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Posts posted by Indyzed

  1. this site is definately the best. no-one takes the mick and burns you down in flames regulary. . .honest


    oh, and there is such a wealth of knowledge :lol:


    joking aside, :welcome: and enjoy



    +1000% No kidding!


    This is a great site. I should know! I'm a yank and they have graciously accepted me. Welcome :thumbs:


    Sweet Supra by the way!

  2. Not too keen on BMW dealers to be honest. They wouldn't look at my dad a few years ago at the weekend when he was in his 10 quid Tesco jeans but when he went in during the week in a nice suit after a meeting they were tripping over him. He pointed out out that he had the same amount of money as at the wweekend and walked out. On that occasion straight into a jag dealer to order an XJ8.


    They didn't have much time for me either. It must be great to go home and tell your wife that you snubbed 19 people that earn twice as much you in a day..... :lol:




    To be fair Lambo bham have been exceptional. From the minute I walked in there in me shorts and T-shirt they were 100% professional and attentive. I must of been in there everyother day before actually buying and they always came over to me, offered me a cup of tea and biscuits, answered my pathetic newbie questions like 'How fast does it go?' :lol:


    At no point were they patronising or condescending they readily offered me a test drive before I even confirmed I was in the market. They phone when they say they are going to phone and even phone when there's nothing to actually update me yet etc. After having the car a week of so I discovered a scratch on my sat nav screen. They picked the car up the next day on a low loader and replaced the whole system FOC. They even let me store my car there when I go away. I can honestly say that they are a zillions times better than any other dealership I have encountered.


    Some will say that you should expect service like that when you buy a £90k car, but what difference does the cost of the car make? A lot of the things above, don't cost a penny. Phone calls, being polite and proffessional is free. I expected the Lambo dealer to be like BMW but a million times worse e.g middle aged men looking down on me in my flip flops and thinking I can't afford the car so I ain't bothering to get out of my seat to speak to him but they weren't.




    Well said! Now if McDonalds would only treat us this nice!

  3. Being new to the club I don't know much history here. Sarnie, since you had a Zed and have had the opportunity to drive a 430 and own a G how would you compare the Zed to them. Before you bust out laughing and think I'm a case of incestual birth, I'm just wondering how the two really compare.


    If I had the means to own a $250,000 car I would do it but I don't so I'm just wondering what makes the G stand out so much more from a Zed (besides being Italian and having a 10 cylinder engine)? :teeth:


    I would seriously have a zed over a 430 anyday of the week. Maybe my driving sense have been corrupted by the G and expected, if anything, the 430 to be even better than the G but it wasn't in any shape or form. The most annoying thing was the bloody droning noise, proper gave me a headache everytime I drove it....... :headhurt:


    Wow. Doesn't Jeremy Clarkson have a G? I remember him saying he was going to sell his Ford GT and get one. He was gushing on about what a good daily driver the G was. That's great to hear as Lambo's from a decade ago were nothing but a weekend toy.

  4. I've actually nearly gotten to work and turned around and gone back home because I wasn't 500% sure my garage door was down even though I watched it go down


    We must be related. I've done the same thing when I was'nt sure I had turned the gas fire off or did I close the upstairs window ?l Even though I had definitely :headhurt:


    Lifes too short ..........


    Imagine what life will be like when we're old codgers and can't remember the last time we took our meds! I hope I don't overdose on my laxative :lol:

  5. Being new to the club I don't know much history here. Sarnie, since you had a Zed and have had the opportunity to drive a 430 and own a G how would you compare the Zed to them. Before you bust out laughing and think I'm a case of incestual birth, I'm just wondering how the two really compare.


    If I had the means to own a $250,000 car I would do it but I don't so I'm just wondering what makes the G stand out so much more from a Zed (besides being Italian and having a 10 cylinder engine)? :teeth:

  6. My 8 has waaaay more durable plastic and paint


    Yeah I agree with you - my 8 was the same - really good paint and top build, having said that the paint on my Nissan Pathfinder is pretty tough - so its just down to weight saving I guess on the Z- you know how obsessed they are about that sort of thing?


    If its lease then don't worry about it !


    Unfortunately they all suffer from the worse evil known to car fans - accidentally catching the paintwork with your hosepipe when cleaning it :angry:





    Oh man! I thought I was the only one who did that! You always hurt....the one you love :lol:


    Even though it's a lease it still bothers me. I have a mild form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and it's these kind of little things that drive me CRAZY. On the flip side, if someone called and said my house burned to the ground I'd be like "huh, that sucks".


