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Posts posted by Jay84

  1. Every time you speed and get caught, you're an idiot. You're screwing over every other sensible driver.


    Cams and cops tend to sit either in 30/40 zones, or on boring motorways. These are either dull places to speed, or boring places to speed. Every time you get done you reinforce the fact that it's an easy money earner for The Man: If we all stopped getting caught, they wouldn't be able to afford to run the bloody things!


    Stop driving like knobs and getting caught, and be a considerate driver to the rest of us.

    Most of the time these are 30/40 roads for a reason ie schools houses industrial areas with lots of junctions, so I agree you should be sensible in these. But I do prefer to sit at 80 on motorways when I don't have cruise control, don't know why. With CC I can sit at 70 all the live long day quite happily
  2. GPS based speed is more accurate (i believe), the cameras allow for 10% over the predetermined limit to account for those discrepancies. Which means if you're caught doing 31 and have a dashcam with GPS and speed awareness you should be able to over turn it. Also worth noting that when my speedo says 30, the other usually says around 27-8.



    Oh I and Im not trying to flog dashcams

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  3. I believe there is more that can be done to make to roads safer than just penalising speeders. Im not justifying speeding, I work on a busy stretch with a primary school and get p***ed off idiots speeding past. Traffic calming measures cause people to swerve and focus more on hitting it the right way rather than whats happening on the road, people getting too close to the car in front on motorways, lorrys with more light in the cab than blackpool pleasure beach, pretty girls in fiats, all cause distractions. Since fitting my dashcam I'm more aware of what Im doing, I think they should be compulsory.

  4. Been there done that.


    Mine was over the peak district (Ashbourne to Buxton stretch), its all windy former NSL (now 50mph) roads that i travel fairly often and know well but during the summer gets snarled up with tourists, trucks etc you know the type. I get to a well sighted stretch with an opportunity to get past a row of about 4 others who either don't know the roads well enough or don't have the balls to get past the slow one at the front,so I indicate, move out and get about 3 cars along when a car appears at one of the single track side roads.... balls.

    Sods law, they only check their right for oncoming traffic and don't clock me on their side of the road to their left the wrong way so of course start to pull out and I have to slam on and tuck back into the queue of slow traffic feeling about 2" tall and proceed to sit in the same spot for the rest of that stretch of the journey :lol:

    I love that stretch of road. Its the feeling small that is the worse bit, forget nearly crashing and dying lol
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  5. Until the tree incident, I used to get frustrated driving the Zafira, people see a people carrier and just pull out on you. That's the only road rage I get, and I think thats because momentum was hard to get in it. The rest of the time, i figure no collision no drama. And even when contact has been made Im pretty calm.

  6. I think its the height of the tail gate and overly shallow sloping rear window. I'm sure it's aerodynamically efficient, but I personally never think of it as pretty. There are uglier cars though lol

  7. The beauty of the early Type R's was that looked fairly standard to the unknowing. Not a pretty car, but quick. Compared with some of the rivals they always looked bland to some people (I personally liked them). The base car this time though I think has started out ugly, with the back end of a Prius.

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