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Posts posted by TomBorehamUK

  1. Hi All,


    I'm selling a very slightly used clutch plate that comes with the Xtreme clutch kit supplied by Clark Motorsport.





    It had only covered 991 miles and as you can see from the pictures is practically new, the only reason I got it changed is because I had a clutch line fail from incorrect fitment, I replaced the Friction plate as I was worried about contamination of clutch fluid but when given back the clutch it is immaculate and bone dry.


    It was £234 on it's own, and i believe it would generally only be supplied as a kit.


    I'm asking for £120 posted



  2. The edge looks good, but if you ever crack the screen, which is likely with no edge protection, the cost of replacement is extortionate


    Yep, cracked mine and it's about £150-£200 to replace but I'll just claim on insurance when I can be bothered :lol:

  3. I was benching 18kg dumbells a month ago now I'm back up to 44's.


    Those are some VERY strong lifts bradders. VERY. Video please. And pics. You must be huge.


    Don't need to be huge to be strong, dat strong CNS


    Here's Brad though, the big fella ;)




  4. Yeah, I mean I've never tried big numbers if I'm honest, but I suppose thats the difference between body-building and power-lifting, building muscle versus just getting the weight up





    That's the difference between mouse and man ;)

  5. I'm getting there.....very slowly! Don't laugh please ;)


    Have started keeping a diary so I can keep check. Been concentrating on arms, chest, back and abs as my legs already get a good workout through other sports. Had just moved up to 12kg for bicep/tricep curls, flyes, etc. (I know, pretty poor by your standards guys) but I'm relatively new to weights. Just back from holiday, so probably gone backwards a bit :( Although I was pretty pleased with my abs on holiday...even the gallons of cheap beer consumed didn't knock my 6-pack too much. Hitting the training again first thing tomorrow! Reckon by the time I'm 50, I might have the body I want lol




    Missed this Kraziekats, looking good! The diarys definitely a good call :thumbs:

  6. Hey Haribo's fine, especially after a grueling workout it can even be beneficial! :D

    GM, When you've got a free morning/afternoon, have a read through this website http://www.aworkoutroutine.com


    Some invaluable information on there :thumbs:


    Seems like the Spanish inquisition :lol: but when you say your diet is reasonable do you actually keep track of how much you're eating? Total calories and breakdown of Macros?

    Cheers Tom I'll have a read of that tonight when I get a chance.


    Oh and as far as keeping track of calories I've never done that so wouldn't have a clue.


    Also no idea sorry what a "macro" is


    This will be 90% of why you're not seeing the results you want, honestly.


    You really do need to track what you're eating, it's a right Ballache when you first start doing it but soon becomes second nature. You MUST eat in a Surplus of calories to make ANY gains, period.


    We all have a maintenance caloric intake, which is just the amount we need to function throughout the day, To breathe, move around, to do our jobs and for general bodily functions etc :)

    It's dependant on your age, activity level and size but is fairly easy to figure out.

    If you were to eat at this maintenance level you will stay at the same weight, if you were to eat below this, you'll lose weight and if you were to eat above....you gain weight :D


    The type if weight gained is dependant on what you do, so if you just ate excess calories and didn't increase your activity level, you'll get fat. Whereas if you're working out in the gym and causing those microtears within your muscles, your body will use those surplus calories to repair and rebuild muscles ever so slightly stronger and bigger - without these calories this cannot happen, as TT said you can't build a house without bricks.


    Sorry, Macros is short for Macronutrients, the main nutrients that our bodies need in large amounts, the main 3 you want to start tracking are Protein, Fat and Carbohydrates.


    I think that site touches on this subject, but if you want any help in working out how to do this just ask, I wont profess to be an expert but am massively interested in the subject :)


    Your routine does need changing Imo and there does seem to be some misinformation there as for the sit ups etc. (Sit ups will engage your entire core but are not even necessary to get a 6 pack, chances are you already have one, it's just hiding!)

    • Like 1
  7. Hey Haribo's fine, especially after a grueling workout it can even be beneficial! :D

    GM, When you've got a free morning/afternoon, have a read through this website http://www.aworkoutroutine.com


    Some invaluable information on there :thumbs:


    Seems like the Spanish inquisition :lol: but when you say your diet is reasonable do you actually keep track of how much you're eating? Total calories and breakdown of Macros?

    • Like 2
  8. Sort of.

    Basically I don't really enjoy exercising at all, ...I'm not one of these people who gets a buzz from it (although seeing results gives me a buzz) & I have to constantly push myself into doing it.


    Probably a bit of a catch 22 situation here, don't like exercising so don't want to train that much and therefore not seeing results so still not wanting to train?


    When did you last change your routine and what does your routine look like?

    I'd hazard a guess that if you were often seeing results either in size or in being able to increase your lifts then you may enjoy it more?


    I used to be similar, really lacked any motivation and just felt stagnant, had always been training using a 5 day split. I really detested "Arm day" and like you, just wanted to get it over with. (I'm one of those weird people that loves training legs :lol: )

    I just felt like I wasn't training effectively or eating right at all.

