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Is it me or is the Z difficult to park straight?


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If it makes you feel any better, a few of the guy Zed owners over here even after years of ownership are rubbish at parallel parking and reversing into parks, so don't worry. Just keep practising. :)



As if we would :p

We believe, millions wouldn't. ;):lol:

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I have been thinking about this for a while.

I nearly always reverse park (site rules at work), but since getting my Zed it always ends up crooked in the space. I really can't understand why?

I just use my wing mirrors and I think its straight but when I get out its not!

Never have a problem with any other car.


I think it might be because the car is wider at the back than it at the front. so when the wheels are parellel with the white line on 1 side it isnt on the other (if that makes sense?)


Does anybody else have this problem?


Another one from Hull??? Link to the thread with your picks? :yahoo:


It happens to me often tbh....but never thought about it really....and i used to park in Athens a hatchback with no parking sensors... :scare:


I turn the front wheels to the left when the rear ones seem they v touched the pavement....dont worry... they never do for some reason.... :lol:

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If only the mirrors tilted down when you put it in reverse :angry:


Should have got a GT :p They confuse the hell out of people at the garage though lol


And if you think not being able to reverse park is bad be pleased your not american...G35 forum has a 17 page sticky thread on how to drive a manual!

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