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anybody watch" the apprentice " tonight


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Yup, but I think this episode summed up the entire series quite well - that they're all crap. At the beginning, I thought that Katie (the one that you so affectionately refer to ;)) was the most cool-minded and "fair"...but turns out that she was just, well, human, I guess.


But seriously, in the last series, most of them didn't go to university etc, but there were a few potential "stars"...but I can't see anyone who I would choose as the apprentice from this lot.

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I detest that blonde haired women with a face like a parrot, :headhurt:


If I could give her a slap , I dont think I would ever stop :teeth: what an absolute git of a person


Personally I can't bring myself to watch the programme as I feel the same about Sugar.

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Personally I can't bring myself to watch the programme as I feel the same about Sugar.


Haha, funny you should say that...I quite like the guy...BUT, he does show his knowledge limitations quite often (but the rest of them are too stupid to correct him)...such as tonight...he said that the prize for the winning team involved "racing formula 1 cars"...now, I know that even top racing talent would have difficulty even sitting into the cockpit of an F1 car for a photograph...but I gave him the benefit of the doubt since he was rich...and lo and behold, they were driving crappy kit cars around a go-kart track.



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Personally I can't bring myself to watch the programme as I feel the same about Sugar.


Oh I quite like the guy , wouldnt like to do business in any shape or form with him though :teeth: Think you would need to count your fingers after shaking hands with him

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I detest that blonde haired women with a face like a parrot, :headhurt:


If I could give her a slap , I dont think I would ever stop :teeth: what an absolute git of a person


Absolute bitch! :rant:


Adam's time was probably up but its clear the others have picked on him because he's Northern and working class. :dry:

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PMSL at all you northern working class monkeys getting upset :lol:


Adam was a goon, he deserved to go. Katie deserves to have her silver spoon shoved where the sun don't shine ;)


This program used to be about entrepreneurs and self starters who had made good. Now all it seems you need is to wear a pair of designer specs, a river island suit and sold a few fiesta's and your now prime material for a £100k pa job.


I'm applying next year :teeth:

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Apprentice my Arse :dry:


The bloody premierships champs were on - getting saluted by Chelsea :p


Sky+ is your friend tight wad ;)


I know, that's why I'm replayin it now - lol :p


Infact cancel sky+ and get a new zorst B)

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Apprentice my Arse :dry:


The bloody premierships champs were on - getting saluted by Chelsea :p


Sky+ is your friend tight wad ;)


I know, that's why I'm replayin it now - lol :p


Infact cancel sky+ and get a new zorst B)


Will do once I get from Athens an see AC kick your arse :)

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That horse/woman Katie is a complete arse. I like how she offended half the country last night with her "Northern" jibe.


There's not a single contestant this year who is remotely employable. Muppets, thelottathem!! As for Sugar, he's Del Boy Trotter who's struck it lucky.


Great tv though.

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I can't believe how rubbish they all are this year either! He's supposed to have helped choose them this time but he hasn't done a very good job. As for the northern thing - well if I ever see that woman I will set my whippets on her and chuck my pint of tetleys in her face!

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