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Love the Zed?


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Just watched 'Love the Beast', a documentary by Eric Bana about his relationship with his Old skool Ford Coupe and his experience taking it on the Targa Tasmania rally.


probably give it about a 6/10, but it did raise a lot of interesting points about car enthusiasts relationships with their cars - particularly if you see a car as a machine, or an object with human like qualities which you can have a real relationship with, and also why you stick with a car even when it causes you no end of trouble.


Me personally i've never been that attached to a car - i've had 6 in 4 years now, but to be fair i do miss them all for different reasons. My most challenging car was also the most rewarding - my old 300zx which had no end of problems, but looking back, was a truely truely awesome car, which i miss terribly!


any one else seen the film and have similar or contrasting views on their zeds? admittedly being a lot newer there shouldnt be too many horror stories, but does anyone else have a real attachement to their car, so much so that they'd never sell it no matter what happened?

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To be honest I have cars that I use to get me to where i need to go. They dont really matter. I then have the Zed which is very little to do with practicality and is worth every penny for the pleasure it gives me. :)

Ditto, but to get honest the daily's do still get waxed and detailed, :blush: all be it, no where near to the level of the Z. :p

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Personally i love my car do as much fixing modding i can do to it myself so feel its part of me..also only reason why i can go to work and it never faults me (touch wood) so helps me put food on my table!its my daily driver and know some people on here only drive it cpl times a month so mine gets a full abusing but anything that puts a smile on your face everyime you see it, you gotta love :thumbs:

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I think it depends on what type of owner you are and the car in question. I find the more time you spend looking after the car - whether that is customising it, cleaning it, working on it or driving it then you start to build up a relationship with it. You get to know every nut / bolt and every characteristics of the car. You know when its happy and when its having problems. You know how long a set of tyres last, what RPM each speed is in each gear, what gear you need to be in for which bends etc. etc.


You may have even been through a lot together, when its broken down and you have been stressed, then relieved when the problem has been fixed etc...


Ive had cars and bikes which to me have just been machines. Ive worked on them, done 100`s of thousands of miles in them but whilst I have that feeling of "knowing" the car and at home driving it, I happily sold them on and wasnt too worried about them.


I guess at some point a mechanical object switches from being just an object to being a more personal thing. Something you think about, something you care about, something you have become attached too. Maybe something you have owned or had a "relationship" with for many years.


I guess its very much like relationships with women. Some you just stick with as they are okay, but if you moved onto another one you wouldnt be too worried. Then others seem to hit that special place in your heart.


Ive 1 car in particular in my garage ive owned for maybe 15 years now? Thats longer than any relationship ive had with a girlfriend! Ive rebuilt the car in the past, know it inside out and have many happy memories with it. To me, its now got such a high sentimental value that i`ll never sell it. To the extent that if someone offered me £20k for it, id probably still turn them down.


Ive not got that "relationship" with the zed yet. For me, im still cautious of it. Like dating a new girlfriend. Im careful, havent really thrashed it, treating it nice and gentle. Ive not lavished too much money on it yet buying it pressies as I dont want it to throw it all back at me and for it to all go wrong. I also dont want to get too attached as I plan to probably move on to something else in 12 months time and hate saying goodbyes!

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