exposed in the engine bay (such as the Nismo one you mentioned) will never be as good as the standard induction which has a properly sealed box. Cone filters will always suffer from heat soak. Found this out myself the hard (and expensive) way! I guess people buy them for the noise and the fact it looks nice, I know I did!
  6. Plenum, induction kit, hi flow cats or decats, exhaust. But even on a standard car some power will be found, it will be better on fuel and will have better drivabilty. TBH its about what you want and the Uprev reflash will make the best of what you have. I think anyway. I wouldn't bother with an induction kit personally. Stick with the standard induction and get a free flowing panel filter for it. Most, if not all induction kits will lose you a few bhp. sorry I may be misunderstanding you, but why would nismo design an intake if it's going to lose you power? Now meaning to be rude but just wondering what's the point of them then?
  7. They're the a/c caps. They should be on but shouldn't really hav an effect. When servicing a/c the gas shouldn't be touched. Only the coils cleaned and filters cleaned. Chances are they have probably over gased the system, common but potentially fatal to the compressor. Ps I'm an ac engineer
  8. Yeah but i'd rather have the real deal DROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!! I have often though about changing the colour but I can't think of anything that looks nicer than gold. R Mines is a gm with gold, looks good and matches my seats.
  9. Do you think they guys at abbey will be able to carry out a service while they're here. My cars due a service in June. 06 Done 21 thousand miles and been service 4 times already. Unsure what service to be carried out ie. P2 or P3.
  10. Neilp

    tax drop

    I'm sure that it works out at 405 if you buy the twelve months. If you buy six they pike to bum you a bit.
  11. Neilp

    tax drop

    I paid almost 225 for 6 months. No point in taxing for 12 as I take it of the road for the winter.
  12. Oucho I'm sitting at 21 thousand. Bought her with 16thou on clock... Done a thousand in the first two weeks. (off topic.. How much did it cost to change to White dials husky? Any joy with changing the Bose colour? How much would you charge to do it? It's so cool looking!)
  13. dastek blew my mates astra vxr up, 2 weeks old, he done the run in miles and then mapped it. it was running too lean and one piston ended up losing compression and the turbo got fecked
  14. Can the standard ems be remapped? Just seems that the question hadn't been answered.
  15. I think that's the beat thing mate? Have u phoned any of the numbers that guy gave you? I think you should get a good power gain if u get 100% throttle remap and tuned for all ur mods. U going to modified live?
  16. ahh nice one mate! looking forward to it! is there any decals with the site logo available for the show
  17. well from my experience with mines, its really quick. keeps up with most scoobs, my mates got the 2006 type uk scoob and the 2 of us sat side by side and then i gradually pulled away at the top end. mines the uprev with nismo shizzle. 0-60 in sub 6 seconds isnt slow mate.
  18. just checked mate and my pics are rubbish lol
  19. I've got some pics too. Mines don't make my exhaust look as squint lol. Typical japspeed lol
  20. I have nismo s-tune suspension and it's low. I can't go anywhere really. In Falkirk I bottomed out but it was either my gearbox or front of my exhaust that caught it. I caught my bumper goin into a petrol station due to a sunken drain.
  21. Nice to meet you too mate! Hope you get ur issues resolved with the brief. You should come along on this run we're doinbor come to the static meet that jays doin! Hope you got better pictures than me lol. Did you hear me goin up the dual carriage way? Was chasing a scoob but he never done much. I went to mcd's first so it was probs about 10 mins after I left. Tried to make plenty of noise.
  22. Any1 at this just now? I'm here and don't see any zeds....
  23. im working but will try and make an appearance, its about 5 mins from my house, ill be in a gm nismo with private regi startin with n2
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