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Everything posted by skidder

  1. if its straight and the tranny and engine is good buy buy buy!! looks good for the price! Don't hang about its worth 8K all day long. obviously HPI it and look for undisclosed damage etc. Its a buyers market. Offer him £6850 and bring cash in your sweaty mutts! Let us know how you get on.
  2. is that $1,200,000 in us dollars a year? Bloody hell, thats a job and a half. I would have already left by now!!
  3. My book is stamped.its just theres a gap of about 24000miles a couple of years back showing no service. Had a P1 a year ago.
  4. Do it! If you don't you will only think I wonder what would have happened if I had gone to hong-kong? This could be a great break for you.. What can you lose? The worst that can happen is you have to come home minus your 350z and a bit of cash in the bank. You will only have regrets if you don't give it a shot. No discussion. Go for it! Chris
  5. Cheers pete for the reply. Problem is I've got 4xP1 and 1xP2 in my service book.No P3's whatsoever.mines on 78000k so probably should change the box and diff.Not sure really.My cars been pretty looked after and the owners just been a bit slack getting the book stamped(his own admission but could be a load of bull!) Drives like a dream but who knows? I love this car and just want the best for it, but it really is a minefield out there. Hopefully a member in the local area might be-able to help me out.
  6. Thanks for the quick reply dblock.Yes it does include the spark plugs.I've tried finding a member near me(oxford) but nobody is in the area(or replied)to my recent threads. Ive been driving round oxford for about 500 miles and I haven't seen one 350z! Good for me as everyone looks at this car and doesn't know what the hell it is(there always looking at the front to see what badge it has!)In fact i've done 1300 miles since I got it and only seen one.This was in the leicester area. I think there still confused LOL.. Anyway I think my only option is horsham, just feel a bit of a cheapskate bringing my own oil etc. Thanks again. Chris
  7. Its not that i'm moaning about sitting around for 3 hours or so.Its not a big deal.Its just not that convenient as I'm busy at work. Horsham quoted me about 400 or 495 with the coolant changed. This was for a P3.I doubt this includes transmission and diff change.(although I could be wrong). I guess I could buy the oil off zmanlex(or whoever) here but i'm sure horsham have all the best oil in stock. I could have a go at replacing them myself.Never done it before.Guides on here I guess. Anyway looks like horsham is the way to go. Thanks for all your quick replies.Appreciated!!
  8. So my cars up for a P3 service.Go to a local nissan dealer.Quoted me £386(i'm thinking about right I guess) Ask whats included etc...sounds OK. Anyway I don't have any history of gearbox or diff oil change so I ask about this.He advises me that these oils should never be changed for the life of the car. I presume this is utter rubbish or what? I've been searching the forum for some time and these oil changes seem quite common.. Sometimes I really wonder about these guys at nissan dealerships. Thanks in advance for any comments.Appreciated. Chris P.S. I did want to go to horsham developments but there 25 miles from me and means I'll have to sit and wait for 3 hours or so while there doing the work.There also in the middle of nowhere so not much to do.I might still take this option as I've been following them on the SXOC club for sometime.I know there the best.
  9. As the title says is there anyone in the oxford area that can take a look at my car and general advice on what to service next etc. Just want a heads up on the general maintenance and a bit of a look over before any issues occur. obviously money for time etc. thanks in advance Chris
  10. Still having a blast in the new motor!! Just fitted some new yellow stuff front pads.(after searching the forum for some time!) Gonna wear them in slowly. front discs have a little lip but will replace them next time I change the pads.Plenty of life left. Done about 800 miles now and not a single issue really. I am having trouble getting two birds in at the same time though. Any advice on that one? I know....
  11. Hi, Can't find anyone I can trust to do a P3 on my 350z in the oxford area.Not really up to going to my local nissan dealer(had a bad experience a few years back).In the meantime my trusted friend for many years is just going to change the oil + filter for me. I know there's a few posts around discussing synthetic oil etc. but can anyone just cut a long story short and just state the best oil to put in the zed?(i realise its a big debate) I guess I need about 5.4 litres of oil? I'll be buying the oil hopefully from somewhere you guys recommend or if I know what to buy I'll get it locally Any advice much appreciated. Chris P.S. I'm still having a blast in this new motor!!
  12. skidder

