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Posts posted by Derek_ZR

  1. Also roadsters are much less common :D


    I used to hardly ever see a Z around now they are getting popular, even saw my first ultra yellow near where I live at the weekend :p


    I can still count the number of roadsters I have seen on one hand :)

  2. As others say and I feel the same - the roadster doesn't look that nice with the roof up and the coupe is far nicer but put the roof down and the roadster beats the coupe for looks anyday.



    NOT :teeth:


    All personal opinion :D

  3. All depends on what you want to drive really. As I previously had a Pug 206CC I wanted another convertible so the roadster it was.


    As there were no roadsters in the country when I ordered, I got my test drive in a coupe and I still went for the roadster even although I may have had to wait 15 months on the car turning up after paying a £2,000 deposit (car turned up a year early :) )


    As others say and I feel the same - the roadster doesn't look that nice with the roof up and the coupe is far nicer but put the roof down and the roadster beats the coupe for looks anyday.

  4. I did the A6 this time on the way down. Went back on the M6 at Kendal as I wanted to visit the farm shop at Tebay services :)


    I was down last October for one day on the way back from Blackpool and went home via I think it was the A592 taking you past Ullswater. It was bad enough driving that in the Clio and I definitely wasn't taking the Z along they roads :D


    Will hopefully be back down at some point later in the year if not the summer so will definitely let you know before going.

  5. You had an MGZR!!! Thats what i had, lol


    It's a long story as to why I bought it - I had to swap my 206CC without paying out any cash and I had to do it asap as the engine in the 206CC was goosed and a new one was over £3k fitted.


    I also had to get a car with free insurance to let me build a 2nd NCD.


    The MG ZR was the only car I could get. Intended keeping it for 5yrs as it was mainly for work and eventually managed to get rid of it after 18 months for a reasonable price imo. It was the biggest heap of junk I have ever had :D

  6. Nice one dude!


    Tesco were trying to get £1000 off of me a while back as they said my Dad who was insured on my last car on their records was down as Spouse!!!!!!!!!!


    All of my documents said that he was a named drive and had nothing that mentioned spouse and how on earth will he be my spouse anyway!!!


    They said the error should have been checked by me, however i had no way of checking this as their documents had no mention of the word. So i sent them the proof of all 6 years of documents i had with them and they gave in. I now am with Adrian Flux anyway!


    They will try anything to get money.


    Although a word of waring with Robin Flux.....


    As they use brokers, be careful if you ever want to cancel a policy. I had my 206CC insured with them and swapped it for a new MG ZR. I got a free insurance policy on the MG which I wanted to start building up a 2nd NCD as the MG would be the 2nd car once the 350Z arrived.


    It had run for 8 months out of 12 and cost over £600. I couldn't get a refund.... They wouldn't let me suspend the policy to use the remaining 4 months once I had 2 cars, and they wouldn't even let the policy run it's course to let me earn the 1yrs NCD.


    I wouldn't touch them ever again.

  7. New documents arrived in the post this morning as well :D


    It's good to see a big company trying to call the shots and making the threats then backing down so quickly when the tables were turned :)


    I'm only 1.5yrs into a 5yr discounted mortgage with First Active (RBS company) so I couldn't have moved it for a while anyway but they didn't know that. But I would have moved insurance for both cars :rant:

  8. A bit long winded but I gained in the end :)


    Had a few problems with Direct Line who I insured my 06 Clio with back in November. Paid £278 with 2yrs NCD (2nd policy) and never sent the proof of NCD when they requested it - my fault.


    Then on 23/1/07 they sent a letter saying they hadn't received it and would cancel my policy and also wanted an admin fee of £11.75 - they were nice enough to ask me to give authority for them to take the fee :D


    I called them up and told them where to go. They said they sent a reminder in December which I never received so I said I would send the NCD proof (renewal letter from First Alternative) to them and forget taking any £11.75.


    On the same day I sent a letter to First Alternative asking for written proof and said my renewal stated 4 yrs NCD but I was only entitled to 2yrs as 2yrs were an introductory discount as it was a 2nd policy.


    I thought that was it all done and dusted as First Alternative sent me the proof of NCD last week and actually stated 4yrs on the letter even although I reminded them it was 2yrs.


    Then yesterday I came back from my few day holiday to a letter from Diect Line saying they hadn't received proof and were cancelling my policy on 26/2/07 and I had to send my insurance certificate back IMMEDIATELY as it was their property to prevent them from taking legal action for it's recovery.


    That end bit annoyed me the most. After being on hold for at least 15 mins, they eventually answered. I went through the security checks and they guy asked what was the number plate of the car I was calling about. I said you should know that without me telling you. So he read out the plate of the Clio but also my 350Z (insured that through Privilege, another RBS company). I told him what one it was and about the letter. He said they hadn't received the proof.


    I told him he had details of my two cars insured by RBS companies, one of which has 9yrs NCD yet they were sending me letters threatening to cancel insurance. He said he only had one car so I asked him how he gave me a number plate of a car which has only been on the car for 2 weeks - still waiting on his answer :) I told him to get this sorted out or there would be no cars insured with an RBS company and the mortgage would be moving too - that inspired him :D


    He asked if I still had a copy of the NCD proof and I said I had so he asked me to fax it. I told him I never had a fax as they were a little outdated and I could e-mail it. He then took my FA policy number and a phone number for them and said he would call me back in 10 minutes. It's amazing they way they change when I do the threatening about cancelling things !


    He called back and said that First Alternative had confirmed my NCD but it was 4yrs and not 2yrs so they would be giving me an £84 refund. I tried to explain why they said 4yrs and he said it didn't matter. So I thanked him for his help for resolving the issue and smiled when I saw the £84 refunded to my credit card today.


    So they dispute started with them wanting a near £12 admin fee and cancelling my policy and ended with me getting £84 bringing the cost of insurance to under £200 :D This means that I will gain every year for now on that I keep a 2nd car :D

  9. As mentioned, the car must already be insured by someone else if it's not in your name.


    You also need to start earning new NCD on a 2nd policy. Some insurers will mirror your existing NCD on a 2nd policy and some will give you an introductory discount.


    If you could effectively drive without insurance then I would have bought an old banger to get to and from work instead of a new Clio :D

  10. Anyone else had this problem ? - standard 18" alloys....


    Gave the car a good clean today as I'm off to the Lake Districit tomorrow morning with it - and I noticed minor corrosion on two of the wheels (on the spoke).


    Even worse is that it isn't the one that is slightly kerbed :D


    Are Nissan likely to replace under warranty ok ? I had the same problem on a Peugeot 206CC and they were all replaced under warranty afer 2 years. Z will be 2yrs old at end of March.

  11. Got my new plates made up yesterday....


    Scottish/Euro flag and web address along bottom - £18 for the set.


    As I wanted another set with Scottish/Euro flag for my Clio and the same for my g/f's car, he did all 3 sets for £50 and I also got free sticky pads to put them on with :)

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