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Posts posted by Kraziekatz1

  1. Well the mileage won't be worse than current Scooby!


    Does your nephew have any advice, points to look for when viewing, problems etc?


    I will speak to him and find out but generally they are great cars. Certainly have amazing road presence.

    Yeah out of all the cars he's been looking at this is the one I would prefer....

  2. ^^ Its no secret ;)


    I get new car ownership, especially new models, kudos etc, but, only when you can afford to be the one doing his nut on depreciation. You will loose 20% as soon as you drive of the forecourt and i cant believe anyone who earns £16k would want to give away a third of his wages in one sitting with the rest to promptly follow.


    Put the £350 a month away towards the deposit and by the time you have saved that up, you probably wont be too far away from owning one outright ;)


    I know, I can't believe someone took photos let alone release the video on the Internet. Paris Hilton's got nothing on our skills :lol:

    I believe the camera was your idea, darling ;)


    • Like 1
  3. [quote name='Humpy' timestamp='1454084708' post='1580007']
    [quote name='Jetpilot' timestamp='1454084346' post='1580004']Humpy, what kind of a discount can you do me on water softeners, looking for 2 at present ;) and yes that is my question :)

    Does Humpy nominate the next person Fanny?[/quote]
    Depends if you want electric or non electric, amount of people in house etc etc and I'm sure there could be a discount if you are after two ;)

    Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
    Might look you up for a quote, we had a couple of companies round last year....can't remember who, get bored to tears with that stuff, OH seems to enjoy it though. Can't remember what we (by we, I mean him) decided on electric vs non electric. Seemed to remember something about quantities of salt blocks being involved. Bring a car for me to play in, talk water softeners pros and cons with my OH.....I just want less limescale in the bathroom and gorgeously soft hair like when I'm on holiday ;)

  4. Why do you think I have a 4x4, plenty of room, seats recline, privacy glass...............need I say more ;)


    Perhaps Linus can elaborate :teeth:

    Perhaps you can elaborate????

    as much as this is a bit of a chuckle ............... the topic thread is a v8 mustang ? :wacko:



    Ms Katz - you're heading for another title change :stir:

    Look Mr Already Abusing Your Power Too Much.......watch your step, you're already in my bad books!!


    Why do you think I have a 4x4, plenty of room, seats recline, privacy glass...............need I say more ;)


    Perhaps Linus can elaborate :teeth:




    What she is trying to say is she's actually the pope and this is her car :)



    Oohh, good save ;)


    Back on topic.......I think OP should get the mustang, to hell with boring mortgages :)

    • Like 1
  5. Oh dear! Sounds like it might have broken for good this time Jetpilot?


    I only noticed yesterday that the car makes a high pitched alarm noise (only audible to cats & dogs) when you don't close the boot properly.


    Im not Jetpilot :lol: . The boot buzzer buzzes when the boot has been left open for "x" amount of time, x=about a minute or two, on the roadster.



    lol Apologies, my phone likes to autocorrect for me. Not noticed the boot alarm before.
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