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Posts posted by marzman

  1. The single black thing at the top of the rear window - this sounds like your rear windscreen washer! YOu can see it in your rear view when you press the squirt button.


    As for the front - i'd hazzard a guess that its an aftermarket tv antenna for japanese tv? You see them on ebay for about 30quid i think... doubt it'll be much use over here...


    ...but thats all just a guess...

  2. Quick question on this - i've never manually performed an HPI check myself, but when i buy a car i ask the dealer about it and they always hand me their HPI check that they did when they bought it... Is this suitable do you think or should i be doing my own too?

  3. Hi Teatowel...


    Love the e36... as you can see in my sig i've always been a fan!


    Just a point to check though - your right rear suspension looks a little low - you need to check that the spring is intact! They have a habit of breaking at the top or bottom of the coil. It happened on both of my e36's - once while i was driving and it hit my wheelarch!! Just take the wheel off and feel inside for the ends - if they're sharp/rough, they've snapped.


    It doesn't affect handling that i know of - but it is an MOT failure.

  4. crapper.. just dont get into massive credit card debts.. so easy to fall into the trap.


    Also when they offer u free interest on "balance transfers" DO NOT use the card for any purchases.. cos sometimes the small print has different terms for purchases.. for example they may state "payments to the card pay off the lowest interest amounts first" hence any purchases made on the card will be cleared first before the interest free balance transfer amounts..so youl be stuck paying interest every month until the entire balance is cleared !!


    Make sure they offer u same interest free period of time for both balance transfers and purchases!


    god thats a mouthful.. but Virgin mastercard screwed me on that one in past.. thought id pass on the experience ;)


    Cheers pal - crafty that isnt it, although thats how they stay in business i guess.

  5. Just got a new credit card today in post :)


    Funny that, i've never had a credit card before and have been asking a few people at work about it - in preparation for the impending website!


    I've got no dosh in the bank but I want:


    Wheels (black with a lip)

    JWT Popcharger

    Front Mats


    Maybe a front lip/bumper depending on cost.



    Anyone have any advice/tips on credit cards then as i really dont know what im doing!!

  6. Yeh i think this must be a speedo issue. I know all speedo's aren't 100% accurate anyway, but mine tops out at 120mph, but as gixxeruk says - that should actually be 112mph - which is a little off putting.

  7. I did this on my test drive... i took it out with the dealer and i was disappointed with the performance, but was being polite and saying 'yeh its good innit'. After about 5 minutes he looked down and told me we're in snow mode, so i switched it off on then had the best test drive ever. Then i bought the car!

  8. Not just me then haha.


    Dont know if you were joking about the pop chargers but big phil sells them for £95 (i think). Is well worth the money - got mine last week!


    No, i wasnt joking. I want a second hand one really as im saving for wheels at the moment... but i'll be getting one off Phil if nothing comes up before august!

  9. Anyway, having just read the money saving experts guide, im not sure i'd want to buy anything of value - you pay import duty and then VAT!? How ridiculous. I hate this country.


    Yeah they tax you on your tax and then when thats dont they tax you again!! :angry:


    I was thinking of getting some new lenses for my Pentax SLR , so if I get them and just stick em in my camera case - how are they to know I have got them over there? Same with the Ipod?? But these are small electrical items, Alloys are a different game I suppose? :wacko:


    Thats what i did - i just packed an old beat-up laptop carry case in my luggage when i went out, with a uk spec power supply lead, so it didnt look brand spankers on the way back!

  10. funny you should mention this - a lot of companies wont ship to UK - you need a states postcode - but there are hosting companies over there - check out http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/ there was an article a while back about it?


    I want to get the 160GB ipod - its about 200 dollars - about £100 - bargain! So ifTere maybe can set up a forwarding service for us!! :lol:


    Mates getting married in California next year and wants me to go over for the wedding so will make a holidayand buying spree out of it I think! ;)


    Never been over there before :scare:


    Well, my dad lives in Texas and im waiting for some bits from him right now (intake duct and aut eyelids - paid $65!!) but i cant ask him to ship wheels for me - he's a busy man!


    Anyway, having just read the money saving experts guide, im not sure i'd want to buy anything of value - you pay import duty and then VAT!? How ridiculous. I hate this country.


    ...but i did manage to get my laptop back through customs in March when i was over there - so it only cost me £200!!

  11. Hey guys,


    Does anyone know of a shipping company that i could use when purchasing things off eBay.com?


    On their eBay there are so many things for the zed, and they're all half the price of over here...


    Im in the market for a set of alloys at the moment, but dont wanna spend too much, so usa might be an option... who does adam use when shipping? ...and do wheels get spanked at customs?


    take a look at the auction below... im not saying they'll end at that price, but there are others with buy it now prices for not much more... and even if i pay $400 for shipping then im still saving!



    19" Staggered Wheels


    Any suggestions welcome.

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