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Everything posted by Jacko

  1. Awww shucks! ..... In receiving this award, I'd like to thank my mum, dad, dog, goldfish....
  2. Yeah now get rid of those number plates ha ha god, that was quick!
  3. Cheers Mike, You know its been a good day when even the women can't put up with us indulging in our little pastimes.... It was great just cruising through everywhere..... just jealous of the roadster people in that sun! Was great to meet everyone as well......
  4. Yeah its an interesting one that one, the additional cost of Super unleaded versus the additional miles that you get...... I'm not sure you get that many more, but guess depends on type of driving and style etc..... But a good point none the less that I missed to mention....
  5. Oh and if it helps, you don't HAVE to run it on super unleaded, just that its recommended. If you run on normal unleaded you loose 15bhp thats all....... so can be a bit cheaper that way if you wanted to?
  6. Jacko

    touch up pots

    I picked mine up on Sat Nick, so thanks again...
  7. Chris, PM me with your email address and I'll send mine and Kev's over..... Thanks mate,
  8. Pics will go up soon all...... Just gotta resize some to get below my quota. Didn't realise I had one....
  9. I've seen one in the flesh at the dealers Digsy, looked really nice.....
  10. On the Wales thrash today, over the whole day I actually averaged 27.something MPG which I was well chuffed about!
  11. Kev, If you want to email me the pics, then I'll still them up in the Gallery or something? Don't worry about the size in my email .... its fine. I'd rather have full size pics anyway. I'll PM you my email address if you want? And no probs, you're welcome. Just glad that you decided to come in the end.....
  12. You know what, that statement just made it all worth while...... I feel exactly the same. It was really the first decent run that I've had in the Zed since I've had it and what a day!! Thanks for all your kind words chaps. I'm really pleased that everyone had a great day, I know I did. Glad that we all managed to keep together and apologies if we stopped too many times at the side of the road. I just wanted to make sure that we all stayed together as it was such a lovely sight! ! I think Kate got bored of me saying that it looked so cool leading 8 other zeds through those roads. It was an honour! And you all owe as it cost me a fortune to ship all that sunshine in the for the day! Ha ha yeah it must have been some sight. I couldn't stop looking at Tim's shiny GT4 in the mirror.... looked so cool in the sunlight! I'm still chuckling about those sheep with a death wish..... must be "hard as nails" lamb! But really, I had a fantastic day and I know Kate enjoyed herself. I think I've even manage to start turn her into a speed demon now Seriously though, I just want to say thanks to you all for turning up. Arranging it all was the easy bit, but it wouldn't have been half the fun if you all hadn't have taken the time to drive the distances that you did..... I'm just looking forward to the next one now!
  13. Kev, That didn't work as it asks for your password?
  14. Ha ha ..... I know what you thinking...... Ooooh sir, want a blue roadster do you sir, mmm sir?
  15. Yeah I saw exactly the same guy in Warrington, Near the J11 of M62 later on in the same day..... Was a little strange
  16. Mike, Dave did text me to get Vals number. I think he was planning to meet you now..... Anyway, I'm off for the night now. See you all tomorrow....
  17. Ha ha ..... Well mine's all clean and been waxed, but its rained after anyway. And the friggin tree in garden has kicked off its annual tree sapping season, so got lots of little sticky drops on it now anyway.... So it was clean in honour of tomorrow, but will be full of sh*t by the time I meet you lot
  18. Jacko


    Sorry Max, Just picked it up now. Got it mate..... See you tomorrow morning (if you get this before hand anyway)
  19. John, Simply put, your options to use the in car system are as follows:- a) you buy one of the existing 5 or 6 cradles (has to be a Nissan version as the system is encrypted). These only support the old phones that are listed in the FAQs somewhere on this site.. There are NO new cradles for up to date phones. Or you get the new BT adapter which should utilise a phone that supports BT but still through the in car system. Just that the bit that fits in the existing cradle support in the middle box talks to your phone via BT. So you should still be able to answer calls through the in car system. But so far we don't seem to know whether its released or available yet and what the prices are going to be ...... But I'll be doing some investigation soon as I need to sort this out..... its driving me crazy I guess thats why the released the BT version so they didn't have to keep releasing cradles etc.
  20. Jacko

    how fast?

    The sound alone will make you grin from ear to ear...... Sure the mini will feel more kart like, but the zeds going to slide and drift better! Just test drive it, you'll love it.... I'm loving mine more and more everyday!
  21. Yeah I remember a couple of pubs, but we go through a few towns so we can alway stop somewhere if people want to. I think Bala has a few places, but its been a while since I've been there tbh. Sure there will be though..... Either that or there will probably be the obligatory fast food stand at Bala lake etc. Don't worry I eat for England, so I'll be wanting some food of some sort!
  22. Weather update, Looks a bit crappy and rain showers over here (when we start) but looks better when we get to Wales. I've done a quick reccy of some of he places and most are dry with even a little bit of sun, so here's hoping! At least it looks like it will get better the more into Wales we'll go....
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