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Posts posted by mugwump

  1. ....any tips


    get yourself on a training day, http://www.carlimits.com (or similar) Andy will teach you how to drive it like you stole it and may even save your life. Plus you get to try all the things you want in an environment where there is nothing to hit!


    Quite a few on here have been on a day with Andy and I'm sure would recommend it.


    Quite a way for you though from Plymouth..... nice run for the car :teeth:

  2. Maybe normal discoulouring of the disk due to elevated temperature, but if you didnt get them to go blue you are a wuss.... :p


    See note:


    Temper colours formed on a cleaned surface are still used occasionally as a guide to temperature. They exist due to the interference effects of thin films of oxide formed during tempering, and they act similarly to oil films on water. Alloys such as stainless steel form thinner films than do carbon steels for a given temperature and hence produce a colour lower in the series. For example, pale straw corresponds to 300°C, instead of 230°C (Table 1).


    Table 1.

    Temper Colour Temperature °C



    Pale straw 230 Planing and slotting tools

    Dark straw 240 Milling cutters, drills

    Brown 250 Taps, shear blades for metals

    Brownish-purple 260 Punches, cups, snaps, twist drills, reamers

    Purple 270 Press tools, axes

    Dark purple 280 Cold chisels, setts for steel

    Blue 300 Saws for wood, springs

    Blue 450-650 Toughening for constructional steels


    However, it should be similar on both sides!!! Were you just hooning laps round roundabouts with the traction on? :teeth:


    oh.... and welcome!

  3. As you said nixy, you can buy wireless video senders that plug into a scart or video out on any av equipment that send the picture and audio using a 2.4GHz signal. They work OK but if you have an old house with solid walls range can be a problem. They also double as a remote extender so you could change channel if you had a second sky remote but no need to use this if you dont want him to change channel remotely.


    The magic eye uses the coax cable to send the IR channel change message back down to the sky box but you need to run the wires through your house as you said.

  4. That is just bonkers!


    I have to say the power thing is a bit too "top trumps" for me, I dont think the Caterham needs that much power. Its an abolute hoot in standard form and one of the easiest cars to drive sideways with the weight out front whilst you are sat just fore of the rear axle.


    I guarantee that most of the people that could afford to buy one would never be able to exploit its potential, I know I couldnt, but then I cant afford one! :lol:


    Each to their own I guess

  5. Well maybe the 'scrubbing in' theory is correct as traction control hasn't cut in at all for the last two days.


    Interesting reading about the tyre sizes - my understanding is that the front and rear wheels operate entirely separately so as long as they are paired correctly it shouldn't matter? Or is that too simplistic?


    How do you mean 'paired correctly'?


    Think he means same tyre on a single axle as in both fronts should match.

  6. i combine my radar and laser detector with a GPS based set up for optimum safety, covering all bases. The only guarenteed defense is not to exceed the posted limit in the first place, but for those moments when we accidently do, its nice to be pre-warned if at all possible :thumbs:


    I am in violent agreement with you! :thumbs:


    I used to have a routine when I got in the car, took me about 5 minutes plugging in all the toys [GPS based camera detector, Radar/Laser detector, sat nav, trafficmaster] would be late leaving as a result and needed all the speed tools to get me where I needed to be on time!


    So I have combined 3 of those, GPS speed camera detector, Satnav and Traffic information in one and dropped the radar/laser detector, have to say if I could find a unit that did all 4 and only gave radar/laser warnings where it hadnt already warned me as a result of GPS position and then only when I was over the speed limit I would probably buy it.


    Going back to the original posters question I'd still spend my money on a gps based satnav unit and download the speedcam database from pocketgpsworld.


    no matter what detector you go with it wont protect you from the unmarked car, truvello cameras (the forward facing ones), SPECS (the average speed cameras they increasingly use on roadworks) or whatever they think of next in their flawed thinking about speed (http://www.safespeed.org.uk/ RIP Paul Smith ) only a GPS unit will protect from them all (with the exception of the unmarked car!)

  7. I use a Snooper S5 along with GPS locations via my sat nav. The Snooper is an old model but has served me well over the years B)


    Also, laser detectors are pointless, I learnt that the hard way. Only defense against them is a jammer (illegal, but the lidatek LRC100 is very good), satnav as above or just driving within the limit.


    I disagree with this statement. They also pick up laser scatter. It may not be ideal, but could be enough to give you a few seconds warning, making all the difference if you happen to have strayed over the posted limit. This has certainly been my experience on at least 2 occasions :thumbs:


    I stand by my statement, I have the points to prove it, yes the detector went off but all it did was warn me about the ticket I later received in the post.


