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Posts posted by Indyzed

  1. I know this doesn't mean anything to anyone else but please everyone - LIVE YOUR LIFE TO THE FULL because it is just too damn short sometimes!


    I may not know you or this gentleman that you're speaking of but I want you to know I still care. It hurts me everytime I hear of someone passing before their natural time. It's always a shock no matter how many times I hear it. Consoling someone over the loss of a loved one is the one thing, no matter how much technology we have, we'll never be able to do properly.


    Remember him often and keep him alive in your memories!

  2. Vauxhall Chevette "L" in Brown


    Was this similar to the American Chevy Chevette? I'm still learning my European only cars :teeth:


    Isn't Vauxhall basically GM Europe?


    Vauxhall/Opel is GM in Europe but I don't think they sold this in the states did they...




    That particular model didn't make it stateside but it sure looks like our Chevy Vega from the 1970's

  3. Can't believe I missed this thread before.


    This was my first - a 1954 Morris Minor, with split windscreen and original pop-up "trafficators". I bought it in 1969 for £10; the original 803cc side-valve engine had seized so I towed it home, picked up a more recent Morris Traveller with a good 998cc engine but rotten bodywork, swapped the engine into the saloon and was on the road for £25 plus a couple of days hard work. :thumbs:




    I just watched the 5th Gear episode where Tiff drives one around their track. That car actually was quite well balanced for its day!

  4. 1959 Chevrolet Impala. :thumbs: Now thats what I call an impressive first car :teeth:




    Thank you. At that time in my life I was crazy about 1950's American iron. Now I'm crazy about Japanese sheetmetal :lol:


    It was a blast to own. Americans were crazy about anything 1950's back then. I wanted a 1957 Chevrolet but they were already going for $20,000+ back then :scare:


    makes my first attempt at four wheels look weedy :lol: a 360cc Honda




    My car may of had more glitz but that little Honda would of run circles around my Impala. That thing weighed about as much as the Titanic and cornered like it too!


    My parents bought a brand new 1300 cc Honda Civic back in 1980. That car was so stinkin much fun to drive. Great little cars that hooked our entire family on Japanes cars.

  5. 1959 Chevrolet Impala. :thumbs: Now thats what I call an impressive first car :teeth:




    Thank you. At that time in my life I was crazy about 1950's American iron. Now I'm crazy about Japanese sheetmetal :lol:


    It was a blast to own. Americans were crazy about anything 1950's back then. I wanted a 1957 Chevrolet but they were already going for $20,000+ back then :scare:

  6. 1959 Chevrolet Impala. I was 15-1/2 when I bought this. :blush: I have been a petrol head since birth. I cut my head wide open at 5 years of age trying to park my trike like a motorcycle hence my avitar.


    I started saving for a car and then started my search when I was 14. I knew it would take a while. One year later my dad and I stumbled across this beauty at a car show in Chicago in 1986. I stopped dead in my tracks. I drove it 7 years and sold it for double what I paid. Used that money for a down payment on my first home. I loved that car.

  7. Kind of depends where you are.

    In SouthWest we get grey skies, wet, fogs on hills and mists down on the levels, some frosts and little to no snow.

    Rains here about 2' 8" in total in a year.

    So, slippy roads that are really filthy with it being a farming and tourist area. Never put on winter tyres so we just slide about if the weather is bad.


    Of course we like to think of it as Sunny and a lot brighter than those in Scotland.


    That's a crap load of rain. Makes sense though. When I watch a movie or see scenery of the UK it's always so green and lush.


    That's quite interesting about snow. The UK is much higher from the equator than where I live yet we get pummeled every year with snow. Right now we have 20" on the ground and it's 12 degrees outside. This weekend it's suppose to get into the 50's and rain. It does get crazy here as Lake Michigan fuels our weather :rant:


    We average 80" of snow per winter.


    Lake effect snow, I've been around the lakes when that has happened in the winter and it really dumps the stuff, unlike north Finland and central Canada where it just drifts down gently, you should be grateful that didn't come down as rain.


    Got a friend just outside Atlanta, but he drives a Porsche and has a house on the lake with jet skies and boats, done very well for himself.


    My brother says Porsche's are as common in the Atlanta metro area as Honda's in most other places. There are tons of rich people in Atlanta. He usually sees Bently's, Aston's and Lambo's at least twice a week.


