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Posts posted by gstraw

  1. I thought they were pretty poor tbh! Had them on my Celica and the sidewalls collapsed after 30 mins on the track. Couldn't wait to get rid of them. Got t1R and they were like night and day difference.

    Planning on trying MPSS but my mate who has an M4 said they can't get the power down so now I'm not even sure what to get next lol

  2. Mate looking good!! Can't wait to see the car when your done. I think it will easily be up there with one of the best in the club. Very tasteful mods you have there. The cf parts wil look great on your car colour.

    Give me a shout when your free. Would love to see how the wing looks before I take the plunge! Maybe I will also convince you to get a cf fang cover to go with the evo R lip you got. They look great together!

  3. Yeah that's why I got it. Would have returned it but the bodyshop already started chopping it. At least when I sell it on the kit will be a good fit!! Colour looks great in the flesh. Might get bigger tail pipes to fill out the space in the rear

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