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Thanks guys for the good wishes - but a few years to go yet before I get me state pension :lol:


Spent my birthday what I enjoy doing most - driving the Zed - some 200+ miles in Wales and including snow covered roads, as well :scare: And can confirm the 370's are just as good at hanging the back end out on leaving roundabouts as the 350's :lol:


But what really made the day was ChrisS and his partner Stef popping into Moreton to say hello and presenting me with a card and a ali 'Z' key ring he had spent 3 hours making - I am :notworthy: but very honoured someone who I had not previously met on here and only exchanged pms and a calls went to so much trouble - so Chris and Stef not only was it a real pleasure to meeet you guys but a very big thank you for making it a truly memorable day. :thumbs:



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Hi Colin,


Nice meeting June and yourself last Tuesday. Sorry about the snow but it was North Wales in March. :cold:


All the best and hope you have warmed up in your warmer southern climate.



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