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Posts posted by Indyzed

  1. I'm not usually one for gobs of electronic wizardry but it really works in this car and I love that screen with all the readouts giving every ounce of mechanical feedback. I also like how they mention that the car didn't cause a riot at each fill-up.

  2. ...Would you buy one?




    +1 - (no pedigree to speak of)



    Good point! The misses and I have been looking at the Santa Fe here in the states but are going to buy a Honda CR-V. My wife can't get over it being a Hyundai. Now that being said, I like Hyundai and hope they continue to put pressure on the Japs to keep their quality and standard features on the up-and-up.


    Their American sales are only 8% of their total sales right now so they are going to be a future force to reckon with.

  3. Have you really had the G since July last year, or is the date out on your camera?


    Yep had it since July. Those pics are the day after I bought it, hence the old rims and numberplate. :)



    Where's the thread with the pixs of your new rims? And quit hi-jacking threads with your G. It's not like it's a Ferrari or anything :lol::p


    This one?


    http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... t=gallardo




    Yep. That's the thread. I never thought I'd like orange on any car but now that I've seen yours, and there's also one in my town, I must say that's the only color for that car. It literally stops traffic around here!

  4. As I sit on my boat bouncing around in this awful weather I can still smile as I am off to Spain to warm up next week :yahoo:


    I know you will all be very interested in the weather there so will be sure to keep you updated.


    Off to pack my white socks and sandals now. B)


    See you soon :thumbs:


    Have a wonderful holiday! I hate you right now :)

  5. Have you really had the G since July last year, or is the date out on your camera?


    Yep had it since July. Those pics are the day after I bought it, hence the old rims and numberplate. :)



    Where's the thread with the pixs of your new rims? And quit hi-jacking threads with your G. It's not like it's a Ferrari or anything :lol::p

  6. I follow every one of those rules except for the Vauxhall rule. None over here. Our version would be a Pontiac Grand-Am :yuck:


    I always analyze my parking spot. I also never park downhill from a shopping cart corrall.......no matter how slight the incline.


    I drive my passengers crazy when we drive on a date night. They always tease me about needing a trolley to come get them and how I will find a spot, start to turn off the motor then suddenly take off having just gotten a bad vibe about my current spot.

  7. Unfortunately the people who park next to our cars are the types who could not car less about cars. They (cars) are a necessary evil to them. They have no idea they are ticking us off by parking next to us. There has to be something in the human pshche that just causes them to "huddle" together. People are like sheep!


    Someone at my wife's place of employment asked her to park closer to the door so they wouldn't have to clear snow from her car to the front door. She properly declined and said she'd risk falling to keep her car from a dent. God bless my wife :teeth:

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