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Mondo 300

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Posts posted by Mondo 300

  1. A 2 week turnaround...??


    Yeah that's what I've been quoted by the company I've used in the past, Jack @ RoyalSteeringwheels.com.

    "350Z – perforated sides, nappa top/bottom + silver centre band at 12 o'clock, silver stitching + 2mm thicker"


    I haven't commited to anything yet but what would you quote for the above out of interest?


    £145 delivered for that from me. No idea how that compares to Jack's pricing.

  2. Does anyone have a steering wheel lieing around unwanted? I'm interesting in sourcing one that can be sent away for a retrim without being stuck during the 2 week turnaround time.


    A 2 week turnaround...??

  3. Fantastic work, yet again, Si í ½í±. Although you could've cleared your tools away before taking the pics 😋.


    Jon, these are gonna look superb once you get them fitted back in your car 😎


    My workroom's an absolute tip at the moment, Dave! :lol: It always is at the end of a job, but I'll be tidying the place up this afternoon.


    I agree though; I think his car will look sensational once he refits everything :thumbs:

  4. I'd forgotten how much work actually goes into the the 370 Roadster headrests, hence why only one of them is completed thus far. Jon and I agreed to change the design a little and use Alcantara on the front and rear panels - I think it looks really good:












    Anyway, it's nice to see at least one of the seats 100% complete now... especially seeing as I'm driving all the way down to Oxfordshire on Saturday morning to deliver everything!


    Now that's service... :thumbs:

    • Like 2
  5. While I'm waiting for some more leather to be delivered, I thought I'd better get on with another part of this build: the steering wheel.


    Nothing especially out of the ordinary here; just a standard 370Z wheel that I've fattened up, added a TDC ring and trimmed in solid and perforated black leather with some nice red stitching. :)


















    Just the headrests to finish now (once this leather arrives) and then it's all ready to head back to it's rightful home again! :thumbs:

    • Like 2
  6. Thanks for all the positive comments, guys - makes me smile when I'm working hard on a Sunday! :)


    Anyway, both doorcards are now finished. The second one was easier than the first as I'd learned a suitable plan of attack doing that first one, so this one didn't take quite as long. Still bloody fiddly though!


    Et voila:
















    Phew!! :D

    • Like 3
  7. The doorcard inserts. Red Alcantara with dark grey topstitching :) It turns out that these are phenomenally fiddly little buggers, and that's being polite!


    Ideally, when fitting the new covers (because every part of it is glued down and also because Alcantara stretches in every possible direction), you need at least three hands... but I've only got two :(... but perseverence and sheer bloody-mindedness wins out in the end so:
















    It has, however, taken the best part of today to do one of them, so I'll be having a well-earned rest this evening and cracking on with the other side tomorrow morning! :thumbs:

    • Like 1
  8. Can't tell you how pleased I am Si. I know it's a bit red for you but it's turning out just as I wanted. In my opinion the 370Z all black interior is a bit dull. It needs a lift some how and this will do just that.




    It's not so much that it's a bit red for me, mate - after all, I have a completely red interior in my car :) - it's just a less subtle shade than I wanted for mine. Perfect for you and your "shouty red" requirements though :thumbs:


    Which leads me to....


    Super job Si....... really like that red :teeth: dont use it all up, you might need it next year.........


    Bodyman, thats going to look stunning....... Hopefully might get to see it for myself sometime this year if I pull my finger out and start attending things.


    There's a chance that this is a discontinued colour now, Graeme! Luckily it's not the same as you and I have in our cars, which is still available :)

  9. I finally went to see this last night and, I have to say, I was pretty disappointed! :(


    I could tell it was a J.J. Abrams film simply from the plot-recycling of the classic SW films:


    Everyone chasing a droid...


    On a desert planet...


    Escaping the stormtroopers in the Falcon...


    Han Solo in a cantina scene...


    The main bad guy being all in black... with a helmet... and a funy voice...


    Having to perform a rescue from the bad guys' base...


    The parent/child dramatic meeting (on a gangway!)...


    The X-Wings having to approach through a metal canyon...


    In the gigantic death-dealing planet!


    Honestly, what?! I mean, it was an enjoyable film in itself, but I don't think it brought anything overly new to the franchise at all.


    If I'm brutally honest, I much preferred Revenge Of The Sith. Whilst it had it's flaws, it was a film with originality, whereas The Force Awakens just reminded me of Abrams' takes on the Star Trek franchise (especially Into Darkness).


    There were some good points: Harrison Ford managed to pull off being an older Han Solo, in my opinion... and Ridley and Boyega did pretty well with their roles (although if Boyega's character had been brainwashed and programmed from infancy to be a stormtrooper, it didn't seem to take long for him to break free of that and start wisecracking a la Fresh Prince Of Bel Air!)


    I thought Rylo Ken's character was a poor one and not a particularly intimidating villain, and I sure as hell can't figure out which of his parents he takes after cos he looks nothing at all like either of them! :lol:


    Carrie Fisher looked and sounded pretty uncomfortable on screen and even C3PO seemed fairly out of character based on his previous depictions. I didn't like how Luke Skywalker was viewed as being "a myth" when it only been, what, 30 years since the fall of the Empire?


    And I'm almost positive that Luke's last lightsabre (in ROTJ) was a green one! He lost his father's blue one at the end of Empire and made himself a new one for ROTJ... yet the one that calls to Daisy Ridley is blue... am I meant to believe that the blue 'sabre was somehow recovered from Bespin...? Or will it be revealed that he made himself another blue one after the end of ROTJ...?


    This has turned into a bit of a rant, hasn't it! :lol: Oh well, here's my list of SW films ranked from best to worst:


    The Empire Strikes Back

    A New Hope

    Revenge Of The Sith

    Return Of The Jedi

    The Force Awakens

    Attack Of The Clones

    The Phantom Menace


    I'll get back to doing some work now..... :thumbs:

    • Like 1
  10. Anyone seen the trailer?


    Big fan of the original, WTF is going on???????????????


    Yet another Hollywood "reboot" because it seems that people are running low on original ideas... I've precisely no interest in this film whatsoever.


    Edit: having just actually watched that spoof trailer (which was diabolical!), I imagine it'll still be better than the forthcoming film! :lol:

    • Like 1
  11. You planning on having Mondo retrim it? He lives round the corner from me so I can deliver it to him to do the work then he can ship direct to you :thumbs:


    I was just thinking that!


    Are you going back to a Z32 wheel now...?

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