    I have also spent a couple of hours in a speed camera van with a traffic officer (there is a site the van parks up near where I live and I went over to chat to him to gather "intelligence" on the enemy) I had a long chat with him about how he calibrates the laser, how accurate, what he targets etc and even had a go "zapping" drivers myself (with the video off so nothing was recorded when I was playing).


    The clarity of view they have from the van is extrodinary, they have very powerful camera equipment cosighted and aligned with the laser (so everything he zaps through the speed gun sight is also recorded on video) the zoom lens on the camera system is amazing you can read a tax disc about half a mile away and you have enough time to check if the driver is wearing their seatbelt or are on the phone, he zaps them (which puts a marker on the videotape with date and time) and notes the incident in a logbook so even if your seatbelt is not on he can issue a ticket.


    Anyway, he went on to tell me about a conviction he secured where he could see a car was speeding in the distance but his view of it was obscured by a much nearer people carrier, so he took a reading off the speeding cars wing mirror which was just about the only part that was sticking out.


    I wish you every sucess with your laser detector, but I have seen how clearly the odds are stacked against you and as I said from personal experience it didnt save me! You pays your money and takes your choice.

  8. I used to use a bel euro 550 (discontinued, now replaced by the rx65), was useful when I drove the M25 every day as you knew which cameras were active and which were dummies.


    To be honest I am now happier with a satnav with all fixed/mobile/redlight camera locations; less intrusive, understands speed so shuts up if you are within the limit, doesnt go off for every camera whether on your side of the road or not, doesnt keep bleeping when below the speed limit (try sitting in traffic on the M25 with a radar detector, you WILL turn it off!).


    Also, laser detectors are pointless, I learnt that the hard way. Only defense against them is a jammer (illegal, but the lidatek LRC100 is very good), satnav as above or just driving within the limit.


    One of the best sites for these things is http://www.ukspeedtraps.co.uk/ plenty to read

  9. Have to bear in mind that the GTR is what the industry would call a "halo car" for Nissan, it raises the profile of the whole brand. The market perception that they make cheap reliable runabouts is all well and good, if Nissan want to improve its margins it needs to show it can compete with any other car manufacturer in the world in terms of technical capability, performance and all those other things that make us buy a car which allows them to move the perception of their wider portfolio into higher echelons with other brands.


    Thats why its so important for NIssan to have the entire network up to speed on this car, there is never going to be a volume market for it today, but if people aspire to it they might buy a 350 instead, and this uplift is felt across the range.


    Different manufacturers take different approaches, Toyota felt they could never move the Brand that far so they launched Lexus as a discrete brand. Others see motorsport sucess as their gateway to sucess, if it wasnt for rallying only farmers would buy Subaru's.


    I seem to recall hearing on the news today that Nissan is creating 800 new jobs in the UK because they cannot make Quashqai's (spelling?) fast enough for the demand.


    Not sure what this drivel is about anymore, weekend has started early... :drunk: im sure there was a point in there somewhere?


  10. I agree with the notion but I don't want to reach the limit of grip and don't want to have to learn from my mistakes Blush


    Think of it another way, if you reach the grip limit in the wet at the second last corner (the place you are most likely to lose it) this will be less than half the speed it is in the dry, so you will be heading off the circuit at half the speed. What makes you think you are any more or less likely to make a mistake just because it is wet? I often find that its easier to feel the limit in the wet as it is more progressive, in the dry you often get little warning before it snaps and you have no hope of recovery. Take it easy and build up your speed gradually and smoothly and you should be fine, wet or dry.


    if track half dry and half wet ...... cannot get a good set-up.


    So true, so true it does show the class of the field though. I once got lapped 6 times in a wet race but I still argue I was having more fun because I was so sideways round the hairpin (almost got flagged for driving standards but I like to think I have grown up since then!)

  11. much less stress on your car in the rain

    less tyre wear

    limit of grip is reached at lower speed (so safer)




    you will learn more.


    So DO IT!


    I agree with the notion but I don't want to reach the limit of grip and don't want to have to learn from my mistakes :blush:


    I love it wet! :boat::drive1 Oh, and driving in the rain is great too.....

  12. There are four oxygen sensors, a pair on each back, one being before the cat (for ECU fuelling) and one after (for emissions) - they are electronically linked in terms of faults too :)


    Reset your ECU and go from there :)


    You are indeed correct :blush:


    but any one failure will still put your fault light on but the car will drive normally.


    Do the reset as prescience says, if it comes on again you need to get it to the dealer (or a friendly mechanic with a diagnostic tool) to find out whats up.

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