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Posts posted by TomBorehamUK

  1. Trip was great, meeting you all was just as good as the roads we drove on! What a great bunch of lads and ladies...Brian is next year organised yet, come on now we're waiting on you :lol:


    Shame about my Zed giving up the ghost, she'll be back soon-ish, just waiting on parts!

    Anyway will be a good excuse to go drive a few more roads when I pick her back up :D


    Got loads of Go pro footage to go through which will take ages but will post it up when I've made a little video :D

    • Like 3
  2. 1. Irn Bru 350z all booked

    2. Bradders brand spanking new 350z all booked

    3. Coldel Celica GT4 all booked

    4. Scotty 370z all booked

    5. Adrian_CNC 350z - all booked

    6. ShaunRS Focus RS - all booked

    7, Dougtosh 350z- all booked

    8. Pritchard - Also booked

    9. Chirag1988 - booked agesss ago :p

    10. ap427 - booked

    11. TomBorehamUK - Booked

  3. Well your friends are selling drugs on the side B) , they're working more hours than you or you're on the wrong tax code.


    £6.50 an hour isn't tax free, your first £11000 in earnings P/A is tax free this is your personal allowance, so if someone was only to work about 30 hours per week then they wouldn't be taxed, do 50 at the same rate then they would be.

  4. I guess that anyone that is able to save £4K a year will be paying at least the basic rate of tax.


    Just for arguments sake, someone on minimum wage of £6.50 will earn roughly same as someone on around £8-8.50 an hour due to taxes.


    Well not exactly, working 40 hours a week at £6.50 will total £12200 after tax.


    40 hours per week at £8.50 will total roughly £15200 after tax


    Not the hugest of differences but the difference is almost enough for the requirements of the ISA. :)

  5. That Shmee dude gets right on my goat for some reason .... It's like his tongue is to big for his mouth ... Not many people I'd like to slap , but he's one of them !


    Very impressive car though .... Not sure on the styling though if I'm honest


    Lol I don't mind him, that Alex bloke from "car throttle" though, what an Annoying t**t.

  6. I know of Dave Crossland. I was one of the original members of Testosterone Muscle where he has his journals etc. Splintered off from disgruntled UKMuscle members who decides to make their own site. A few of us at UKMuscle got invited to be part of it.


    I don't know why he's trying to be as big as possible at the cost of everything else.


    Also roids won't automatically make you big. You still need to lift heavy to force muscle to adapt and grow. It's all exactly the same principle as non chemically enhanced training. You lift heavy, you eat excess calories and nutrients. You grow, just quicker and beyond what's 'naturally' possible for your specific genetics.


    Taking roids alone and neglecting the other parts of a comprehensive weight lifting regime and diet won't yield any results.


    That said, a natural guy training the way someone trains while on roids would probably be overtraining.


    Actually, I remember reading a case study with four groups of participants, 2 on Roids, 2 natural.

    With all diets being the same varying on body weight.

    Group 1 - Natural, not working out.

    Group 2 - Weekly injections of 600 mg of testosterone enanthate and Not working out

    Group 3 - Natural following a regular gym routine

    Group 4 - Weekly injections of 600 mg of testosterone enanthate and following the regular gym routine.


    If I remember rightly The results were as expected for group 1, no changes, though group 2 who took steroids and did nothing still gained 7lbs of muscle!!, group 3 gained 4lbs which is about right (Pretty good!) For 10 weeks training and Group 4 I think put on about 12lbs


    Literally just got home from work so will have to find a link to the study and get back to you...

  7. im just checking the map and the proposed hotels... they dont match up.


    Where is the start / finish line? as based on your hotels it isnt Inverness?

    For those of us who need to drive for 12 hours to get there, we wil need an additional hotel for thursday night, what have people booked in?




    also, no response from Iron Bru on here, or from PM i sent.

    im not on the list of 13, which says closed.... do i book or do i not?


    As far as the Thursday night, this is where we are staying http://m.premierinn.com/en/hotel/EDIESK/edinburgh-a7-dalkeith


    Except Brad I think who has got himself a castle :lol:

  8. Gas fitter, easy money and been trying for months to get someone to fit a gas fire but no one seems interested. Would do it myself but would invalidate house insurance etc :surrender:


    Its your house and your fire so providing you follow the manufacturers instructions and fit it correctly then there is no reason why you can`t. You just need a qualified gas service engineer who is ticketed for gas fires to connect the last part of the gas supply and commission it. ( ex gas engineer mate in case you were wondering )


    I'm quite interested in the role of a Gas engineer and the pay with it, wondering if I can get some insight from you on the job, how difficult was training and getting into the job and did you enjoy it? :)

  9. Well of course, I understand it would be hard to find sympathy for someone you don't know and also without knowing the circumstances but I don't believe driving like a complete idiot and driving too fast for road conditions are entirely the same thing, I think we can all confess to making a mistake on the road, coming out of a bend too fast or braking too late etc, chances are we get a scare and learn from it, some just don't get that wake up call.

    I have a lot of respect for the road and wouldn't defend reckless driving I just don't believe, knowing him that it was.


    If you know me, you'll know I really don't have Zed-tinted glasses but this is one area where I think the Zed does very well. It (together with many other fast/exotic cars) looks sleek, purposeful, sporty but manages to do it in a subtle way. You stand out in a nice way but you don't LOOK like you're trying to


    All in your opinion of course, I've been told just recently I'm 'a c*cky little p**ck in my porsche' :lol:

    • Like 2
  11. Thanks for the kind words guys

    It's still not totally sunk in, just read the police statement saying he was 'probably going to fast for the road conditions' Unfortunately what he loved - cars, bikes and speed proved to be his downfall, I'm just glad the guys in the other car weren't seriously injured. Funeral is in 2 weeks, time to find a shocking pink suit! :)


    Not a facebooker so instead I'll use the forum to have a spill. I'm absolutely shocked, just got news an old mate from college has died in a car crash last night, you just don't expect it to be someone you know. Really sobering and makes you think about those people in your life when something like that happens, and urges me to get back in contact with those I've not seen in a long time!

    • Like 2
  13. or just be happy with the car you've got! most guys your age have to make do with a 1.2 corsa - the only reason you can afford the insurance on a zed is because you aren't yet paying any rent, food or bills.


    if you get a V8 when you're 21 then where do you go from there? V12 by the time you're 25? I suspect it'll be more likely at some point you'll have to downgrade, which nobody every likes doing.


    then again, if you are able to live with mum and dad, why not spunk £400 a month on a flash car for 3 years, then give it back when the deal ends? you'll be no better off than you are now, but you'll be no worse off either.


    Most people my age don't research costs of things... they call up one insurance company for a 1.2 @*!# box and then accept that is the norm. My first car was a 2003 318i - nice car, boring as hell to drive, but cheap to insure surprisingly - £1600 for an 18 year old with no experience or NCB lol a 1.1- 1.4 @*!# box was only about £200 a year cheaper and I wasn't willing to drive any of those - Again I paid the price for that, but was actually £100 a month more than what I'm paying now for the Z, and I was on higher wages but had more tax and expenses like fuel to deal with - A tank 14 work days or so.



    So my logic is, I've done it before, and I can do it again :D Like you say, why not, while I can.

    Just gotta wait it out and be patient for once...


    You shouldn't just accept that price as the norm ;), £700 to insure the Zed and I'm 21 too :D

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