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Everything posted by Rentech

  1. I grabbed this. An early Christmas present........for me
  2. If this is true I will be physically sick
  3. Thanks for the info . I guess that just how it is on some cars. Not a problem, just different.
  4. Hi Stanski, As above, they told me that it was in spec and that they had compared it with two other cars they had on site (and one was even higher then mine!). I thought it was on the high side and you agreed but difficult now as the '08 cabriolet with 7k on the clock was, without getting a ruler out, exactly the same as mine .
  5. Maybe they are tinkering with the web site as all I can get now is the original one with the rays
  6. The TT ones that are 60x60 are £8.50 http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Cargo-Luggage-Net ... 911.c0.m14 Not sure why these are 50p more. Probably heard I was passing the details onto you guys and hiked the price up a bit. Or he thinks TT drivers have a bit more money to spend
  7. £8 and includes postage Bought one myself and fits a treat though this is 10cm wider than mine. Seems like good quality as well The one I bought was sold as Luggage Net Audi A3 A4 & TT . They may still be selling these though the ebay search seems to be playing up at the moment. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... %26otn%3D4
  8. Just visited Nissan web site and the 'build your own 350z' carbuilder pages are showing the GT4 wheels. Are these now going to be standard? Remember seeing a brand new one at the end of August in the showroom. Salesman said they were an extra that they were throwing in for free with the car......maybe not.
  9. Looks great, must admit applying dodo by hand is much more enjoyable
  10. I use one of these, but I'm a cheap skate http://www.amazon.co.uk/Gear-4-PG150-GE ... B00154O984 Had it in my last car as wasn't too impressed. Tried it in the Z and sounds great. Plugs into the rear 12V socket and the transmitter and ipod sit in the little storage area. £9.50 inlcudin p+p. Just need to sort out a remote control now.
  11. Rentech

    First clean pics

    Looking good, I've also been loving the purple haze although I've done a whole tub in under 4 weeks which is a bit depressing / obsessive.. Were you the 58 (I think) in front / behind me at the start of the Wales run, I was in the MK04 with lop-sided exhaust May have been, it's a 57. Didn't notice the wonky exhaust
  12. Rentech

    First clean pics

    Got the garage to respray the front bumper before I bought it, so was pristine. Two months in and starting to pick up a few here and there, was expecting it though
  13. Fairly sure it did and a private plate, though can't remember what it was.
  14. Rentech

    First clean pics

    Just copied and pasted from the top of this page, then adjusted size and skewed a bit using my limited knowledge of PS Elements
  15. Rentech

    First clean pics

    Well my car appeared on here in some of the last photos from the recent Wales drive but wasn't that clean at the time Gave it a quick buffing up today and, as the weather was great, thought I'd post a few piccies. Black cars are hard work, but definitely worth the effort when finished. Finished off with Dodo Purple Haze
  16. Got a good deal at the Holiday Inn at Southampton so may get the car done while I'm down there
  17. Has anybody tried this? http://www.350z-tech.com/zwiki/Clutch_Adjustment To chicken to experiment myself
  18. Hi all, A detailer advertised his services on here not long ago. Supplied some nice pictures and prices were very reasonable. I made a post in the thread, but searching is now showing nothing. I'm not sure if the thread was removed for advertising without agreement or something like that. Anyhow, the prices seemed excellent and I will probably be down that way in December. If anybody can remember the thread or, more importantly, the name of the company can you PM me the details? Alternatively, my search techniques are rubbish and the thread is still here staring me right in the face Edit: Found what I was after, thanks
  19. Worked a treat. Seems to be lasting well also Cheers
  20. Tried washing my Chemical Guys drying towel with soap flakes....big mistake, it now seems to be hydrophobic . Hopefully, a few washes with just warm water will sort it out
  21. Looks lovely. May persuade me to wax mine again if the weather stays bright over the weekend. Love the red colour. The first decent pictures of one in that colour I've seen. Would definitely consider it given the chance again.
  22. Followed you along Tachbrook Road and up the parade at around lunch time. Looking good
  23. Here are a selection from ours. Can't wait for the next one
  24. Popped into the garage today. They checked it out for me and reported no problem. They even compared it with two other cars on the forecourt to make sure and all the same. They could see the disbelief in my eyes so offered me the key to a beautiful white ‘08 cabriolet. Had about 7k on the clock , similar to mine, and the bite point was just the same. Now I'm happy and can get on with enjoying the Zed experience.
  25. Fantastic day out and great weather to boot. The first time I've been able to test out the Zed properly since getting it in August. Thanks to Beavis for organising the day and a pleasure to meet the rest of you (though didn't get to chat to everybody). We shot off before the end, did a quick lap of the Horseshoe pass before heading off back to Birmingham. A pretty good drive back aswell. Off to check the photos that the wife took (so will probably be deleting most of them ). Can't wait to see what others took aswell. Looking forward to the next one already.
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