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Everything posted by Stew

  1. I basically use megs everything. Got all the two buckets stuff, I dab dry it with a water magnet etc etc. My mate is a detailer (not a valeter!) He told me all that stuff and would give me into trouble if I didn't do it! I also use water to clean the wheels as they are polished. I'll try the autoglym stuff. Is megs polish any good? I use the wax but haven't tried the two stage polish stuff?
  2. I should of being the engineering proffesional that I am. I didn't want to embarress you in public!
  3. Bulbs add weight! I'll live without it!
  4. I'd rather win a VBH than a mini with red wing mirrors and a stupid spoiler! Mmmmm, VBH...... I quite like that mini but as stated before only geeks know what they actually are. Me included.
  5. I'd probably check with someone who actually knows what they are doing first though.
  6. Stubby aerial is like 350z club law. You have it or you're out!
  7. Wash it Really hot. Offshore they boil wash everything and it ends up 3 sizes too small!
  8. I was going to say give the T shirt to me to wash! I manage to wreck everything. Or just give the T shirt to me...
  9. Not my style. I like plainer wheels and in my opinion the detail and spoke setting on the rim make them look smaller! Personal preference of course. That said, they are nice looking rims.
  10. Ok, Looking to restock some of my cleaning products so I'm looking for the best combination of tried and tested products from all those cleaning freaks. Oh, and what order and any techniques to apply them!
  11. Cheers. Thats what I was afraid of! Now I really have to make sure it's lined up correctly!
  12. Thats the usual way we land on rigs..... You just have to time the jump right!
  13. Ace! I've been trying to get my hamster to do that but he's getting too big!
  14. Looked pretty good. I loved the 'oi oi' just as you hit it. That is pretty funny!
  15. So do the replacement Z badges have holes? And if so, do they match up? I'm preparing for receiving mine soon.
  16. I want the Z badges Sarnie! Tim, I was going to make up a couple and see if you wanted one anyway! I'm going to try and make one to get an idea and then I might get a sign maker to do a proper job.
  17. I ordered my V+ finally after loads of humming talking myself out of it. It's meant to be worth 16 rwhp. I'd settle on half of that. Looking good and I can't wait to fit it when it arrives
  18. I thought the Zed horn sounded pretty good. Maybe I'm just sad.
  19. Update: I've ordered a plenum now and the gearknob. I will be customising the badge though. So Z badges anyone?
  20. But you could show up 'porshs'. That would be fun! @*!# spelling, awesome car. It's a @*!# heap but I think I would like it better if it was standard on the outside. My mate and I always wanted to build a MENTALLY quick car and change all the panels for badly painted rusty ones. Just to see peoples faces!
  21. That is Mr.Fs shop. I ordered mine through him and I must say bluetooth is awesome. So much better than the cradle. Best money you'll spend getting this!
  22. Some things happen that put things in perspective. We have to learn from these experiences to make our lives and that of those around us better. Ming - As Liam Z said, great words and you are doing exactly what i have just said and passing on the experience to us to draw from. I know I have learned this year to appreciate things and I will.
  23. Thats one hot dayvouska! Klasnaya popka! eta ziabees! klass avto. God my Russian isn't as good as it used to be! phonetic russian is harder!
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