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I know Ill probably get flamed for this - but I have to vent my anger....


What the hell is it with Bikers that ride like complete and utter morons.


Yesterday I had a run to the seaside and back in the Z. Half of the journey was in slow moving traffic.


Now I know that bikers can nip down the middle etc, but when doing the legal limit, why do some of these power ranger wannabes insist on overtaking on blind bends, blind sumits, and more annoyingly, double white lines.


Myself and a whole host of other cars were having to drive almost in the gutter as bikers coming in the opposite direction apparently tought it their god given right to use half our lane because theirs wasnt wide enough to pass the slow moving traffic jam.


God forbid they have to sit there in the queue like the rest of us in their leather romper suits.


Why should I have to move over to let a biker overtake on double white lines in the opposite direction! :rant:


I swear one day Im buying a hummer, and mounting a bunch of manequin heads in motorcycle helmets on the front and rear with wording something like "I dont give way to oncoming bikes in MY lane".


Sorry - had to get that off my chest, im just damned annoyed at them feeling they have every right to use the oncoming lane to avoid slower traffic.


Interstingly enough - the road in question has apparently had 10 fatal accidents in the Month of February. I wonder why. :wacko::dry:

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I know what you mean mate but I have to say that I think the majority of bikers are more aware of the road and other users than most drivers - they have to be or they're dead.


Unfortunately, there are a minority that are complete muppets in much the same way that there are a lot of muppets behind the wheel of a car. But when you do come across them, its always :angry:

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Unfortunately, and maybe incorrectly, I have an opposite view. I think its the vast majority that ride in this manner today, and the minority that are sensible.


Not a single bike on the stretch of road I was on waited in the traffic. Every single one crossed the white lines and drove on the opposite side of the road just expecting the slow moving traffic on the other side (the side I was on) to move over and let them have half our lane.


Im talking maybe 50 or 60 bikes in the hour or so I was in the slow traffic.


Out of the 20 or 30 bikes that over took us on the way there, at least 50% of these overtook either myself or cars in front on double whites. This time expecting the traffic on the opposite side to myself to give up half their lane.


There were caravans coming the other way on occasions, and at least twice the bikers had to severley swerve (into a tiny gap between cars) to avoid hitting the frontside of a 6 berth coming the other way.


It would be very interesting to see just how many of the 10 fatal accidents in the month of February on that road involved motorcycles.

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It's the bank holidays and sunshine that bring out the muppets. Most regular bikers I've met, whilst honest-to-goodness nutters, would never consider doing something that stupid, but the guys who only ride occasionally seem to be the ones who have no idea of who or when to overtake. It does suck, and worst of all gives all motorists who enjoy a bit of speed a hard time, the more accidents, the slower the rest of us are forced to go by a govt that has to pander to the lowest common denominator.:angry:

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I suppose the Bank Holiday sun will have certainly brought a few more out than normal.


Apparently although motorcyclists account for under 2% of road users, they accounted for 50% of fatal accidents in Lincolnshire (the county whose seaside I visited).


And the East coast is a favourite destination of the bikers on Sunny bank holidays.




Ahh well, Ive sai my bit. Hopefully they all made it home safe and the ones that had the near misses will think a little more next time.

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As a biker myself, I fully agree with you Chesterfield. Most bikers these days drive like complete tits and deserve to be punished by the law. You should not have to move over to let a bike through, and half the time its detremental anyway as you kick half the **** from the gutter into our visors!


I was being followed the other day by a biker who was arsing around and all over the place. He looked like a complete knob and I think he gives bikers a bad name. As Billy pointed out, its the fair weather bikers who are complete tits usually and I am ashamed to admit I am a fair weather rider :(


In our defense, if you look at the stats then it appears that most biker accidents are caused by bikes hitting cars when they pull out rather than bikers doing it themselves. It was only yesterday I was riding in a nice friendly fashion, waiting in a queue of traffic when some knob decided he was going to sit 3ft from my rear wheel. If he had clipped me that would have been the end of it :rant:

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Thing is some of these guys don't care whether they make it home for their tea... strange mentality but I've seen it on numerous occasions, lost some good pals as well down to this attitude ... mind you I spent 3 months in hospital when I was eighteen down to a motorbike spill (not my fault of course ;) )

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Thing is some of these guys don't care whether they make it home for their tea... strange mentality but I've seen it on numerous occasions, lost some good pals as well down to this attitude ... mind you I spent 3 months in hospital when I was eighteen down to a motorbike spill (not my fault of course ;) )


I don't understand bikers. (and this isn't a swipe at you lomoto, this is me being a wuss)


I can really understand the speed and the freedom, and of course the cost arguments (how else do you get Enzo performance for Mini money)


:stretcher: It's the horror stories. Spend 5 minutes over a pint with a biker and ask them what prangs they've had an within a few minutes they'll be talking about the time they chipped every bone in thier spinal column or when they came off at 100mph on a wet road or when a car turned out of a junction and they went into the side of the car :teeth:


Give me four wheels and as many airbags as you can fit :yahoo:

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Thing is some of these guys don't care whether they make it home for their tea... strange mentality but I've seen it on numerous occasions, lost some good pals as well down to this attitude ... mind you I spent 3 months in hospital when I was eighteen down to a motorbike spill (not my fault of course ;) )


I don't understand bikers. (and this isn't a swipe at you lomoto, this is me being a wuss)


