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Daily Chat 10/01/07


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Post away everyone, tis but a new day :thumbs:


And im not off to bed after getting all excited about the new apple releases and then thinking about it and realising that nothing was that great to be honest and has all been done before

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I'm off to "sunny" Devon today to see my stealer and get my brakes fixed, plus some warranty work on the inside trim (scratches on the plastic - he's booked me in to "The Plastic Surgeon"s!).


Looking forward to a burst down the A303!


Enjoy your day.

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:) Another 'sat at home with flu' person here!


Only problem is, this flu bug is going to cost me because a little known by-product of flu is 'wheelitis' caused by having too much time on your hands which is best filled by looking for new wheels!


Andy - PM on its way.

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:) Another 'sat at home with flu' person here!


Only problem is, this flu bug is going to cost me because a little known by-product of flu is 'wheelitis' caused by having too much time on your hands which is best filled by looking for new wheels!


Andy - PM on its way.


My side effect, is 'polishanythinunderbonnetitis'. A right pain......! :D

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:) Another 'sat at home with flu' person here!


Only problem is, this flu bug is going to cost me because a little known by-product of flu is 'wheelitis' caused by having too much time on your hands which is best filled by looking for new wheels!


Andy - PM on its way.


I've been suffering from the same condition for months. A cure is due in 2 weeks but I wonder whether I may be left with lingering symptoms.......

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:) Another 'sat at home with flu' person here!


Only problem is, this flu bug is going to cost me because a little known by-product of flu is 'wheelitis' caused by having too much time on your hands which is best filled by looking for new wheels!


Andy - PM on its way.


I've been suffering from the same condition for months. A cure is due in 2 weeks but I wonder whether I may be left with lingering symptoms.......


I thought you was just enjoying the shopping experience, without the hassle of actually buying Digsy :teeth:

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:) Another 'sat at home with flu' person here!


Only problem is, this flu bug is going to cost me because a little known by-product of flu is 'wheelitis' caused by having too much time on your hands which is best filled by looking for new wheels!


Andy - PM on its way.


I've been suffering from the same condition for months. A cure is due in 2 weeks but I wonder whether I may be left with lingering symptoms.......


I thought you was just enjoying the shopping experience, without the hassle of actually buying Digsy :teeth:


I wish! There's been a lot of money changing hands here and I've still got nowt to show for it! Fifth time lucky? :surrender:

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:) Another 'sat at home with flu' person here!


Only problem is, this flu bug is going to cost me because a little known by-product of flu is 'wheelitis' caused by having too much time on your hands which is best filled by looking for new wheels!


Andy - PM on its way.


I've been suffering from the same condition for months. A cure is due in 2 weeks but I wonder whether I may be left with lingering symptoms.......


I thought you was just enjoying the shopping experience, without the hassle of actually buying Digsy :teeth:


I wish! There's been a lot of money changing hands here and I've still got nowt to show for it! Fifth time lucky? :surrender:


Fingers crossed for you chum :thumbs:

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Can I join you ill gang!! Felt rough all day but if I don't go to work, nothing gets done so I dragged my sorry ass into work and really wish I hadn't!!!


Will see what happens tomorrow! B) Think I have a case of mustcleanandpolishmycaritus!!

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