    So I did some research and changed the lot, I no longer train 5-6 days a week, I do 4 days and hit everything twice too! Never felt stronger.




    I was finding that I was getting impatient resting between sets when for example my biceps were tired & I was waiting for my 30 second rest period.

    So instead of just waiting for 30 seconds I'd switch to a predominantly shoulder exercise or tricep exercise (albeit probably using the bicep a bit) in order to keep doing something and get through my routine quicker.


    You get impatient in only 30 seconds? :lol: I personally for example will train biceps and triceps together at the end of my routine with minimal rest between so there's nothing wrong with this per se but definitely not optimal for your entire routine.




    Do you or anyone else on here use Creatine?


    Yes I do, when you buy it just buy Pure Creatine monohydrate, it's cheap as chips as a supplement, I always buy 1kg from Myprotein.com for £11.99, I take 5g per day every day and this is 200 servings so will last me well over half a year from that single bag!

    It's a really effective supplement and It's the only one i would recommend taking except for Whey Protein, almost all the rest are just a waste of money.

    Creatine works by increasing your bodies stores of ATP - The muscles primary energy source and therefore should assist in having more energy/strength during your workouts. You may also notice looking a little fuller with creatine as it increases retention :thumbs:



    Don't get me wrong I don't expect to get massive, especially not without massively increasing my protein intake etc but I just want to get more rounder bicep muscles with a good peak.

    Any suggestions for seeing really good improvements on my arms?


    The simplest answer would be to train arms effectively and EAT EAT EAT. Cannot stress enough how important eating enough food is, your muscles will not grow at all without the correct nutrition no matter how much you train.



    So how does your routine and diet look? May be able to get some pointers in what to change to see those results you want :D

  9. You CAN do that GM, I personally wouldn't, if I've read that right then that's one big superset and you'd find your noticeably fatigued on your last lifts and therefore probably not able to lift as much and to see any progression on those lifts?


    As far as your last question GM seeing progress and regarding not increasing your weights, the number one thing you want to keep in your mind is progressive overload.

    You should always be subjecting your body to additional stress once accustomed to the stress it's already put under, else there will be no microtears. (Put simply, completing the same routine with the same weight and amount of sets would net no results in size or strength.)


    There are a few ways you can progressively overload for strength - Adding weight, Increasing reps or increasing sets.


    People all have their own routines, but what I do personally is work in a given rep range, different depending on workout but I work within a "rep range"


    For example with squats this is 3 working sets of 6-8 reps, now my goal in my workout is to get between 6-8 reps at a given weight, I will only increase weight the following workout if all 3 of my sets are within this rep range,


    For example my workout would look like this,


    Week 1

    8 x 130KG

    7× 130KG

    7x 130KG


    So I'd deem that a success, and increase the weight by a small amount for the next workout, so next week may look like this,


    7x 135kg

    6x 135kg

    5x 135kg


    So here I've not fallen within my rep range however progressive overload has still taken place as I've increased weight, if I've not met the rep range I'll keep at that weight until I meet that range, the following week may look like this,


    8 x 135kg

    7x 135kg

    6/7 x 135kg


    Progressive overload = Success :D


    Obviously we'll never be able to increase Weight every week and you can be at a given weight for a while but the key is to always be looking to increase the demand by the smallest increment.



    Also i will always incrementally warm up to my my working weight, I find this hugely important and noticed a big improvement in my workouts when i started intelligently warming up.


    Just something else to add, 8-12 reps is regarded as the best range to work in for size, I generally work within this range for all isolation lifts and then 6-8 reps for more demanding compound lifts like squats and Deadlifts etc.


    If you like GM I can dig you out some really good articles on the subject, explains everything really clearly and cuts out all the BS


    Edit - Also, touching on rest times you should rest LESS on those lower intensity lifts (The ones where you're able to do more reps) and rest MORE on the higher intensity lifts (The ones where you're only able to do 6-8 reps)

    I generally rest between 60 - 90 seconds on the isolation lifts and between 120 - 180 seconds on the heavy compound lifts.

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  10. Hi Guys, I'm selling my massage chair as I never actually use it so rather than collecting dust in my wardrobe I figure someone else could put it to use.


    It's 'as new' practically unused, bought a couple months ago for £140, looking at reviews it is rated as the best massage chair in this price range, it's lightweight and folds away for storage, when you want to use it you can place it on your sofa, chair or on the end of the bed etc.


    This chair heats up, has a vibrating seat pad and has many different massage settings for the entire back and shoulders or just for pinpointing areas :)


    I'm asking for only £80, collection preferred in East Essex but courier can be arranged :)







  11. Ask any of the guys on the Scotland trip if my old Celica couldn't keep up with their Zeds ;) and I am Miss Daisy when it comes to driving :lol:


    Weird, don't remember seeing that red toyota in applecross? Did it go back down and meet us back at the other side? ;)



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