I can really understand the speed and the freedom, and of course the cost arguments (how else do you get Enzo performance for Mini money)


:stretcher: It's the horror stories. Spend 5 minutes over a pint with a biker and ask them what prangs they've had an within a few minutes they'll be talking about the time they chipped every bone in thier spinal column or when they came off at 100mph on a wet road or when a car turned out of a junction and they went into the side of the car :teeth:


Give me four wheels and as many airbags as you can fit :yahoo:



it makes no rational sense to want to ride a motorbike, but like someone said " If I had to explain , you wouldnt understand " :)


only problem is once you've tried one for a while you'll always want to ride on.... me I cant wait until September so I can blast across Spain again on one with a few buddies :teeth:

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it makes no rational sense to want to ride a motorbike, but like someone said " If I had to explain , you wouldnt understand " :)

Thats just it. Non-bikers just dont understand it. My GF hated the fact that I was learning to ride (legally ;) ), but once she saw the bike and saw me riding it, she wanted a go too! It makes no sense, but hell is it fun :thumbs:



I still dont condone idiots driving wrecklessly, they give bikers a bad name.

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it makes no rational sense to want to ride a motorbike, but like someone said " If I had to explain , you wouldnt understand " :)


only problem is once you've tried one for a while you'll always want to ride on.... me I cant wait until September so I can blast across Spain again on one with a few buddies :teeth:


Bang on there Tim,


I once came off at 80MPH +, went flying through the air like Superman, hit a dry stone wall with my sternum, slid down it cartoon styleeeeee then lay on the floor looking at the clouds!


Was doing a track day 4 days later with a black chest, a severly dented credit card and nothing but bad brusing....


But you either get it or you don't. That said, I didn't ride like some of the lunatics...... but it makes you a hell of a lot better car driver. Your observation increases 10 fold at least.

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it makes no rational sense to want to ride a motorbike, but like someone said " If I had to explain , you wouldnt understand " :)


only problem is once you've tried one for a while you'll always want to ride on.... me I cant wait until September so I can blast across Spain again on one with a few buddies :teeth:



80 mpg? Man that must be slooooooooooow :p

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I used to be a biker once, but my love affair ended with them back in 81. I had a huge acident which saw my bike cut in half and it was a flaming inferno too, but luckily for me i escaped with my life......it was a very close call, the police did not know how i survived.But thank goodness i did :yahoo:

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I used to be a biker once, but my love affair ended with them back in 81. I had a huge acident which saw my bike cut in half and it was a flaming inferno too, but luckily for me i escaped with my life......it was a very close call, the police did not know how i survived.But thank goodness i did :yahoo:


Maybe the bang on your head, affected your choice of colours too? B):p

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I used to be a biker once, but my love affair ended with them back in 81. I had a huge acident which saw my bike cut in half and it was a flaming inferno too, but luckily for me i escaped with my life......it was a very close call, the police did not know how i survived.But thank goodness i did :yahoo:


The proescution rests it's case M'lud

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I used to be a biker once, but my love affair ended with them back in 81. I had a huge acident which saw my bike cut in half and it was a flaming inferno too, but luckily for me i escaped with my life......it was a very close call, the police did not know how i survived.But thank goodness i did :yahoo:


Maybe the bang on your head, affected your choice of colours too? B):p


Hope not Jacko as i have been a sparky for 26 years, either that or i have just been very lucky :scare:

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It's one of the reasons i dont ride on the road anymore. Its just to dangerous, and in order to enjoy my sportsbike i have to "ride like a nutter" which is when you come to think of it completely irresponsible and very dangerous on a public road. Biking is dangerous enough as-is on the road when being a sensible rider. Adding kneedowns and blind bends to the equation doesnt help the odds. And i have been helping just too many guys getting their bike out of the field/woods/gutter/whatever-is-next-to-the-road. Moreover you are constantly watching out for speed-traps, annoying yourself behind slower moving traffic and you have to constantly be aware of the condition of the road (which is catastrophic in Belgium). I just do trackdays now ;)

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As a guy who rode bikes for almost 25 years you would expect me to disagree with you but I don't.

The 40 something numpties with beer bellies and 'blades' who think that because their bike can do 170 mph then they have a god given right to do that speed are the reason I hung up my kevlar reinforced jeans (No leather trousers/bright pink one pieces etc for this ageing rocker)

I had a proper street fighter for a while and at certain times I let it have its head but when you see one of the above doing a 70 mph two vehicle overtake on a pedestrian crossing in a 30 mph limit its time to change your style of riding.

Right now the only type of bike I would ride is a laid back lazy cruiser where the journey is more important than the time it takes to get there!

The difference is that in my youth ANY bike that went over 110 miles an hour was classed as FAST. Christ they make scooters that touch that now!!!

Less vehicles, quieter roads, slower bikes = more fun SAFELY

God I sound OLD!!

Ming the Aged

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The 40 something numpties with beer bellies and 'blades' who think that because their bike can do 170 mph then they have a god given right to do that speed are the reason I hung up my kevlar reinforced jeans

I beleive these are actually the biggest cause of accidents. A friends data is an Advanced Motorcyclist (something like that) and he said the stats are scary. Most think that accidents on bikes are young lads, whereas its actually 40 somethings who used to ride, gave up and now ride again that crash the most. Mainly as you say, they can handle 100MPH bikes, and quite rightly so, but not the new breed of 180MPH+ bikes, even though they *think* they can.

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