    According to a buddy of mine in the FAA, Atlanta's airport is now the busiest in America. That city is growing fast and it's a major melting pot.

  8. its mostly..........grim :dry:



    That sucks. The UK has some of the most beautiful landscape there is. I guess if the weather were delighful you'd have 10 times the congestion you currently have.


    My brother lives in suburban Atlanta, Georgia and their weather is absolutely delighful. Over 120 days a year of full sun. The summer is quite hot but the rest of the year it's quite moderate and comfortable. I hate him :teeth:

  9. Kind of depends where you are.

    In SouthWest we get grey skies, wet, fogs on hills and mists down on the levels, some frosts and little to no snow.

    Rains here about 2' 8" in total in a year.

    So, slippy roads that are really filthy with it being a farming and tourist area. Never put on winter tyres so we just slide about if the weather is bad.


    Of course we like to think of it as Sunny and a lot brighter than those in Scotland.


    That's a crap load of rain. Makes sense though. When I watch a movie or see scenery of the UK it's always so green and lush.


    That's quite interesting about snow. The UK is much higher from the equator than where I live yet we get pummeled every year with snow. Right now we have 20" on the ground and it's 12 degrees outside. This weekend it's suppose to get into the 50's and rain. It does get crazy here as Lake Michigan fuels our weather :rant:


    We average 80" of snow per winter.

  10. Just wondering what a typical winter is like in the UK. Average temps, snowfall, rain, etc. For that matter, what is summer like? My view of London weather is lots of clouds and misery year 'round.


    I googled average snowfall for London and the site I picked said London doesn't really see much snow because it is so densly populated and the heat generated from this melts the snow before it hits the ground. What say you?

  11. Think we may just about be getting to saturation point now with all the re-runs. Love the programme to bits but there is a point when the content becomes pointless.


    Fire away, coat over arm ;)



    No, no. I see your point. It's just I'm so sick of reality TV I find this absolutely hilarious. I swear. One more show with fat people standing on a truck scale all giddy about loosing half a pound and I'm shoving a fork in my neck.

  12. vicky is a good driver :teeth: (for a girl) :lol:


    Pit her against the likes of Clarkson, Hammond and May, I am sure she would see them off, but McCarthy (sorry, the Stig) - well thats another matter...... refreshes.gif


    she could see may off if she was walking :lol:



    I think May struggles to push a grocery cart without causing vast supermarket mayhem. Still, it's good television!

  13. Some serious wannabe here in Indiana took his old Toyota Paseo and instead of trying to make it look like something from F&F just skipped any sort of subtle makeover and simply painted Fast & Furious on both sides of his car. :lol:





    Trust me, I wish I had a picture of that idiot. It was hard enough keeping control of my car while laughing, pointing, crying.....

  14. Fifth gear is 90% tosh, but Tiff certainly can drive :drive1



    AMEN! He can punish a race course. I do love Top Gear but the 2005 5th Gear series that Speedvision telecasted here in the states was a good season. I taped most of it and still watch it. I love watching Tiff slide that Boxter S through their test track.

  15. But you run the risk of being shot by a lonely 14 year old each day as a trade off...... :dry:



    Not too worry. American teens are getting so fat they'll get winded just maintaining their "My space" page. When James Bond cell phones that double as a .380 are available...... that's when we'll need to worry

  16. All Zeds (including US ones) are made in one factory in Japan.


    You just made my day! My window sticker clearly says "final assembly point: Los Angeles." I've been labouring under the delusion my car was domestic. I just Wikipeda'ed Nissan's assembly plant and LA isn't mentioned :yahoo:


    I've owned many Japanese made cars and Japanese American made cars and have always felt the Japanese made cars are better.


    Maybe the car is made in japan and then shipped to LA where they make any final tweaks for the US market maybe? :blush:


    Uk zeds have the nismo kit fitted in sunderland and not japan IIRC :thumbs:



    Very possible. LA would certainly be the entry port into America. Call me a snob but I like my watches swiss and my cars Japanese. :lol:

  17. All Zeds (including US ones) are made in one factory in Japan.


    You just made my day! My window sticker clearly says "final assembly point: Los Angeles." I've been labouring under the delusion my car was domestic. I just Wikipeda'ed Nissan's assembly plant and LA isn't mentioned :yahoo:


    I've owned many Japanese made cars and Japanese American made cars and have always felt the Japanese made cars are better.

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