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Posts posted by Richy

  1. this is how it starts .......

    I did got the urge to whip my flat cap off as well. ;)


    Steady on tiger, it's a family forum


    One minute you're enjoying driving barefoot and it escalates ..., next thing is ... It's the early hours of the morning, you're parked up in the pitch black of night in a layby, naked, awaiting the familiar sight of those jaguar headlights to appear in the distance (SMD)

    I am shocked, and it takes a lot to shock me.


    You can recognise jaguar lights at night ? :)

    • Like 1
  2. Managed to get my shoes locked in the clubhouse tonight, which meant either driving the 370 home in my spikes or barefooted (Well socks actually) Spikes on aluminium didn't seem very sensible, so it was socks. I have heard rumours that ladies do such things. :unsure:


    Must admit it wasn't too bad, and I had quite a delicate touch with the accelerator for a change. :)

  3. Right then... I have been in touch with j17 today.

    I outlined that my car isn't the 300spec and all that jazz the guy listened and argued his point saying it's not his fault it's someone else's. So he said he'd ring me back and check over everything his end so basically they've rang back and offered me a nice deal which I'm disclosing but I'm happy with it. :)


    You haven't told us what the deal was Matt.. :surrender:


    We cannot wait.. :yahoo:

    You should know not to believe everything you read. ;)
    • Like 1
  4. I was driving my Alfa 156 up to a give way junction, and seeing there was no traffic to stop me turning left, I dropped down out of third to carry on. The engine decided to stall, but more worrying than that the steering wheel locked.. I frantically braked hard whilst struggling to get the wheel unlocked, and managed to finish in the middle of the road, covering both lanes. :scare:


    Fortunately nothing hit me, but I did get one hell of a shock.

    • Like 1
  5. Spotted a 350 in gold near the football ground before last nights game against Leicester. As I was in my wife's Jazz I didn't make myself known ! Didn't fancy leaving my 370 parked on a street near a football ground. :unsure:


    Anyone on here ? Still yet to see another 370.


    By 'gold' do you mean orange?


    If so then that was me lol.. Was going to the other side of reading but I didn't realise they were playing :( took me forever in the traffic!

    Sorry, yes I mean orange !! You did seem to be heading in the wrong direction for the match !!! :)


    Haha, yeah footballs not really my thing, love playing it but I don't really follow it! However I think I need to start keeping track of when reading play so I know to avoid that route :lol:


    Are you local then?

    Not really. I live in Farnham, but used to live in Caversham. Been supporting Reading since the 70's, and go with my daughter. Usually get dropped off by the wife while she goes shopping, but evening games have to park up the side roads. Your Zed looked good from what I saw as it flashed by !! :)
  6. Spotted a 350 in gold near the football ground before last nights game against Leicester. As I was in my wife's Jazz I didn't make myself known ! Didn't fancy leaving my 370 parked on a street near a football ground. :unsure:


    Anyone on here ? Still yet to see another 370.


    By 'gold' do you mean orange?


    If so then that was me lol.. Was going to the other side of reading but I didn't realise they were playing :( took me forever in the traffic!

    Sorry, yes I mean orange !! You did seem to be heading in the wrong direction for the match !!! :)
  7. Spotted a 350 in gold near the football ground before last nights game against Leicester. As I was in my wife's Jazz I didn't make myself known ! Didn't fancy leaving my 370 parked on a street near a football ground. :unsure:


    Anyone on here ? Still yet to see another 370.

  8. 302421 hours old approximately. ;)


    About 34.5 then....well someone had to



    Was going to put it in seconds but I thought that's just taking the pi**. :lol:;)


    Haha it would . Then I'd feel really old.

    Lot's older than you & me both on here, ...but I think the young one's are starting to take over now. :lol:;)


    Well when I was a lad first car was a mk2 fiesta XR2 at 19 . MR2 at 21 .Celica at 23 .RX8 at 29. I like jap cars! So you young un's have started well. Haha

    My first car at 19 was a Capri 1.6. Second car was a Capri 2.0. :blush:
  9. Tempted by a personalised number plate. Never bothered in the past, but the new registrations are so long I can't remember mine. :) That's my excuse anyway. Plate that has taken my fancy is R1 VSH. It is mine, my wife's and my daughters christian names initials, plus our surname. Also I was born on the 1st and a single 1 looks good on a plate in my opinion.


    Plate is £499 from DVLA which seems reasonable. Down side is it does mean ditching a nice new 14 plate. Any opinions and does R1 VSH have any connotation that I haven't thought of. ;)

  10. Well that was hard work, just worked up a thirst for a pint.









    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Looks good and a well earned beer.


    I like the matching door handles and wheels. Must admit I am not sure about the handles on my new car, and was wondering if they could be sprayed the same colour as the body work. Did you do yours yourself ?

    • Like 1
  11. Sounds like transport wax. The garage would normally steam this off. Any other method will take you a very long time. I'd really ask them to do it for you on this occasion as they will be faster and better at it.

    I think you are right. I will see if I can get it steamed off. Thanks for the advice.
  12. Can you post up any photos of your engine bay? It would give fellow forum members the chance to give you the best possible remedies.

    Unfortunately my daughter has my camera and she is in the Czech Republic this weekend. I will get some photos up when she returns.


    To me it looks like wax, that has been applied to all the engine bay paintwork. Almost like white candle wax It can be scrapped off, but my fingers are rather sore now !! Can't think why anyone would grease the paintwork. A little bit was on the plastic, but it rubbed off with a lot of elbow grease.


    I have contacted the dealer, who will no doubt confirm what it is. Just being impatient as I feel the car is dirty when it should be pristine.


    I love the midnight blue colour though. It is different colours in different lights, and it does hide the dirt. Having given it a good clean it doesn't look any different. :)

  13. It may be grease, I get that a lot in work I do (I'm a detailer), best thing for the exterior is to wash it with warm water and then clay bar it or use some iron-x or fallout remover then re wash and use a clay bar and lube on it. Can you take some pics of it? Engine wise it may not be as accessible so a good de greaser should shift it... :)


    I think a good de greaser is what I need. It is only the engine bay that is affected, but some areas are really difficult to get at. Am I looking for a car product, or a general; cleaning one ?

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