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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. Linus27

    My Z

    My god, that would be my dream Z. Stunning.
  2. Aha also did another's video from the same era where they used the drawing type video effect.
  3. I thought exactly the same! You're showing your age Well, she is getting on, the big 5 0 next year I am led to believe. I'll have to double check with the guys at work Hey Linus, look out the window.....think someones just let your tyres down mate oh and put a big pile of something brown & steamin' on your BGW Blimey, you've been saving that up for a while. What did you eat last night .... beef curry Linus 1 Kraziekatz 0 Oh my god, she wasn't joking, there really was some brown crap over my car when I left :scare: Wish I had taken a photo now. Hate to say but I think it's Linus 1 Kraziekatz 1 Revenge will be forthcoming
  4. Oooohhh this looks like a good product, might give this a try. Our Scooby really needs some TLC so I might treat it to one of these.
  5. Oh, so much opportunity here to make a cheeky reply but I shall behave, I'll only suffer for it on Monday Have you seen the latest thing they do at the CN Tower, they let you walk around the outside of it attached to ropes and even lean right out. Not a chance in hell would I do that. I also jumped on the glass when I was there, but then again, I was only eleven unlike you who's a grown adult I have leaned out of a plane at 13k feet as it raced to the ground trying to get down and land before the skydivers landed. The pilot couldn't lean back and shut the door with her long stick as she nose dived to the earth so I offered to do it for her. She was young, tanned, hot and came from Dallas so it was the least I could do as she tried to kill me by crashing into the ground
  6. Same here.....does your involve a forum member????? No? Why does yours?? Is Linus in your nightmares? Oh my god, you are giving me nighmares just thinking about the thought of me in Kraziekatz1's head. I know some of the other things that go through her head and believe me, its far from normal and some of it is verging on psychotic, please don't put me in there with them as well, I'll never be the same again or even make it out alive
  7. I remember those cars. They totally dominated if I remember correctly. Also remember the adverts that followed, something about the car in front is a Nissan. Would be great to have Nissan back in the series.
  8. I could be wrong but I get the impression that Nissan in the UK does not have such a strong image due to cars like the Micra and Datsun Bluebird. In the US, the image is more to do with the 240z etc. I could be wrong but I also get that impression when the brand is mentioned. I bet Mustang sales in the US are huge.
  9. Sorry, what ?? HAHAHAHA excellent reply
  10. I've never ever been able to draw so amazed at people who can.
  11. I thought exactly the same! You're showing your age Well, she is getting on, the big 5 0 next year I am led to believe. I'll have to double check with the guys at work Hey Linus, look out the window.....think someones just let your tyres down mate oh and put a big pile of something brown & steamin' on your BGW Blimey, you've been saving that up for a while. What did you eat last night .... beef curry
  12. I think I would do a little nervous wee in my pants if that happened to me followed by slowly walking off it
  13. I thought exactly the same! You're showing your age Well, she is getting on, the big 5 0 next year I am led to believe. I'll have to double check with the guys at work
  14. Amazing drawings, much better than anything I could do.
  15. I love that video so much especially the old style Cafe Racer motorbike guys. Nice and retro
  16. I find track driving a totally different mentality to other driving. For me it's not just about going as fast as you can, it more about perfecting the skills to make you a better driver which in turn will make you quicker. Focusing on balancing the car, coming off the throttle smoothly, applying the brakes correctly, coming off the brakes smoothly and balancing the throttle and steering inputs as you unwind exiting the corner, focusing on the correct line and trying new lines. I also love understanding how your car behaves on track and learning the way it handles. My old Civic Type R at Castle Combe, I had to always turn in much earlier than normal to make the apex as it didn't like the ideal line. Caught me out a few times but set a whole new challenge to focus on. However, when the rain came, my god did the car come alive and it was like a totally different machine. Even the Lotus instructor who was coaching me couldn't believe how much it changed. For day to day driving, you do very little working on this precise type of driving as it's more routine and regulated. Yes you get the chance to have some nice blats on various B roads but you never turn around and try the corner again and again to perfect it. I love the technical aspect of circuit driving more than the speed.
  17. Like it, took me a while to find my favourites, Monaco but found Sebring straight away
  18. Wow amazing footage and looked like great fun.
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