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Danny 350Z

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Everything posted by Danny 350Z

  1. After I bought the Zed, and whilst somewhat researching the running of said Zed (too late, I know), I had a small awakening! As I had previously owned a 1.6L Honda HRV (Not just any HRV I might add; 1 of the only 1000 badged 'Joy Machine' versions.. Have that! ), after being one of the many common / normal road users, I realised I was NOW one of the minority who burnt masses of the oil (and melting ice, allowing polar bears to drown, the gulf stream to cease providing warm water to Europe and fish to mate with chickens, blah blah blah) and after watching a former presidential candidate / turned environmentalist - Al Gore today he made me feel bad, I'm starting to feel guilty about driving the Zed. Will there be enough high octane petrol for tomorrow's meet, is all i'm asking?? Next car = Toyota Prius or even better, Honda FCX Clarity http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AUurBnLbJw Peace
  2. Ah, now there's a fine example of a car enthusiast website working to an optimum; Members meeting to exchange knobs.
  3. Have a look on Pistonheads. There's some nice Zeds on there. There's even a member that's selling his white JDM today. Nice! http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/1134875.htm
  4. This is what you (and us all) need, brother: http://www.bebo.com/c/video?FlashBoxId= ... 8f73cd1ee6 200th post! Admins, get that car sticker ready... 150 to go
  5. Welcome to the group Max and thank you for sharing. Admitting there's a problem is the first step to Zed recovery.
  6. That looks like a dream, brother. I hope was plentiful. Role on summer hols!!!
  7. Am I right in saying Zed owners generally stalk each other?
  8. S**t the bed!! 1st dibs on the space saver!!
  9. I know it's cliche but have you looked on Pistonheads?
  10. People are t0ssers. Why can't they just leave things alone that don't belong to them. Shame a few knobbers have ruined the Zed experience for you.
  11. Great pictures of a beautiful car, buddy. As Pimm said; Best colour!!
  12. And James Mays face is a classing the cinematogaphy and timing in this film is amazing. who ever produced/directed and shot this needs an award. +1 Amazing piece of timing = camera work
  13. A truely beautiful Zed. I just looked at the blog on your site; Loved the transformation in a relatively short space of time.
  14. Quote from testimonials "I got three confirmed kills on my last trip. I'll never hunt big game in Africa again. I felt like the Komandant in Schindlers list!" -- Lars , Hamburg Germany PMSL all over the couch!!!!!!!
  15. if its registerd after april 2006 then its £410 i think i know its £400 and something. Jun 06! Winner!!
  16. Mine's a 06 plate and i'm just about to return to UK; How much will I be paying?
  17. Surely not Zenons. I've just paid £1100 for a set from the US. Projectors are cheaper but he'll have to re-wire, wont he?
  18. robust........!! My cat managed to kill itself when it fell off my washing machine....... Oh dear.
  19. to Zed life. It's a grand ol' place!
  20. :Quote: they will do a L3 for £299.00 with free MOT or £250 without the mot. Eh, so the MOT isn't free. Now I'M confused
  21. I have one on my uk coupe, very handy for bottles of irn-bru R Strangely enough I was just looking through the owners manual and it refers to this as a CARD holder! It has a different section on cup holders. Weird.......... Is that what the weird non-device is? A card holder? I thought it was just a crap coin holder or something. Playing with it at the ferry port en route back to Germany (The coin holder that is), confused
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