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My ViS Carbon Bonnet :D


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lots of haters, i can't understand you guys, it looks the nuts IMO. No one else is gonna have one of those and they are just jealous :boxing: wish i could of kept it on my Zed but its got to go and thats that :thumbdown:


not disagreeing with you, it is a very nice bonnet, and on the right car i'm sure looks superb. (nurrish don't take that comment the wrong way, as i don't mean yours is the wrong car.) but because you have so many vents going on at the front. as said above possibly removing the centre vent might balance it.


car still looks good, and i think the carbon bonnet actual suits the car better than the previous black bonnet. don't worry about what i think though as my view counts for feck all :blush:


its good to see a unique car and something that stands out as being different. i'm sure when you get the wheels on etc it will balance out. its possible that because we've seen the photos mid modding (which most of us do as we can't afford to do it all in one go) that the look is not fully there yet.


its possible if i see it in the flesh i might be completely wrong, as i'm terrible at judging from photos the overall look of a car properly. there hs been many a car i've not like dthe photos of but in the flesh my opinion has been changed.


keep up the hard work :thumbs:

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Nice little read there mate and your spot on :thumbs:


I do agree that the carbon bonnet suits it more than the black bonnet which was previously on there. New wheels are on tomorrow and so that will hopefully bring it all together...


Also different is what i set out to be and i believe i have achieved that in some way

However i do love this one B)


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are you planning to go the carbon lip route as well. i think that might hepl as well, and do you have any plans for the side skirts.


i think for such an aggressive bonnet and the vents its going to need some agressive skirts. i think that then with the wheels andeverything else it will really pull itself together and you'll ahve youself a show stopping car.


hope i've not stepped on any toes, :blush:

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are you planning to go the carbon lip route as well. i think that might hepl as well, and do you have any plans for the side skirts.


i think for such an aggressive bonnet and the vents its going to need some agressive skirts. i think that then with the wheels andeverything else it will really pull itself together and you'll ahve youself a show stopping car.


hope i've not stepped on any toes, :blush:


I have something very special in the pipe line......But as you said in your previous post with limited money its impossible to do everything i want in one hit so i am doing the best with what i got :D

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