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Posts posted by TT350

  1. On 21/05/2019 at 16:19, stanski said:

    I have to agree there is a certain clientele seen driving a Stang! I would like to confirm I am not that, neither do I like the usual suspect German stuff, no doubt superb but too common for me. I am just wierd?


    Inside I am still 12 flicking through my Hot Rod and Custom Magazine haha.


    Anyway its most likely be a 370z the sensible choice but I have to try a Mustang too.


    Yeah I used to feel the same way about German but I was illuminated as to my folly in the matter. I will be aiming for the V10 RS6 via a B8.5 Audi S5, because I know I will enjoy it in the meantime. 


    Why not do the same? 


    Then again my logic is often flawed so I retract that last sentence as a form of advice. 


    A 370 is still a tempting one for me, too. Especially as it's roughly 10 to 12 thousand pounds cheaper than an RS6. But the RS6 - what a car. 



  2. 13 hours ago, docwra said:

    Ross and Nero as it happens :lol:




    Original (including paint) other than a Capristo exhaust and some rear wheel spacers, it goes, looks and sounds beautiful, who cares how much it cost? :lol:

    My BMW is considerably faster but is trying to kill me all the time while this works with you, its like the difference between having a punch up with someone and ballroom dancing. Can also confirm an MR2 handling is not a million miles away .........


    Lucky guy. My favourite Ferrari after the F50 (yes, F50, not F40 lol) and 458.



  3. On 18/05/2019 at 07:05, Ekona said:


    You're right though, we can change our minds and rejoin someday if that’s what we want. Absolutely no reason why that shouldn’t happen at all.  


    And that's democracy. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Ekona said:

    I really need to go out there someday soon. 

    Join me. 


    Always wanted to go. It's a minimum of 4 to go out though and everyone I've invited doesn't want to "come back with a 6th toe on one foot"


    There are options that can include just touring pripyat or as much as going inside the sarcophagus and the control room of reactor 4 Which is what I'd like to do. 




    • Like 1
  5. Politicians, even on 80k, with all their benefits, have absolutely no idea how the lower two thirds of the population live.


    I just don't see any politicians that are like me. Who is representing me? They're all from privileged backgrounds for the most part and in their day to day lives I dare say they never meet people like me. They're not interested in people like me because there's nothing to gain from it. Unlike wealthy and influential people. 


    I'm willing to learn of course. I'd like to learn that there were people like me in Whitehall. Perhaps there are. 


    And for a lot of people not middle or upper class, I would imagine they feel the same as me. Not represented and simply an afterthought when the wealthy have been catered for. Thrown the scraps.


    And the education they have, is that worth something simply because of where the qualifications were obtained? IE Oxford? 


    I remember a caller on LBC who worked at either oxford or cambridge said something along the lines of "I began to detest new term. To see time and again the same knowledge that each of them had that they would one day, in some capacity, rule the country"


    The old boys club. 


    I think if that was somehow eliminated, I'd be much more willing to trust the political system. To know that a commoner could stand a chance at being the prime minister because of who he or she is rather than who they knew or who their parents were.


    I may be so far off and totally naive and ignorant but it's not deliberate so, I'll always keep an open mind. It's the height of stupidity to cling to a belief without being willing to re-examine it when given new information.




  6. 1 hour ago, docwra said:

    Then to be blunt you shouldnt be able to cast a vote, the same as the people that voted for us to leave the EU based on incorrect beliefs or information. 
    If you dont actually understand who or what you are voting for how can you make the right choice? You wouldnt get on a plane if the pilot told you he hadnt flown before and asked where the cockpit was ........... 

    You say you dont expect things to change, take some time to look at our political and economic policy in 1980, 1990 and 2000, consider we are on the brink of leaving the EU right now - they do change depending on who people vote for.  


    I dont mean to cause offence but it seems there is a large proportion that are voting for the Brexit Party because they want Brexit when the reality is voting in the X Factor will make as much difference. Thats a bit scary if you ask me. 


    You're right in a lot of what you said. It doesn't offend me. I was irresponsible with my vote and it came from the wrong place at a time when I was quite different as a person not least because I wasn't interested in politics then.


    Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't be comfortable voting at all because my mistrust of politicians has deepened. 


    If theres one clear fact that's emerged from all this it's just how spineless and self involved politicians are. That, for me, has been a good eye opener and it will have quite long lasting effects. I hope it'll be much more difficult after this for politicians to just float on the gravy train and not leapfrog from Eton to oxbridge to Whitehall and be a bum in a seat on £80k a year.


    I would hazard a guess and say working class people simply don't feel they have the power to change anything and that voting doesn't work. But if they see that it does and can work, perhaps in future they'll be more responsible instead of just voting for chaos, such as Brexit is.


    Really, Brexit is just pent up frustration at the ruling class. Logic seldom comes into it. 


    Don't worry about causing me offence. I'm not going to fall out with anyone over a difference of opinion on politics. Its human nature and there are far more things we all have in common than things we disagree on. 


    Although, football is cr@p and I'm 100% correct about that, lol.



  7. 21 hours ago, docwra said:

    So you think we would be best represented in Europe by a party with no policies that admit they will not co-operate with the EU on anything?
    A party that despite naming themselves "Brexit" wont have any hand in the negotiation? This is the best chopice for the good of the country?
    This is my biggest issue, the Brexit party have absolutely nothing to do with Brexit process yet this seems to be where they are putting their banner out, its disingenuous. 

    And as a more extended question, I can see why people would vote to leave as a protest ........... but thats cutting off your nose to spite your face. Rather like voting for the proven liar Farage here, you can make yourself heard but at what cost?


