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Posts posted by mugwump

  1. Good point, thanks for the reminder.


    Given it a clean now and it does not look as bad as it did. (The emotive side of me still thinks the whole corner of the car might as well be missing! :angry: )


    Will call chipsaway anyway I think as they give a no obligation free quote and I'll get an expert opinion on it.....

  2. Nice.


    Do you have any other hobbies or is it just car polishing? :p


    Does look good though.


    I have found it on google too, just need to find a UK supplier (unless you know one?)


    Thanks for all your help.

  3. Thanks for the advice guys.


    Dont suppose you have a front on photo of the lip spoiler so I can see what it looks like and if its likely to cover the damage? Or a link to a site that has them?


    Might be a very quick (and stylish) fix I am confident I can complete myself.


    Im off to google it now anyway, but thanks again. :thumbs:

  4. @rseburgers


    I have scuffed the front spoiler on a high kerb in a car park. :angry: No-ones fault but my own, just have to learn to drive I guess! :blush:


    Any advice out there on how best to cover it up / restore it until work out what to do?


    Its more than a surface scratch it is right down to the plastic.


    As I see it options are;


    1. buy a replacement OEM bumper

    2. Think about a replacement body kit bumper, any suggestions?

    3. get a pro in to sort it like chipsaway, anyone got experience of their service on plastic body colour bumpers?


    god I am annoyed with myself.......

  5. i got a cool gadget in me zed............... :D ....... its called me girlfriend.......... :teeth: i say "can i have a b**wj*b and i get one........... :thumbs: ..... makes journeys so more relaxing..........!! :thumbs:


    I got one of them too :thumbs::yahoo::yahoo:


    I think the voice activation is broken on my girlfriend!


    I ask the same question and I get a slap!

  6. Im with sarnie!


    This is the most confusing thread I think I have ever read! and believe me I have read a few.


    Just a few noddy questions.....


    The wheel width is in inches (duh!) but I assume that the "+22" offset from centreline measurements you are talking about is in mm???? Is this correct?



    Also, which way is +ve and which -ve. So does a +ve measurement move the centre hub toward the outside rim of the wheel and a -ve inboard?


    Also, how far is it from the face of the wheel hub to the face of the wheelarch front and back. I assume this is the measurement that will tell me if a wheel will sit prone of the arch.


    So would the wheel width / 2 + the offset - the distnce mentioned above tell me how far proud or not the wheel will be?


    Or have I understood nothing (very likely!)

  7. Hi,


    Have any of the members investigated quotes for third party track day cover.


    There are many companies about offering track day cover for your car (some even bundle it with your annual cover) but most insurers now specifically exclude "de-restricted toll roads" [check your small print. B) ]


    Some of us specifically *want* this (the Neubergring! :thumbs: ). However we are specifically looking for 3rd party cover. If we stack our toys in the hedge thats our issue, big boys shouldnt play big games if they cant pay the price! But..... trying to find a company that offers cover to give you any kind of indemnity against an injury to someone else (god forbid) is proving tricky!


    I really dont want to spend the rest of *my* life paying out to someone who's life I have messed up, the guilt will be bad enough. Dont get me wrong I have no intention of causing any injury to anyone but I would like some protection..... :wacko:


    We have tried all the usual specialists - competition car insurance, moris, elliot boles, and adrian forbes.


    Even tried a few of the "normal" insurers (who just tell you where to go).


    Best we have managed so far is ~£400 for a 4 day advanced driving course on "the ring". :scare:


    Has anyone else investigated this area and had any sucess??? :surrender:

  8. I beg to differ, my 06 brochure says introduce your bluetooth phone for handsfree voice activated use and the link to Nissans website below says it includes blootooth *integration*. Not go buy a bluetooth accessory!


    Click the link and then click on the bluetooth phone integration llink on this page

    http://www.nissan.co.uk/home/vehicles/p ... index.html


    also the pdf e-brochure says it is a standrd feature.

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