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Posts posted by Richy

  1. If the car is brand new could you not put the onus on the garage to sort it out?

    I would rather sort out myself. The garage is two hours away, and I feel happier doing it myself that letting some else loose on the car !!
  2. How do I get rid of huge amounts of wax from my engine bay ? It is thick stuff and all over the paint work, as well as some of the plastic, and around all the bolts. It looks like someone was waxing it before I collected it new, and forgot to clean off. The heat of the engine has made it dry like concrete !!! :scare:


    Having cleaned the car for the first time since I picked it up, I am really frustrated to know that the engine looks like it has snowed in there.


    Any recommendations gratefully received.

  3. When driving back two hours from the garage after picking my new car up, the only recognition I got was a bus giving me his warning lights. To be honest the only reason I let him in was I didn't fancy a prang on my first day of ownership. :) Unless there is a Zed owner that drives a bus near Hastings. ;)

  4. Have you cleaned it yet? :stir::D

    I feel slightly embarrassed knowing it is in the garage dirty. Unfortunately it was so cold and wet when I got it back home, and it had been a four hour drive to and from the garage, I couldn't face any cleaning.


    It was a tight squeeze getting into the garage. Car is a fair bit wider than my old Alfa, though not as long. I can see I am going to have to be careful to avoid any scrapes. :scare:


    First impressions are that it is a keeper. :lol:

    • Like 1
  5. Just got back from picking the car up.


    Can't get the smile off my face. :D Looking forward to spending this evening reading through all the paperwork. Still not sure the golf clubs will go in the back. :blush:


    The colour is superb, although having driven home in the rain I will have to clean the car tomorrow. ;)


    i will try and get my daughter to put some photos up.

  6. Don't worry - it's a Nismo specific issue. They put spacers in the front springs to stop the front lip getting damaged on the boat. Apparently dealers often forget to have them removed (which explains some of the unfairly harsh reviews about the Nismo's ride quality).

    Thanks for confirming that. I will stop worrying !!
  7. pm sipar69 - he mentioned removing something around the wheels / brakes - they left it on on his new nismo. But i too cannot remember exactly what was left on the car.


    Pleased to hear it is not just me. :)


    Thanks for the comments, and I will make sure they check the springs just in case.

  8. I hope this is in the correct section.


    I am picking up my new GT on Sunday, and I seem to remember reading that I need to check that something, not sure what, has been removed by the garage. Something from the engine bay ?The garage I am buying from doesn't normally sell Nissan sports cars, so not sure if they will know what to do.


    Sorry this is so vague, but can't find the appropriate thread.


    Can't wait until Sunday. :)

  9. Have just taken delivery of my Invidia Gemini Exhaust courtesy of CS.


    Will get some pics posted up once fitted.

    Would be good to hear it as well.


    Any idea what the fitting cost is likely to be,assuming you are not doing it yourself.


    Haven't even taken delivery of my car, and I am looking into new exhausts. :)

  10. I am collecting a new Midnight Blue GT by the end of the month. Hoping it looks as good in the flesh as it does in the pictures. Midnight Blue and Magma red have recently been introduced to the colour range.


    I like the alloys, perhaps because they are different. Not so sure about the red calipers with the blue though.

    • Like 1
  11. Quick update. Deposit paid and car due for delivery 23 March !! My dealer friend managed to get one from another garage showroom in the right colour, midnight blue. He got me a great deal, which was too good to turn down. Having prepared myself to wait until July, I am now rather excited. :)

    • Like 2
  12. The guy in Aldershot was going to try and register it earlier for me to have a test drive. Had to say no, as I knew I would want it and it is over budget. I convinced myself I didn't like the body kit. :)

  13. Welcome! Is there anyone on here who would let you drive theirs? Or find one for sale as local as possible and go for a drive. Have Aldershot nissan got any?


    I'm in Camberley so not far from you...only a 350z tho, I'm afraid so can't be much help



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    It is the Aldershot garage that have just sold their demonstrator.


    I will look into sorting out a test drive in London. At the moment I am driving my wife's Honda Jazz, as I have given my daughter my Alfa. I have a feeling the 370 might feel a little different. :)


    Thanks for the offer Will, but I am not sure I would be a good passenger !!!


    Very frustrating, but hopefully will get something sorted.

  14. Just had my test drive cancelled as local garage has sold the demonstrator. Next one they can offer is not until April, and the current deal on GT's runs out at the end of March. I could probably get one from a London dealer, but it means taking a day off work in all probability.


    I am tempted to buy without testing, as I have checked over the car a couple of times and love the looks, driving position etc. Am I taking a big risk, could I really hate the car when I drive it ? Reviews I have read seem to say it is a great drive, and the criticisms seem to be more about interior quality, space and visibility which I am fine with.


    Any thoughts.


    Also I am looking to buy factory mats, though they seem quite expensive. Are they good quality ? Also are the running plates (sorry can't remember the correct name for the life of me) that go on the sills worth investing into. ?

  15. You are only about 10 miles from me so if you fancy a little trip in a 370 to see what a it sounds like with a proper exhaust (the first thing you should buy as the stock exhaust is really disappointing) give me a shout.

    Strangely I was just on another part of the site listening to exhaust sounds !! I was even clicking on the links and looking at costs. I have heard that the stock exhaust is disappointing, although neighbours may think otherwise. :)


    Very kind offer. Once I get the car I will get back to you. It is going to be a long slow wait until July though.

  16. :welcome: from yet another midnight blue!

    Hey this Club is starting to get too big. :) I was wondering if midnight blue is darker than it appears in most pictures with full sun. I did read on a US forum that it was actually navy, and can appear nearly black. I suppose I would prefer the colour to be darker than lighter, just as the name suggests.


    Sorry to bang on about the colour, but it is quite difficult to buy a car without seeing the colour in person. I am sure I will not be disappointed, but there is always that nagging doubt.


    It does seem very friendly on here, and I look forward to getting involved.

  17. Thanks for all the welcomes.


    Just had an update from my dealer mate. Delivery is not until end of July, unless I want a black one , which would be next month. The new red is available now, Magma, but I think this has an orange tint to it, which I am not so keen on. Looks like it will be Midnight Blue then, which was my first choice, so not a problem. Must admit the deal seems great on the car. A nice big discount off the list price, payment over three years with a £1500 deposit thrown in and APR at 4.9%. Free servicing and RAC cover for three years, and a paint guard as well. I am pleased I let my mate beat me at golf now. ;)

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