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Posts posted by tmJak


    do you recomend TDI to do the p 1...2...3 servicing.......... :)


    i went to TDI-North and they did an excellent job, very thorough, customer friendly and fairly priced. also seemed to know what they were talking about, but it doesn't take much to baffle me. . .


    i'd recommend them. :thumbs:

  2. And in what way is it useful to have faster dropping revs?


    you can use engine breaking more, to wear out your engine and protect your brakes :p


    not sure why fast dropping revs would be good, but faster climbing revs would help :thumbs:

  3. Who is that in your avatar? :teeth:


    i wish i knew (no offence missus if you ever reads this). . . obviously got right to use the pic :blush:


    i've got a quote that i'm happy with for the fitting so think i'll go ahead with that. just need to decide about the final drive. . .


    I'd go exedy with a lightened fly wheel


    The JWT clutch is exedy, without the name and cheaper. i'm thinking JWT flywheel as they come as a combo deal. what type of noise does the JWT flywheel make? some noises can be good :thumbs:

  4. maybe so, but the car's done nearly 40,000 miles now. i took it for a service with TDi-north who first heard the rattle (i couldn't hear it before it was pointed out!!!) i wanted a new lightweight flywheel anyway and it'd be a shame to waste labour costs.

  5. Hello again everyone.


    i've just got the money together and thinking of getting these upgrades, but as i'm absolutely useless with mechanics and a bit thick, i just wanted to throw the upgrades past you before i fork out the ££Â£'s.


    my clutch needs replacing anyway, as there's a rattle on idle, and i'm pretty much settled on a JWT lightweight flywheel and clutch, but was also thinking of getting the 3.9 final drive. there isn't much info on the final drives on here and wondered if there's a reason no-one seems to interested in them. do these upgrades sound like a good idea? (i'm not planning f/i at the moment and my baby's a manual)


    thanks in advance :thumbs:

  6. If it makes anyone's day even better, I got into work and DID have to be there for 1 day before I'm off again tomorrow. :dry:


    Still better than doing a tax return tho. . .


    Thought Legend was quite good. Missus didn't like it tho, bit too scary :dummy:

  7. Should have told him to give you a £5k deposit up front


    That was part of the scam. He offered to send a postal order or bankers draft to my home address for £5000 more than the asking price, and then when it clears I pay the £5000 to the shipping company. About a week later when the bank can't find a watermark on the bankers draft or realise it's fraudulent, they take the money back out of your account, making you £5000 poorer. :scare:


    It would be a proper kick in the **** on a cold day if it did happen. Seen loads of people fall for similar things. Scamsters are so good at it sometimes. . . :rant:

  8. i had loads of them trying it on when I was selling my last car. one scam scum showed interest, and then said he's abroad and would like to pay £5000 more than the asking price so that I could transfer this extra money to a shipping company via Western Money transfer. :lol:


    Thought it was a cute attempt really and gave the appropriate abusive email back.

  9. Plus it's hard to justify more "unecessary" expense to the other half :blush:


    Thats where the fine art of lying comes in :blush: I've got my eye on a few things to do but can't decide what to do first and nothings cheap. It does shoot a hole in the old wallet when you first get the car doesn't it. . .Still waiting on the first payment coming out :headhurt:

  10. What price did you pay mate???


    I paid 17.5k. I know it would be cheaper to buy privately but trader was a neccessary evil. Only way I could wangle the funds. Car had all the stuff I wanted as well, including the GT pack and black leather seats with orange stitching B) Would have preferred gun metal but hey.


    At the risk of starting the age old argument - what a long ariel you have


    I agree, the aerial's a bit long, not keen on it either. Photos are as bought though. When I post more pics in 6 months or so it will be a very different car. . . ;)


    The fuel indicator itself isn't the best but I think it's better in my 07 than it was in my 04.


    Are you trying to tell me my car's not magic, doesn't make it's own fuel and has an inaccurate fuel indicator? Damn that salesman and my gullability! :p

  12. Does anyone else have a bit of a dodgy fuel indicator and dte? When I first start the car up, for examples sake, it will show 3/4 full (or 1/4 empty for all pessimists) but after 10 minutes of driving, the fuel indicator will show I've got more petrol than when I started, and the dte says I can drive further that it did before. Red light came on the other day and before I got the 2 miles to petrol station I'd nearly a quarter of a tank. Think I've got a special car that makes fuel :thumbs:

  13. I don't honestly think Z's are too thirsty. To compare, I had a Honda Accord Type-S (boo) before my Z, which had a 2.4 petrol (and a meager 187 bhp :lol: ). Honda claimed it would do mid 30's mpg but I worked it out as doing on average 24 mpg! To be fair, I was a bit heavy footed, but I am now in the Z. Been getting 20 mpg. . .


    My mate has bought a 330i and it's worse on fuel than my Z, and he's previously a Renault driver so obviously not a boy racer :p Mind you, I shouldn't slag Renault, apparently we use their engine :dry:

  14. That sounds favorite. As long as it's not some mechanical problem I don't mind it at all. I don't spend too long in idle. . .


    I just took it to the guys at TDi North for an oil change to synthetic. The mechanic there had a listen to the noise (and a few other noises I was paranoid about) and said it's nothing to worry about. He did however find a noise that I hadn't heard which is probably a loose ballbearing in the clutch :rant: That'll teach me to stop being paranoid, when you look for problems you always find them :headhurt:

  15. Hello fellow speed freaks,

    Us sped freaks, lol, we are enthusiasts who have an appreciation for a car that has the potential to go fast. :p:lol: Welcome. :D


    I'm sure everyone on this site has a clean licence, has no need for radar detectors, regularly reads the new highway code and are all pro-gatso. I know I certainly am. . . :nono:


    :welcome: mate.

  16. Do Cosworth offer any type of warranty on the plenum? Wouldn't want to spend all that money (on a credit card :sly: ) for it to melt or split in two.


    And any news on when you'll get pricing for the matching cover?

  17. Again, thanks all. I got a 1 month warranty when I got the car so want to identify any potential problems within that time. Guess I should just be satisfied that the car is fine.


    Anyway, I'll take your advice and drown out the noise with high revs and loud music :teeth:

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