    factory sat-nav

    Apologies didnt realise a birdview was gonna cost over a Bag of sand!! Thanks for the links Russ.. Looks like a much better idea.. Will look into the aftermarket gear. Oh and irritating ladies voices hack me off too. The bird on the bluetooth is already hacking me off and i've only put up with her crap for a couple of weeks!
  13. Anyone want to help me out here? Need a P3 service. Don't really want to go to the stealership.Sounds steep for just a stamp and I really do wonder whether there any good. Advice appreciated. Chris P.S. I run a restaurant so a decent meal with wine could be arranged as part payment!!
  14. skidder

    factory sat-nav

    Hi, Anyone got a factory sat-nav for sale for my 2004 GT? Hole looks pretty bare without one!! Cheers Chris
  15. Sorry not used to posting pics, tried to do a slide show but said images were to big. If anyone can help putting them on here then great. Cheers all Chris http://img62.imageshack.us/i/imag0016jh.jpg/ http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/2773/imag0019b.jpg http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/2280/imag0017fd.jpg http://img862.imageshack.us/img862/3193/imag0018fe.jpg http://img577.imageshack.us/img577/5189/imag0020i.jpg http://img832.imageshack.us/img832/531/imag0021v.jpg http://img806.imageshack.us/img806/1816/imag0022a.jpg
  16. no this is not the one just outside crawley thankyou very much!! It was for sale in bampton 15 miles from oxford and it really was a the deal of the year.It was on exchange and mart for 3 days before I bought it. I've now done 800 miles absolutely fault free. Pics will be up by tomorrow evening. Loving every minute!
  17. cheers all. I'm working all weekend but will get pics up Tuesday.
  18. Well, a bit of an update after my first weeks motoring and 500 miles. So far I haven't had an issue whatsoever. It took me a bit of getting used to. i.e. the heavy clutch and stalled it a few times in 1st(much to the dislike of my rear drivers!!) I even found a bluetooth module stuck in the rear compartment(links with my HTC a treat!) Unfortunately maybe once an hour the dodgy bose cd jumps for no reason whatsoever.Not a big deal i suppose. But what really impresses me about this car is the driving experience.It really is sensational.It actually makes me laugh when I see a bmw or a jag rammed up my behind.I just wave in my rear view mirror saying 'goodbye' and leave them for dust.Its nearly comical! This car really is happiest cruising long distances.The MPG is pretty good cruising but obviously round town is a bit naff but heh I didnt buy this car to watch the petrol gauge! As soon as I start this car it sounds and looks the dogs bollocks. Everybody loves the look of this car. I have not a single regret. Thanks for all your advice. Chris
  19. yep thats the colour.. What a beauty.. Looks like it could be rare too.. Thanks for the link.. Hopefully get pics up tomorrow.. Cheers. Chris
  20. Yes, never seen a burning red but thats what it says from the invoice from wellington nissan, taunton.Says it on the keyfob too. Its sort of a slight deeper ferrari red. Definitely a UK car without doubt! Great colour!
  21. He managed to find all 3 keys, some more service history, all in all 5 stamps. 4xP1 and 1xP2.Still a few gaps though..Is the burning red quite a rare colour?(not the cherry red)... This baby drives like a dream and stops on a dime! Absolutely sensational!! What a car!!
  22. Purchased for £6400. Possibly the deal of the year!! Amazing car. I really cannot express the joy this car brings me! Its in burning red. This cars torque really takes the biscuit.It just feels like it needs to be driven hard and is unhappy in a slow environment. Clutch is quite hard work on the legs, a little stiff but I guess this is usual. Not a scratch on this motor! Absolutely sensational! Will post pics when I can. Thanks for your advice on this one.
  23. right... The guys phoned me and its got 12 months ticket on it now.Only advisory is break pads. Hes asking me if I want it for £6500. I've stalled him as I've got to arrange a lift. Shall I low ball him at £6000? At £6000 I think its a great deal. £6500 is a no go for me. What do you all think...? Cheers in advance
  24. thanks for the replys everyone.much appreciated. I will say this..I'm 39 now and been looking for some time..owned a few nissans..200sx,300zx and enjoyed them every minute of my life! Bottom end went on the ca18, turbos went on the 300zx. But heh..you live and learn.. Hope I make the right decision tomorrow. Cheers
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