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Posts posted by Ebized

  1. I agree with what has been said and particuarly a problem with those dealers that have multiple franchises. I also deplore the charges they make :angry: .


    But if you think of it from the employess side they probably get pretty bored with all the micras etc they normally have to deal with. Generally I have found over many many years of having to use dealers that if you show you have the car because you enjoy it and know something about it they become more positive. Asking to meet the technican concerned helps and if you find your car comes back without problems/scratches, going back to give that technician (and/or front desk service person) who have been careful/helpful to say thank you and give them a 'drink' does help sort out things in the future. Yeah, perhaps we shouldn't have to resort to do that and I expect I'll get some stick to on here about it , but whether you agree with it or not, 'tipping' such people who otherwise get little thanks for what they do can work wonders. ;)


    We always get brilliant service in the the local resturant we use for the same reason - remember the guys concerned are unlikely to be earning wages that enables them to buy ZEDS, so a few extra quid direct to them makes the difference. :)

  2. Certainly can't do anything with the JDM reverse-gear beep - the most pointless and annoying addition to any car IMHO. (Like I need to be told I have engaged reverse gear!!!!) :angry:


    Edit - in case anyone wonders - the beep is only audible INSIDE the car!



    Apart from that I love the car. :blush::)


    I guess living where you do parking ain't too much of a problem :lol: - try finding a parking spot down in the London area and its like winning the jackpot, if you can squeeze the car in that is - hence the sensors become very useful - only wish I had them at the front too. :dry:


    Oh, and I agree the feeble beep sounds ridiculous in the ZED - my wife's Honda makes a much more horny sound :p(well, at least the sensors beep does!)

  3. One of the more useful bits on my phone is the calendar that reminds me up front of critical dates - including anniversaries which wives/girlfriends just love to remind us we have forgotton :blush:


    Ain't that true Nixy? ;)


    You have a wife and girlfriends?????? teach me oh master show me the way :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy: Im not worthy :lol:


    .......................... phew just got back on the site after a hectic couple of nights ;):p

  4. I've no doubt that if the Nissan guys owned up they would say there are better tyres than the stones for ZED but as they probably cost Nissan about 50p a corner its stones we get from new (same applies to most other Jap cars - Bridgestone have corned that market :rant: ) . They then rely on the average punter (not people like us) to renew with the same tyres to boost their profits.


    Having said that, Nissan arn't about to sell their cars with tyres not up job for the type motoring the various models are likely to be used for. I'm solely talking here about average road use here, not track, ice or similar extreme conditions. Reading this thread and numerous others before on which tyres are best and the helpful advice that someone who posted the attached site a while back:




    It seems a number of the familiar makes all have their good and not so good traits.


    I am not sure how anybody can be sure they have chosen the best tyre for ZED without trying out each type on the same car in exactly the same conditions. For me, I am probably inclined towards the Toyos when I need to replace the stones. Why? because they don't get bad reports from you guys and are at a reasonable price with decent longevity and yes I amit to finding the tread pattern the coolest - daft reason I know but am I alone in that thinking - see pic below of the Toyos on PINGU2's car below and compare to the more boring tread pattern on the blue ZED (no offence Cavey ;) )?




    Lets face it we all like to see mods to the cars that really work well in the looks department - isn't that really why Toyos appeal to many, and not just ZED owners? OK so price also comes into it and there is cut-price rubbish out there, in the same way that the most expensive does not mean the best (unless you are Armani man and that's what matters :lol: )


    Also, we all want to think that the replacement tyres we have chosen are better. But anything is likely to be better because its being compared to (usually) worn out tyres that are way past their best. I also wonder just how many want to believe the replacement tyres are better when in fact they might not be but having shelled out several hundred pounds its a brave owner who puts their hand up and says they are worse are at best no better than those before?


    Apologies for the ramble :blush: but whilst it is interesting to see the various comparisons I can't help thinking we sometimes get carried away with what appeals (me included!), without really being sure we have opted for a tyre that has been scientifically proven to be the best tyre that suits the ZED for the average road conditions we have in the UK.

  5. Mike, you and the guys have done a great job this year which hasn't always been the easiest. Happy New year to the team and to everyone else who makes this place so great :teeth:


    +1 Have a good one everybody. :thumbs:


    +2 Agreed, the site is addictive (like the cars :teeth:) and the mods have done an excellent job balancing some of the more thorny issues that come along from time to time - thanks guys for all your hard and unpaid work on our behalf :thumbs:

  6. CONGRATS MATE !!! :yahoo::yahoo:


    you really need to drive it mate or at least move it to check the driveshafts dont click :scare:


    I did say he needed to check that when they were prepping the car and I wouldn't have it if it did. Everything looks mint on it to back up the mileage, a bit of damager to the front bumper arch which they are fixing and 1 paint chip on the door which they will do and thats it.


    B) just make sure it covered, i drove one with clicking driveshafts and tried to get them sorted by the salesman but all of a sudden he was deaf and couldnt hear them :blush:


    its a pricey fix and i wouldnt like to see you get stung with it :thumbs: you only have to move the car forwards and backwards a few times to check


    :thumbs: ditto

    Some 'fixes' I have seen reported on here have simply turned out to be grease packing - works for a while and then the problem returns. Get a written confirmation that parts have been changed if necessary.

  7. If it looked like the UK Type R but went like the JDM I'd be more interested.

    Disagree Digsy - UK Type R sucks :yuck: and none of the testers I respect have rated it - a poor imitation of the earlier model. The JDM that wanta350 has found is a far superior car - and as good as an Integra - better if you need 4 doors/seats. The only downside from what I hear is the ride is VERY hard so not exactly family orientated which might not go down too well with the women in wanta350's life.

  8. Things move on fellas (and ladies). Years ago we used to build our dwellings out of straw and animal crap, now we use bricks or steel and glass. Similarly there are better media formats in which to ingest information, books are so boring compared with the interactive products we now have readily available.






    there should be a minimum age limit on people allowed to reply in this thread !! :boxing:


    Or a maximum :p:boxing:


    or ZED owners only :p:boxing:

  9. I would say play it from the gearbox angle first as this is a known issue. While it is being worked, ask them to take a look at the clutch and go from there. As has been said above though, and not just with Nissan, it is unlikely you will get a replacement clutch done.... :)


    But it should get done cheaper with the box already out ;)

  10. On the Newlands valley road (Lake District) near the purple house; I was the drowned idiot walking along the road having been up on the felltops in pouring rain and howling wind, which is my only excuse for not getting more details :blush:


    You sure the weather had not affected your senses and you were just day dreaming.... ;)

  11. Yikes!!! :headhurt::headhurt::headhurt::headhurt:


    Excellent post - but erm erm now I am wondering if I should stick with my Pathfinder after all?


    £17,000 on petrol alone - ooer I feel a bit dizzy.



    The :teeth: s :teeth: s :teeth: s :teeth: s :teeth: s fully justify the £s :D

  12. Merry Christmas all!! Just had Xmas lunch, when it's only early hours of the morning for you lot. :lol::lol:


    Totally pi..ed by now then..... :p


    And no doubt so is Sarnie so early on in the day double posting..... :p


    But HAPPY CHRIMBO EVERYONE :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

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