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Film help


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Hi guy need help, entering a film contest, due by middle of March, 3 mins long, has to be narrative and has to have or pay homage to a well known film in someway...


I was thinking extending the story of Sickboy from trainspotting after he loses his daughter and he takes the final hit himeself as he overdoses on heroin, images flashes before him of the life he could of had with his daughter as his own life begins to slip away. What you guys think?

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Sounds good if a bit depressing, How about Begbie returns? to F~@K up the lives of the rest who have cleaned up and moved on? comedy and violence follow... :blush:


That would be good but really tough to get across in three minutes, Im kinda stuck for ideas, I just chose this movie although admittedly never sen it all the way through, what happens to sick boy after the baby dies?

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Have you read Porno?


Be careful following up trainspotting if you haven't read the sequel.


I guess you will have though.




What about something like Keyzer Sotse?


No not read that, does that follow on with sick boy?


Keyzer meaning Usual Suspects... hmm what could I do for that?

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Can't remember what role Sick boy plays in it.


It's set back in Leith 10 years on I think. Once Renton has come back from the 'Dam (as he went there after the film in the trainspotting novel)


You could do a dark questioning narative on Kayzer.... that could be cool. Sort of, who is he, does he exist???

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Can't remember what role Sick boy plays in it.


It's set back in Leith 10 years on I think. Once Renton has come back from the 'Dam (as he went there after the film in the trainspotting novel)


You could do a dark questioning narative on Kayzer.... that could be cool. Sort of, who is he, does he exist???


Hmm that be cool, but the name came from Verne seeing it on the bottom of a cup. but be interesting, perhaps Kobayashi is the guy who shot his own family after they were raped and verne works for him?...


This is gonna be pretty hard to do, I have a friend who looks like he has taken alot of drugs in his time, hence why I opted for the trainspotting route lol

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Well the trainspotting one could work. An alternative look type thing. It could be a great short.


If it only has to be inspired by a film, you can do lots of stuff!


Here is the actual rule:


First off it is narrative only. That doesn’t necessarily mean dialogue but it has to have a story.


Secondly, it cannot be longer than 3 minutes.


Thirdly, you cannot use any copyrighted images or music.


Fourthly, You have to reference a well known movie in some way in the film and I don’t mean just by having a film poster in shot. A line of dialogue, a style of shot, a plot device…you get the idea. Nothing lame like having a character called Roy because Richard Dreyfuss’ character in Close Encounters was called Roy. Be clever, be inventive, points will be given for that!



Thats pretty much it. So could go off at a tangent of Sickboy, leaving the flat walking through a tunnel, as he is walking words of guilt appear written on the walls, as he turns around in paranoiya the words dissapear, carries on walking, images of the dead baby flashes in his head, going into his own flat, begins to cry, stops himself midflow, is confused what emotion to show, erratic behaviour, memories of the baby crying and him doing nothing, words still appear on the walls of self blame and abuse...


sorry am just typing and thinking on the spot... could work though, and get in three mins, as when he is dying do quick flashes of a life he could of had with his daughter growing up and being the answer to him kicking the habit, being his Guardian Angel in a sense. COuld shoot it all in black and white for added effect, what you think? :blush:

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How about a quick scene kind of explaining the reasons a famous movie character or scene has a particular quirk.



Like a scene showing a black/white suited guy getting ripped off by a waitress. (Explaining why Mr.Pink in Res Dogs never tips)


or something abstract showing a guy after some kind of accident his mouth messed up and going nuts ("wanna know how I got these scars?!....")


Much like the scene in Indy 3 where you see why Indy is afraid of snakes.


Although, you couldn't show the actual actors/voices iconic clothing and close ups shot well would get the idea across.



hmmm, wish I had something this interesting to work on!

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How about a quick scene kind of explaining the reasons a famous movie character or scene has a particular quirk.



Like a scene showing a black/white suited guy getting ripped off by a waitress. (Explaining why Mr.Pink in Res Dogs never tips)


or something abstract showing a guy after some kind of accident his mouth messed up and going nuts ("wanna know how I got these scars?!....")


Much like the scene in Indy 3 where you see why Indy is afraid of snakes.


Although, you couldn't show the actual actors/voices iconic clothing and close ups shot well would get the idea across.



hmmm, wish I had something this interesting to work on!


That is brilliant, how Joker became the joker kinda thing, really cool, like it. Anyone can have a go, its open to all, even says you can film with a crappy camera phone if needs be bud, you should have a go, pm me if you want details of how to enter :thumbs:

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Sounds good Jay.


Could be pretty powerful.


Cheers Stew Im gonna start writing it tonight and ask my mate if he will play sickboy for me, just quickly did this as a film poster:




Will post up video once shot.


Phil I think you should do a shot on the Joker, you could call it SMILE written in blood, could be a story how he lost his wife to a scumbag, and how she had a huge collection of clown dolls, flashbacks of how his wife said he never smiles and never has time for her as he was a career driven man, so in his sanity of losing her he slices open his mouth and dons the makeup as a forever guilt for not making the most of the time he had with her. Hence why money doesnt matter to him no more and at the end, you hear him ask the question, wanna know how I got these scars?




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Sounds really interesting! Feel free to PM me the comp details.


I love working on stuff like that (I'm a proper geek sometimes) but I just never get the time!


I've been working on a graphic novel for about 6 months but can't get it finished! :rant:


PM sent :thumbs:

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