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Everything posted by Jacko

  1. Jacko


    We only put people on front page who have arranged discounts with us! But if he is that good, then post his details in this post and we'll add somewhere for reference....... Unless you discussed arranging a discount for our members with him while you were there?
  2. its cos she's got an evil stare...... And she needs a few meat pies in here to fill her out a bit!
  3. Jacko

    lambo boy

    Yeah "on the ball billy!" Alternatively you could always PM him??
  4. Yep, thats exactly what I thought...... its that bad that should have had its own line!
  5. It is dont worry it better bloody had be, as thats the bible of my life...... even though I live up north, I get aaaaappp (southern accent you see). Go darn the caff, to have some breakfast (never cook anything me you know governer). Go an wash all me clothes in the launderette (whilst havin a good gossip while I'm there) Pop into the pub/caff for some lunch. Finish me shift on the stall. Then pop into the local for a few pints till closing time..... Have a fight on the way home........ Repeat everyday of the week....... Please tell me I'm not the only one who lives his life by this realistic bible???
  6. Jacko


    No they are the same wheels!
  7. Jacko


    if its a proper Rays wheel, like the original £1000 extra ones, or the ones you now get for standard then you have to be careful. Due to the construction of the wheel, not all places can refurb. Something to do with the forging and material (I can't remember off the top of my head)..... The GT4 style wheels are much easier to repair...... So just check before you get them to do the work!
  8. I'd said Bigphil is a trader so thats his choice...... seeing as this guy is a newbie and its his first post, then he might not know about PM's. Therefore I've done him a favour and PM'd bower with his number. Therefore he ain't lost out! Why do you bother asking?
  9. In the interests of personal security, I've editied the post to remove the mobile number. I've PM'd the number to seller bower123456.......
  10. Yeah but I like the concept of doing something different - differentiate yourselves from the other forums if you know what i mean? We do...... you get me
  11. You do know that you haven't attached any pics don't you?
  12. Thanks for making that clear guys......
  13. Ah ok mate, But thanks for the thoughts....... they are always welcome and i'm sure we'll be discussing how the site goes forward at some time (if not constantly!)
  14. Sarnie, there are some good points there, but..... I think you are looking at this site as a business opportunity, which it could be if that was our intention..... but its simply not, its meant to be about having fun with OUR cars and the love that we share for them...... Sure you may see this as a lost opportunity but as Chris says, its hard enough running this place as a 350z site, without diversifying into other marques. I don't think we are trying to be another Pistonheads or anything. You'd need to do it as a full time occupation if that was the case, and lets face we all have lives outside of here. I think we have to stick to what's made us successful so far. As for ex owners sticking around. There has never been a problem with that as long as those people respect what the site IS about, remembering why they joined in the first place and that other people will now be doing the same. Just because they have moved onto other cars, doesn't mean that they have to forget all the knowledge that they have acquired etc! As for ex owners, I can still think of a good few of the original people that we here when I joined that still post regularly. You are never got to get all of them to stay around and post as they did because the primary reason (the car) has since "left the building".....
  15. The dealers don't usually have any choice of colour and spec when getting their first demonstators of new models. Also, they tend to get the colour that sells well...... for example, my dealers only ever get their demo's in one colour (GM)..... which is now not as nice as it was with the primer colour.....
  16. Update, just got it down to $421.66 for time we there..... that doesn't sound too bad ?? Will wait for Rickya's info then book if not better!
  17. Yeah would appreciate that mate as I need to get this booked this weekend...... I've basically got it down to about $530 dollars with guaranteed mustang for 9 days at the moment. That has some discounts on it and now need to try some of the other codes..... GUess I'm just not sure whether thats an ok deal. Jonathan directed me in the direction of Fox cars but they same price as Hertz......
  18. Thank Kenny, I found that page..... just gotta try some of them now I guess!
  19. Actually spoke to Hertz about the booking not taking a depoit and was concerned about not getting the car I wanted. The lady reassured me that a booking is a booking and if the car I booked was not available I had the right to kick up a HUGE fuss and get a huge discount etc... Thanks guys, Yeah I've managed to find some codes off the internet. Problem is trying them all now, as thye don't work in certain combinations etc..... Anyway, did find a page where it was guaranteed to be a mustang. Which number did you use Kenny to ring Hertz. They haven't got any customer services numbers on webpage etc...... I was planning to ring to ask etc..
  20. Guys, I know we've discussed this recently but struggling to find the info on here..... Was just wondering, for the guys that have recently done this or about to, there was a way that you could get the best rate out of hertz by putting specific codes in? I want to guarantee book a certain car (mustang convertible) and struggling to find a way to book it through the hertz site. Either get stupid prices (that are way more than been quoted before) or don't get the option to reserve anything in the fun collection...... Can you guys help, I know there was a few on here with experience.....
  21. Top car is sweet..... But who the hell spec'd the orange leather seats in a UY!! (last car)..... not a wise choice
  22. http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/209116.htm
  23. I've moved to the correct place...... Its called "350z for Sale"
  24. Yeah come on lads, have a bit of respect for each other and at least start your own threads about your wheels...... Pls don't post your own sale items on other persons...... its not very respectful!
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