    The honest answer is, I don't know. 


    I'm 37 and, the one constant I've observed in life is, the rich get rich, the poor get poorer and, quieter. 


    I'm not rich and I'm not poor. I see the middle classes and wealthy in an absolute tailspin at the prospect of becoming slightly less wealthy, though.


    Do I think anyone else will better represent the masses? No, absolutely not. They don't care. As a result I don't care. Pure apathy.


    There is NEVER going to be a win win situation. There will always be a loser. 


    Human beings are sometimes logical creatures. Many times we aren't because emotions come into play. That's why democracy has to be totally unyielding to either side.


    I really don't expect situations to change. The rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer. The politicians will make promises then immediately go back on them. Farage included. I know that man has no integrity. I'm not stupid.


    As far as cutting off noses to spite faces. Well, you make your bed, you lie in it. 


    But I maintain that no matter what happens, we should all get through it together for the greater good.


    I can't throw around facts and figures and % and GDP like most people on here can, all you'll get from me is an observation of human behaviour and patterns.

  8. 11 hours ago, scobie140 said:

    Its amazing how a tv series can generate and spur on peoples interest in this, lots of people talking about it now and more aware of it  

    I've been interested in it for years.


    So fascinating. 

  9. I don't recall guy Martin acting up. A bit of bravado maybe, which is his style and has to be really, being a manx tt racer. I suppose he's more afraid of involuntary dismounts at 200mph. 


    There are better videos on YouTube of Chernobyl especially by bionerd23. In one of her videos she finds a fragment of graphite moderator on the ground. And proceeds to handle it. 


    Incidentally, the guys at the end of episode 2, aren't dead, they're still alive today except for one who died of a heart attack. 


    The Soviets really were blase with their nuclear programme. Especially towards their own population. Irresponsible. 

  10. @MDMetal that is correct.


    Democracy is something many people have had to fight and die for. Do we ignore democracy when it's convenient for us or because it didn't go the way we wanted it to?


    Democracy is far too precious to throw away. And by ignoring the vote, that's what we would be doing. 


    We could call into account and contest any vote in the future or even from the past by re-examining the parameters and the results that came of it. 


    "Well, they got a re-vote, why can't we have one for this, that and the other?" 


    That's a very basic analogy but accurate non the less. 


    Personally, I respect remainers wishes and I certainly don't take to name calling and insults. 


    I do wish it could all have a happy ending. (No, not a Thai massage happy ending) and that as a nation, beyond this fiasco, we will all prosper eventually. 


    As a nation, we've faced bigger adversaries and darker times by pulling together.


    If anyone is to blame, it's the previous governments for manufacturing such resentment in society. The conditions were ideal, it just needed the catalyst. A divided population is far easier to control than an organised one. 


    I'm not a conspiracy theorist but, you could surmise that the government constantly, subtle hand in social engineering, if you were one.


    And I DO know that a lot of people voted leave due to xenophobia and racism and just sheer ignorance. 


    There are a lot of intelligent people on this forum that can throw around statistics and fact based predictions all day and night and make someone like me seem irrational and stupid for not being in full possession of the facts and therefore having no right to cast a vote.


    I wont resent anyone because of their opinion. 







  11. I only ever see grey haired, pot bellied, brown leather driving glove wearing, black nylon pants with grey leather moccasins type gentlemen in Mustangs that talk like Jeremy Clarkson. 


    Seems its more of a third quarter of life choice, from what I have seen round here, lol.


    I'm sure you're a svelte, dashing chap though so, go with the Maserati. 



    • Haha 1
  12. Its Brexit in a nutshell. A big F you to the establishment. 


    People always say that brexiteers are racist inbreds who shouldn't be trusted with a decision any more far reaching than whether to wear black socks or white ones. 


    That's been promulgated by remainers since day one. It's condescending. Just like our governments always have been. We know best, you don't. So shut up and get back to the coal pit.


    Right or wrong, that wears thin after a while, and you get resentment. So when another option presents itself, and very clearly winds up the main, traditional parties, people go with it without too much thought. 


    Brexit is decades of resentment and I'm afraid that shouting at the demographic that voted leave and calling them names along the lines of "racist, stupid, uninformed, xenophobic morons" just throws fuel on the fire.


    Huge resentment and division, unfortunately. 


    I don't trust Farage one bit. But then, I don't trust any of the others, either. 


    It's a mess. 


    Perhaps if it is to happen, both sides should focus more on making the best of it, rather than name calling, squabbling and wasted attempts to derail democracy. 


    And no matter what spin you put on, it such as "yes but they were too stupid to know what they were voting for" if Brexit is cancelled, that isn't democracy. That's a dictatorship. One group telling another they can't have what they voted for (right or wrong, informed or uninformed) is a dictatorship and it'll have massive consequences for years to come. 


    I don't want to live in a country where democracy is a "best 2 out of 3" affair.


    I wish it all hadn't happened, not least because its all LBC talk about for the past 3 years!!!


    And yes, I'm one of those double digit IQ, cave dwelling morons who voted leave. Please can you tie my shoe laces, or can I be trusted with that responsibility?



    • Like 3
  13. 48 minutes ago, Andy_Muxlow said:

    I watched it, thought it was good slow starter but good none the less. I am also interested in this type of thing. Not sure about visiting it, although I was there or there abouts in modern warfare iirc sniping through the undergrowth lol. But seriously it's very interesting really. 

    Have a look at these.




    This one is quite cool too from around 1:35



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