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Everything posted by sunset350z

  1. There's quite a few of us in the south wales area so if you need any pointers in the right direction i'm sure one of us will be able to help you out
  2. I bought the larger socket set which was reduced from £199 down to £99 a while back, i haven't seen any for sale since at that price.
  3. Welcome to the forum, all us south waliens should get together for a little meet 1 day. I'm going to the nationals tomorrow at Wickstead Park, and i'm sure a few others are going or are already there. If you aint doing anything pop along, it'll be a good chance to meet up with fellow zed owners and put some faces to the names.
  4. just realised my mistake no wonder i didn't get a reply
  5. I'll be at the national on sunday so any time after that.
  6. Got a Ferrari? Not quite good enough at driving? Are other boys faster than you in the wet? Then you need: Ferrari International Assistance (FIA) This exclusive Ferrari only membership club has many benefits. Including: - Anti overtaking assurance Been overtaken? Feel a bit silly? Don’t worry, we’ll rule out the other party, even if it’s embarrassingly obvious that they’re faster than you - Exclusive access to a secret ‘second lane’ in the pits Just to make things a little bit easier we’ve arranged a private second lane , just for you - Guaranteed world championship? Had a crash? Need to win the world championship? Don’t worry just limp across the track and take off your nearest championship title contender – we’ll do the rest -A bit strapped? Need extra cash? Simply get one of your team to tell someone else how you make your cars. - Bits falling off your car? Looking a bit dangerous? At Ferrari International Assistance we operate a ‘blind eye’ policy just for Ferrari drivers - Been a bit silly? Taken off another driver whilst following the safety car? It’s ok, as long as you didn’t hurt yourself. I mean, who are Force India anyway? And how dare they be in from of you -A bit bored? Want some extra action? With FIA plus you can take part in a number of additional membership activities - Not sure when you might need us next? Relax. Check out our track record. We’re confident that we’ll be able to make something up on the spot that will get you out of any pickle that you might find yourself in Ferrari International Assistance - Making it up as we go along for over 100 years pulled this off the other site, very funny and bl@@dy right too
  7. Sorry, my mate sent it to me and he's offline at the mo. Will ask later when he's back on.
  8. This is what Kimi said:- "I don't care what the stewards said, as far as I was concerned, Hamilton let me by as we passed the pits", said Raikkonen in Geneva today. "I got ahead, I tried to defend the position and the race was on again. My car was for sure very difficult on the prime tyres in the rain and Lewis got by me into the hairpin. That was that." Click this link to sign the petition http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/ ... gi?belgp08
  9. Its about time you got yourself a zed you wont regret it
  10. If there's enough interest i'll probably come down. 1. Pimm 14/21 2. Ian 21st after 4pm 3. sunset350z
  11. The National is on the weekend of the 14th so maybe the 21st would be a safer bet.
  12. Get yourself to a show before the end of the season, if the sun ever comes out again
  13. Looks really nice, how much are they? i want one.
  14. Where have you been Rob? I just did a group buy with these!! We ended up paying £70 each for these, after getting stung £68 import tax , i bought in 5 sets altogether. I still have a `z` emblem for the engine cover if anyone's interested @ £20
  15. The Y pipe is a section of pipe that connects the two cats to the single center pipe.
  16. Those look like the older version, i thought the 06 lights were the newer type??? Correct me if i'm wrong.
  17. You can listen to my system, if you're going to Trax at Silverstone next sunday.
  18. Yep, quite correct. It wasn't a lot louder than the standard system, but since fitting some HKS sportscats it sounds awesome when you floor it.
  19. Yeah i thought it might be your car from the description i was given. Looks like a cracking job on the repair work and the spoiler is the muts nuts. Are you happy with the match of the paint? It looks good on the photos. I think i can see me making a trip down there for some paint work, they might even have some of your paint left over going cheap
  20. Hi there, met Nick and his car today, and must say his car looks stunning, a credit to the body shop. The sunset z in the garage sounds like Kevlars but not 100% sure. Hurry up and get some pics up Nick
  21. Yes, i`m up for that, last went about 6 years ago and it was a huge show, loads to see and loads to do, very enjoyable.
  22. sunset350z

    Fifth gear

    http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=wKX6rhUTp ... re=related I know its from an old episode and most of you have seen it, but that Vicky is my type of woman. and its good to watch again
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