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Posts posted by marzman

  1. Fair enough, now thats better! :)


    I was just a little :dry: that all you mentioned was my '17s' like 'oh, is that all you got?' and made no comment about the lights!


    I know the lights wont appeal to many on here, but then thats exactly why i got them - they were different, original, and i'd never seen it done before (until i found the thread where someone had done it, obviously :p)


    I hated my bmw forums i was on sometimes... you had to conform to what everyone else liked, or else you weren't welcome. The standard welcome message to all newbies was "You need clears and a drop." - it was so tedious!


    Anyway, i've got to get my rest - i've got to do the other side tomorrow... or should i take them out?



  2. But i was posting re: the lights, not the decals on my wheels.


    And what does having 2 zeds prove? The point i was making is that i can only just afford to keep this car, so the £3 i paid for the decals was worth it to me - obviously i want some nice 'time attacks' or whatever, but @*!#, i haven't got 20 quid spare let alone the £2k they'd cost me... :surrender:

  3. Hey guys...


    Went against most of your advice and bought these bumper reflector LEDs...


    Finally got round to fitting today (or 1 side at least... it was going dark so didnt bother starting the other side yet).


    Also put in some blue LED w5w sidelights... i bought white sidelights but whether they were crap bulbs or what, they didnt look right. So i've put in some blue ones that i had lying around.


    Mark - i got mine from Delsa motorsport too... good turnaround. And i also got the carbon/white led's style.


    See attached pics - its impossible to take pics at night of lights, but you get the idea!


    So lets hope the weather stays dry tommorrow so i can get the other side done... otherwise i'll be driving in circles!






  4. Adjustment eh?


    I've been meaning to post for ages about the quality of headlights... i've actually switched mine on and off to check if they're still working - i couldn't tell if they were on!


    And the worst part is when driving in the dark, i cant go over 40mph on the country lanes cos i cant see... i have a queue of cars behind me... and when someone is behind me their headlights light up everything to the side/infront, and my car casts a big shadow where my headlights should be!!!!


    Im sure they cant possibly be so bad... can we check adjustment ourselves or is it a job for a mechanic?

  5. I like the dashboard pic, thats smart.


    i thought i'd get more flamed than this, but in this case im not bothered...


    I dont want them as just 'chav lights', like tyre flies or something, but i see them more as a modern lighting method - like on the new Audi's (A5, R8 etc etc). I think they look awesome. I just want plain white led's.


    See the attached thread which i found today... This guys car, for me at least, is perfect. Love the lights, and the headlights actually... and also those eyebrows (which normally i hate but these make it look like the new GTR!!)




    Anyway... continue flaming!




  6. Hey guys...


    Does anyone know if there's anywhere to get these in the UK?


    i can order from the states but with shipping they're about £60... which isnt too bad but i thought i'd check here first!


    And i've got my flame suit on so do your worst! :ninja:

  7. Dude... get a 316 bmw like the green one in my sig. Car was only £3k, and its only insurance group 11. And at your age thats a cool car to have. i had that at 21 and with no no claims, it was £1100. I'd had a crash the year before.

  8. Ok bit more of an update...


    The noise is definitely from the right rear wheel, and is no-longer initiated by turning. It does it at any speed and any direction.


    The noise is directly linked to wheel rotation i.e. something in the rear wheel assembly is touching on something at a certain point of rotation.


    Does anyone know what the handbrake setup on these cars is? Cos i had something similar on my black bmw and the shoes were adjusted incorrectly making them permanently 'on' a tiny amount, which wore them out and eventually made a metal on metal noise.

  9. Hey folks


    I have a tiptronic JDM, and with this spectacularly bad weather we've had this last few weeks, im having trouble keeping her on the road.


    Im not talking about when cornering - obviously im driving like a granny in this wet, but when on the straights (dual carriageway mostly) when i put my foot down and it goes down a couple of gears (i.e. 5th to 3rd), i almost end up binning it in the barrier cos i loose all traction and she tries to go sideways on me...! Its happened about 5 times this month. Its scary.


    Apart from not putting my foot down in the wet anymore (boooooo!), what else is there? Do i need new tyres? I've got Kumho's on there now on the standard 17" Jap wheels... I dont want to blow £600 on tyres when i might be able to get some used wheels/tyres for a bit more you know?


    I've not seen anything on eBay under £1500 yet, and im not paying that for a set - any other suggestions?

  10. There might be away around waiting the 3 months mate...


    When i bought my beemer in 2006, i'd just started my job about 6 weeks earlier. However, i took the loan option where you dont start repaying for another 2 months, which took me past the 3 month probationary period...!


    The bank said this was fine - it was through hsbc @ 9% or something. It ended up costing me about £3 a month extra for the privelage but big deal, i got the loan that day!


    Whether this was cos i only borrowed £6k i dont know, but its worth phoning up and giving them a try.

  11. bearing drone or can clunk but not play jingle bells, not likely to be a bearing imo


    are all you brake pads ok ? not low ? is it front or rear - the noise ?


    I honestly cant say whether its front or rear... it sounds like rear, but for it to occur as soon as i steer right, i would have thought that'd mean its the front wheel... And i dont think its pads, the're all at a fine level (the outer ones i can see). Is there any way to check for a stone stuck in there without taking the caliper apart?

  12. ok, i've had a bit more of a listen, and the sound's connected to the rotation of the wheel, i.e. when i slow down it slows down.


    Some of my original description was a bit wrong though - the noise is intermittent, and seems to be nearly always kicked off when i steer to the right. It happens instantly, but nothing at all if i go left.


    It is a high pitched noise, and there is no vibration at all, and braking isnt affected at all. Had a bearing gone do you think? im not sure what noise they make...








    And No, i didnt kidnap Santa, and tie him up in my boot. :bangin:

  13. Hey guys...


    New problem started for me yesterday... there's a really loud jingling noise coming from underneath the car. Seriously sounds like jingle bells! No joke...!


    It seems to occur when im going over 25mph, and i turn sharply, either for a junction or a tight bend (but not on roundabouts strangely... maybe they're not sharp enough?). The noise lasts for about 10 seconds before it fades away.


    Anyway... im not sure if its from the front or back yet, and obviously it sounds like its on the drivers side - but you can never tell yourself where the damn noises are coming from can you?


    Any suggestions anyone? I already have clicking rear axles - which isnt that bad a problem, but this is distinctley different!

  14. The flux for me was £3300!!


    I was planning on getting a Z in June - found the car, had my bmw for sale and everything, but then got a bunch of quotes an nobody would do anything less than £3300.


    i probably called about 10 different companies, and i got down to £2700 which was almost bareable, but then i got recommended to go to Keith Michaels brokers, and they said they could do it for £2300, or if i pay in one go, they'd knock 10% off, so £2070.

    Then however, after i'd paid and when i got my documents through the price was £2550!


    i called them up and they didnt give me a propper answer... they just said 'oh, we have to add 10% when you pay by DD... so i asked where the hell they got the £2300 figure from and he couldnt answer me straight.... but its only for a year and then i can go back to direct line!

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