    I've actually nearly gotten to work and turned around and gone back home because I wasn't 500% sure my garage door was down even though I watched it go down. It sucks to be me :wacko:


    Now here's a question for you Sarnie, did you buy your Lambo because of the colour?? :p


    Yep :p




    Thats car lives in better conditions than I do, tiled floor, radiators.... :scare:B)


    I love it :teeth: I would never buy a Ferrari after having the 430 for 5 weeks, what a heap of @*!#. :blush:



    Whoa whoa whoa! Hold the phone! You had a 430 for a while? Why was it a heap of poop? I'll never be able to afford these cars so I need to live vicariously! :teeth:

  8. I was declined a test drive in a WRX a couple years ago. The salesman told me they couldn't let every kid that came along test drive one. I was 33 at the time and had enough money to pay cash. Needless to say I went somewhere else.


    My cousin is a very wealthy individual. Travels the world constantly (he hits London quite a bit. He works very closely with the owner of Brooklyn Models) and has a huge home. His only downfall is he dresses like he's homeless. That's just him. I learned a long time ago you can't judge a person's financial situation by their appearance. Seems car salesmen could learn this lesson.

  9. Not to encourage you to swap for a BMW as very different cars to a Zed, BUT


    If you are thinking about it then might be a good tome to visit BMW dealers.

    I am getting daily calls from dealers I visited when looking for a car, now have 3-4 garages following up 3-4 times each to see if they could help me out.


    Either their customer service is excellent or they are desperate to move stock on, either way not a bad thing if you are in the market place.


    All car dealers are screwed at the moment. Finance is expensive and hard to come by, interest rate rises means people have less money to spend on cars, and there's enough second hand cars out there to choose from....


    BMW must have had the arrogance knocked out of them if they are calling around. They refused me a test drive a couple of years back. :dry:




    I tried to get a test drive on a Z4M roadster. Phoned 3 dealerships and went into two. End result? No test drive and therefore no sale for them :dry:


    Have you been by that dealership since acquiring your Lamborghini? That would be fun to rub their noses in!

  10. Might be a bit late now, but you not thought about Paintshielding or similar the front end etc? :blush:


    First thing I'd do now on a new car.....


    I looked into it but $600 is pretty steep plus I lease my cars and I don't feel it's wise to put a bunch of money in them with aftermarket stuff. I shouldn't need it as I use back roads to go to work and shun freeways plus this object would of damaged my front end anyways.

  11. I haven't come across an old thread where the topic of the Z's ease of destruction has been discussed. I've been taking great strides in doing everything possible to keep my Z from getting damaged. Four days into ownership a small gouge showed up on my car's rear bumper.


    A week ago a big gouge showed up behind my rear wheel (no doubt a rock thrown from the tire). Now last night going home from work a frickin dump truck going the opposite direction dropped something from the undercarriage, about the size of a hockey puck, and it smacked the front of my car creating a deep gouge. 3600 miles and three months of ownership and my Z has more damage than my 8 after four years and 40,000 miles. My 8 has waaaay more durable plastic and paint. That thing has seen a TON of freeway use and it has emerged nearly unscathed. I'm mad. :angry:

  12. video here


    http://www.autoexpress.co.uk/videos/fea ... furai.html



    coughs and splurts a bit but when it gets going :scare:


    That's how every rotary runs. Mine spits and sputters at idle. Kinda cool. If you rip off the cat and run a aftermarket exhaust like Borla or Mazdaspeed it will shoot out blue/orange flames when you downshift. There are lots of guys in the RX-8 club running this set up and they are constantly getting flagged down at redlights by dunce motorists all wide eyed because they think the car is going to explode. :lol:


    I wouldn't bother with the Superguard, waste of time and money imo :)


    +1 You can buy it off eBay for about a quid too. Not worth it.


    Pay less, get a detailer to put two coats of Jetseal on it and you will be better off in both respects. :thumbs:


    The supagaurd was free so I wasnt arsed about it. I use Megs as standard anyway, and have a garage full of it!


    Anyways, back to the holiday!


    Even so, I wouldn't trust the Nissan Monkeys to apply anything to my paintwork :surrender:


    +1000 !!!

  14. Meh. I can't find anything about increased hp. Supposedly Mazda was going to increase both hp & torque. Mazda has really let us rotary heads down. I love my 8 but Mazda has basically walked away from it.


    Nissan has constantly improved the Z and hit a homerun with the 2007 engine mods. Who can walk away from 306 hp with 22 miles per gallon??? I'm lucky to get 13 mpg in the 8. That can be hard to swallow at times and gas is relatively cheap here in the states!

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