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Interior Door Handles 350z


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When I was looking for my car I noticed that many have scratched interior door handles, even on the passenger side. Mine is very low mileage but still has them.


Is there a solution for this? Have others encountered it? Seems a common problem.


Gear stick wear also. The plating seems to be made of paper!


Any advice would be appreciated!!

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How do you wrap the finger/change hole on the driver side? I've noticed pictures where it has a lip so you can wrap into the lip but mine is just solid plastic so I can't figure out how to wrap into the hole without it looking horrific.


I started a post (http://www.350z-uk.c...e-replacements/) on here to try and drum up options for painting it but it didn't really turn up much.



Edit... actually 14N you seem to have done it well. What does it look like from above


Edited by Randy_Baton
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Haha. You beat me too it! I just went off to find that photo!


It's the door pull handle part that's a tricky bit. One option is to cut around the top edge with a craft knife, leaving the recessed 'handle' part unwrapped.


I cut along 3 of the 4 edges creating a 'flap' at the back edge and used the 'flap' to cover this part. The other 3 sides and base are wrapped with individually cut and shaped pieces. It's not perfect, but I was happy with the results as it was my first attempt at wrapping anything.

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The rubber layer on car interior trim is a joke. All manufacturers use it, even Ferrari! We have had 348's, 355's and 360's in Falcon which have all had the rubber coming off. Long job but solution is to strip it all back to plastic. UV light, heat and the fact that plastic sweats causes it even if you don't scratch it too :thumbdown: The rubber layer has just started coming off my Bose in the 350 so that's another winter job on the list!

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Have you seen the "dipped" parts 350Phil? They look amazing and there are companies out there that will do all the work for you including prep. Check this thread out if you haven't yet; http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/75046-dipping-the-interior/page__st__40#entry1158198 I'm eventually going to use this company locally to do my interior handles. http://www.aquagraphix.co.uk/ They can do carbon fibre in all sorts of colours and there prices are very reasonable imo. :thumbs:

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