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How do I get off a speeding fine!?


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I've just been caught speeding (obviously I wasn't) and the kind officer game me 3pts and a £60 fine :dry:


I've found a few websites which guarantee you they can get you off your fine. Has anyone experience of using them? Do they work? I see one site charges £15 for a letter template and guarantees you that it will get you off 100% of the time.


I've pm'd Djsickboy as I know he has some info on this.


Anyone else have any advice for swerving this? Would be much appreciated! :thumbs:

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Cheers for that link Zed, that website is reall good. Basically it has told me that I should have played up when I was stopped as now that I've taken a fixed penalty notice it's prob too late! :rant:


I feel a little cheated as when I asked what I was signing for, he said to me that it was to say he believes I deserve it, when really I've signed to say I've accepted it.


A lesson to everyone, the distance he caught me over was rediculously short. I never gave it a thought a copper could stand there in the pitch black in a stretch of road 100m between 2 junctions I was using!!


He then had the cheek to say enjoy the rest of your evening :dry:

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you may be able to go on a "speed awareness" course in lieu of the 3 points - depends on the juristication of where you were caught and so on.. wouldnt save you money as you have to pay for the course..



eg for Norfolk.. http://norfolk-safety-camera.org.uk/ind ... speedaware


if you get the 3 points remember to declare them to your insurance - 3 points wont (shouldnt) make much difference to your premium.

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Read the document very carefully. Is there anything spelt wrong, or poorly written that could be confused......?? ;)


That's the only thing I have used before, and it worked. Otherwise, once you've signed it's kinda difficult to get off. :blush:

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Cheers for the info guys and thanks for the e-mail Beavis.


Having read everything I think I'll have a little nosey at where I got caught and look for speed signs etc... However it does look like I'm going to have to just bend over and take it like a man! First time in 11 years so not all bad. I'm just being a bad loser :blush:


This car hasn't brought me much luck yet, gone through 3 tyres and 3 points in 3 months!! :lol:

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