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Do you like Road Trips?

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Hi guys,


As some of you may know, I am currently working on a new travel venture, so seeing as I just updated my signature I thought I'd do a mini-introduction. I love going out and about around Europe and seeing as there is a distinct lack of any useful information about road trips through the Old World, I thought I'd go out and make one. Work is ongoing, but we're now getting somewhere and information is now going to pour our over the coming weeks and months. The purpose of the site will be to be a hub for people who love to travel at their own pace without stress. If you are a fan of exploring new places and making the most of your travel rather than staying put in an all-inclusive for 2 weeks, then you're the sort of person we think would be interested.


The new site is called http://www.LazyTrips.com and is now live in its beta format. We will be expanding considerably over the next month as the main work to-date was the construction of the site infrastructure and the in-house development of a content management system.


If you're thinking of driving around southern Spain, here's the first sample trip: Road Trip: Mediterranean Spain.


Just to clarify: I am not selling anything, offering any travel services or products or soliciting any other business - just thought that this could be interesting to people who like their trips to be lazy. ;)






P.S. I'm off to Geneva tomorrow (taking the zed) and will then go to Zurich, Ischgl in Austria for a week of skiing and then back through German autobahns with a stop-over in Ghent. Expect a lot of pictures including the Geneva Motor Show when I get back ;)

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I do quite a few European trips and my favourite is the UK to Hungary, of course to see my father :lol:


So I'd be happy to pass on any tips such as pay for your Toll roads before you hit Slovenian motorways or expect a 150 euro fine like I received.


Good roads, bad roads, things to see.


The transfagarason highway will be done next year, again passing by my father in Hungary.

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